(I think that) NoFap is bollocks

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Dec 27, 2019.

  1. Name calling is an acceptable expression of dissatisfaction for 10 year old, but it is out of style by the time you reach 18, it is silly and childish after that age.
    This forum is not for children
  2. Okay, sir. I'm sorry, sir.
  3. TheSickBoy

    TheSickBoy Fapstronaut

    Well, you caught me. We all were lying to you about nofap, my apologies. The truth is, we all are just a bunch of paid actors trying to promote something to satisfy the admin's ego. Nofap doesn't exist. The benefits? They all are just made up stories, none of them are real. Dont try nofap, its bollocks.
    getbetter73 and Enulv like this.
  4. rob13_

    rob13_ Fapstronaut

    Im just doing it to say I was disciplined enough to go 90 without beating it. Idc about benefits Ill get them elsewhere

  5. Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.
    Come on. I know you can do better than that.
    How about you take me seriously now and tell me exactly how did NoFap improve your life?
  6. TheSickBoy

    TheSickBoy Fapstronaut

    Now we're talking.
    NoFap didn't give me superpowers like the ones people claim but here are some changes I have noticed:
    - I feel sleepy a lot when I'm bored
    - When I am doing something, I have lots of energy and motivation to do it
    - Music sounds way better
    - I was already good socially but now I can make better jokes and people now have fun around me
    These are the "believable" benefits I got. Some unexplainable benefits include:
    - Girls make eye contact with me which didn't happen previously
    - My height increase by 3 inches (that would've been due to bad posture)
    I know you'd be skeptical about the last two benefits but I really can't explain them to you. Heck, I can't understand why it happens myself. All I know is, it just happens.

    See man, you're smart enough to refute all the claims of the people. You're also bold enough to question rather then follow like a sheep. All we can do is discuss but at the end of the day, you're going to make the choice. I really think you should give this thing a try. The worst thing that can happen is, you might exhaust your porn subscription and lose some money.
  7. requiem4thyme

    requiem4thyme Fapstronaut

    Joshua, there are many sources and studies that explain the psychological problems with porn. But if you personally don't experience those tendencies of course you would be a skeptic. This is similar to a non-alcoholic trying to tell an alcoholic all they need to do is only have two beers... The person with the problem is wired differently.

    Here is a video I found helpful in explaining why porn isn't right. I hope you like it:
  8. When did I tell you what you need to do?
    And the video is really bad. I didn't like it at all.

    I am happy if you're happy.
    But you must admit these benefits aren't that solid?
    They definitely aren't life-changing.
    They definitely aren't convincing.
    They definitely aren't worth the trouble. Not for me anyway.
    "Girls make eye contact with me" what? I mean, if that was your dream and it came true then as I said, I'm happy for you.
    But that is bollocks to me. Definitely not a life-improvement or anything like that.

    Subscribtion? What are you on about?
    Porn is free. Who on earth would pay for it?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2020
  9. pokershark

    pokershark Fapstronaut

    F*ck two beers, give me Hennessy and dr. Pepper

    Well, I don't experience any NoFAP benefits nor I do have any problem with porn. I simply won't take it that I must masturbate and don't have a real girlfriend because when I grew up people lied about sex and nobody helped me with my life approach issues at the time. They can all fuck themselves. I'll last pure. I'll bear the burden with a fat grin on my face and no worry on my mind.
  10. requiem4thyme

    requiem4thyme Fapstronaut

    Joshua, you never told me to do anything.

    My correlation was regarding the nonalcoholic not being able to understand the alcoholic's tendencies. You may simply not understand the porn addict because you do not identify with the problems porn addicts have.

    That was all I was alluding to, you clearly do not have any problems with watching porn and that's why you think it's bollocks.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2020
  11. I know what it means to be addicted to something.
    It's all in your head.
    Denial is why addicts stay addicts.
    And I don't refer to denial of their addiction.
    I am referring to denial of people who are clearly interested in them and try to offer them a fresh perspective on the problem.
    I am also referring to denial of obvious facts which could also offer them a fresh perspective.
    Think of it this way; you keep doing X with the mind set on achieving the result Y.
    You keep doing X but for some reason it doesn't work. You are not any closer to the Y than you were to begin with.
    Why not try the Z and see if that works?
    This is the approach that got me to the point in life I am now.
    It works for everyone who follows it.
    This approach is called Learning From Your Mistakes and Trying Doing Things Differently If The Earlier Method Didn't Work As Expected.
  12. requiem4thyme

    requiem4thyme Fapstronaut

    Addiction is more than just in your head, there is a chemical and physical component too. If people use these forums to help them with their compulsive behavior then that's a great starting point! I do see many posts that may not by scientifically accurate but if it brings them closer to a solution then it's serving the greater good.

    There are many people who think AA is bollocks but it does work for people who try it with honest intentions.
    fedmom likes this.
  13. fedmom

    fedmom Fapstronaut

    The problem though is the solution doesn't seem to be known by many users. A doctor won't even give medication to people with porn addictions.
  14. TheSickBoy

    TheSickBoy Fapstronaut

    I actually found your reply hilarious. Secondly, if you're thinking one single thing can change your life, I'm sorry but there goes your common sense down the drain once again.

    NoFap is a catalyst- nevermind. If you're happy watching videos of other people eat when you're hungry, I got no issue.

    Seems like you're too naive or haven't explored enough.

    What I can conclude about you after your replies, is that, you love to beat around the bush. I can provide more evidences and also solid proof, but why should I?
    requiem4thyme likes this.
  15. requiem4thyme

    requiem4thyme Fapstronaut

    I honestly think JoshuaGraham is struggling with a porn problem and this is his way of reaching out and exploring people who are living without porn. Why would anyone come here to criticise, what incentive is there to come here and piss people off who want to better their lives? Would a person go to a drug abuse meeting and say it's "bullocks" without having a drug problem in the first place?

    JoshuaGraham may be struggling with porn and this is how he is venting his frustration.

    We come here because we want a real relationship with real people, we do not want a relationship with our phone by ourselves.

    JoshuaGraham, why did you come here in the first place? Do you have a problem with porn?
  16. pokershark

    pokershark Fapstronaut

    Dude, you're an idiot. Seriously. Go educate yourself. Re-learn basic calculus, do something. Your ignorance is so stupid and naive, it's like 5th graders (worse of 5th graders, there's decent 5th graders too)

    No, it's not denial. What denial? Are you delusional? Try going not using porn NoFAP and not visiting any social media for 1 week and then say something. Will you fail because of denial? Or will you simply not attempt as you know you'll fail beforehand.
    For me dropping alcohol is easy, for an alcohol addict it's close to impossible. You tell a professional runner (mid to long distance, doesn't matter, both are capable) to run 10 miles non stop, at, I dunno. 4:59 per km pace. It's easy for them, they can do it 2am mid sleep, wake up, run, go back to sleep or same after mid-saturated dinner with sirloin and greasy sauce and two beers. 4:59 pace is nothing for those guys, they're animals at running.

    Now, think normal people, like you. They don't run 10 miles non-stop in their lifetime. Ever. That's just ridiculous. Most people (male, for girls it's even more crazy) don't run 10 miles non stop, ever, in their lifetime.
  17. One of the worst positions people can find themselves in is being entrenched in their beliefs to the point where it becomes impossible for them to accept they maybe wrong.
    When people reach this point it becomes impossible to help them.

    I am sad to see people become so stiff in their beliefs that no rational discussion can be made, and discussions like these end up with personal attacks, name calling etc.

    All I have experienced here is everyone pushing same set of ideas down everyone else's throat, over and over and over. Anyone who does not get in line - is called all sorts of names and demonized.
    This is a complex topic and we all have much to learn, then why do we have war of beliefs instead of productive discussion?

    I think people accept beliefs and hold on to them for dear life, ready to shred anyone who questions.

    I came here also hoping pornography was the problem, and over the last year my views have changed significantly. Not because I could not do it, but because I was objective, if it did not work as described - I was honest about it with myself.
    I understood why it does not work, I researched and learned. I found why it does not work and I found what does.

    But when people like me come here and explain why it does not work, we are met with foaming mouths of hate. How dare you say it does not work!
    I came to realization that many people here do not actually want to change their life in practice, they are here to sit around some idea and share their stories and pain.
    Just make that clear to people that come here, so they are not confused for too long, - "we just sit around NoFap and talk about our problems" noone is allowed to question "NoFap" hail "NoFap"
    requiem4thyme likes this.
  18. requiem4thyme

    requiem4thyme Fapstronaut

    What worked for you to quit porn?
  19. You say this is the evidence?

    I mean...
    If you say so, so be it.
  20. This is exactly what I mean when I say entrenched in your beliefs.