"Female attraction"

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Dec 29, 2019.

  1. Biggest lie ever tbh. when i began nofap, i did it because i thought not fapping and being confident that i can have sex would change something.

    As time went by, despite constatnly improving myself, i was either invisible to women or just got flat out rejected.

    Now, nofap does have benefits but tbh without getting laid a virgin cannot rly escape porn. That is because you repress your sexuality all the time whcih causes it to split from you as a person and is becomes a burden.

    Im not gl, i have always been rejected by girls since i was a kid, nofap did make me feel better but did nothing when it comes to attactiveness.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2019
  2. Bro nofap is not some magical pill that will solve your problem.It is a process in which you replace your porn addiction with a positive habit.You want become a magnet because of NoFap but it will allow you to focus on improving your social skill and your "game".You misunderstand the point of NoFap.
  3. its all baout looks man. i have high verbal and social iq but they are uselss
  4. Well it's not all about looks but it is very important.Women are just lying when they say that looks don't matter.But other stuff has influence too like your confidence,life goals,social skills and money.If you don't have good looks then you can't do nothing about it.But that doesn't mean you should give up.You just need to focus on developing the things you can like physical fitness,your career,social skills.The only thing that good looks do is making things easier.But you can still do it
    kaylee time likes this.
  5. i developed all these things. women dont care. most men who have sex are good looking with little eduaction and abilities
  6. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    Yep,finally when they hit the wall and they are 30 and you are 30 and well established in your career, then they want you. But the question is, do you want them at 30 when they are all used up? The answer is NO. So, what I'm gonna do is work on my body and conversation skills,while putting heavy focus on my career and if a quality woman comes along in that time I'd make it happen. If not,so be it.
  7. Clem_Stump

    Clem_Stump New Fapstronaut

    It's an extrovert's world - gotta love dancing and partying, AND be hot to boot, otherwise you're toast
  8. just be good looking
  9. Legit1

    Legit1 Fapstronaut

    That's weird as hell. When I always have a streak of 18 days or higher, my hair becomes more stylish and manageable and my acne starts fading slowly. When I end up binge fapping, my hair can't be managed, skin looks dull, few pimples pop up, and I just look like a guy who hasn't slept for a week. I know it's tough to believe, but in my case, this NoFap thing does work on attractiveness.
  10. Max666

    Max666 Fapstronaut

    My advice to Mandala. Change your priority. Dont put 'the girl' at the top. That's really where you're going wrong.

    Think about it from her perspective, she's being approached by a guy who just has to have a girl in his life because that will radically change everything for him, he wont be lonely anymore, he wont be insecure, he'll have everything he needs (And by the way, she'll sense all that as you approach her). Now wouldn't a girl be more attracted to a guy who isn't all the above?
  11. I'd say if this is your attitude, you're still in need of some work bud :/
    kaylee time, IbrahimViking and muhagg like this.
  12. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    What attitude exactly? Care to explain?
  13. blademaster87

    blademaster87 Fapstronaut

    The testosteron boost always feels awesome to me, I think women are naturally attracted to confidence, hormones will give you that.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2019
  14. Saying that women are "...all used up at 30...", assuming that they suddenly snap at 30, that men are implicitly more established in their careers then, etc.

    It kinda suggests some underlying thoughts that are probably part of why guys with them struggle with women
    kaylee time and muhagg like this.
  15. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    Most of them are used up, sexually or emotionally. And even if they are not their reproductive qualities start to decline and there is a clear rush to find a provider for the children. However at 30, they are not as attractive as they were at 20 so their bargaining power is worse off. Was just describing a general trend I see in the world around me. Of course there's decent women out there and there are men who are a wreck at 30 as well. The unfortuane relaity is when you look for a decent woman and you barely can find her beacuse of the happenstance, that we are in. That is no way excuse to stop looking or saying women are good for nothing, but it swtill sucks, that's how I feel.
  16. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Sorry buddy, but you definitely don't have high verbal and social IQ, judging by your posts on here. You post meandering streams of thoughts all about yourself, you barely engage with anyone else except to try and catch them out or try and confirm your own prejudice, you have no interest in women except to fuck them and blame everyone but yourself when they don't want to. Can you walk into a room of strangers and make a new friend? I don't mean go and talk at someone for a while, but a new friend that is actually engaged with you and you have mutual respect for. This is considerably easier than seducing a woman, but it's a similar skill.
    The good news is, that you can learn these skills. It isn't even that hard to learn, a basic bit of empathy goes a long way. But you have to take personal responsibility for your own life, stop blaming 'society' and 'women' for your own failings.

    I'm still engaging you because I want to help you get out of this rut. Life doesn't have to be like this.
    kaylee time, again, muhagg and 2 others like this.
  17. Literally this...
    Balla33 and kaylee time like this.
  18. Kligor

    Kligor Fapstronaut

    I don't know for you buddy,for me nofap works.I have reduced dark circles under eyes,sometimes when i sleep good there is no dark circles,hair looks better,eyes are shiny.I even get comments from people that i look good.I used to picture myself last year+ i see change.Don't do this for girls,do nofap for yourself then better things will come.
    kaylee time and That'sJustDandy like this.
  19. lol at this placebo
  20. Hey, if it works...