Fat guys are never incels

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Dec 30, 2019.

  1. I know a lot of fat guys wo have sex. Usually its with fat girls but still, im fit and i have gotten rejected by fatties.

    And that its because naturally fat men develop lots of confidence and master the art of being comfortable with themselves which makes them very lovable and attractive to women.

    Incels, on the other hand, are usually skinny guys who think that getting muscular will get them laid only to realize that it doesnt do shit and eventually they start feeling awakward because they physically strong yet weak little virgins on the inside.
  2. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    Gain some weight then.
    IbrahimViking likes this.
  3. im not naturally fat so it wont work for me
  4. i_have_pizza

    i_have_pizza Fapstronaut

    U're messing up the reasons. Guys becoming fat because they already don't really care and have confidence. The guys who is going to gym started to do so because they got problems before it. But it's not the rule for all.
  5. im talking about naturally fat guys, guys who were fat as kids before their sex drive kicked in
  6. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    You laid it out yourself: Confidence is what makes you attractive, not your physical appearance. That being said, fit guys usually are a lot more confident with themselves, because they worked hard to look that way and they know it. And that is totally understandable and totally fine. This doesn't mean, that fat guys can't be confident, but on average fat guys aren't very happy with themselves and therefore lack confidence.

    I'm sure, that you being rejected doesn't have to do with your fitness level: If you behave in real life as you write your posts, no wonder you got rejected. You're posts are full of self-pitty and toxicity. You're looking for excuses and blame everyone except yourself. That's not attractive at all.

    Also, there is no such thing as a "natural fat guy".
  7. only for fat guys because they have unbelivible amounts of confidence due to being fat from young ages

    fit guys are to self consious and obsessed with macros and shit to b confident. and being paranoid abot woring out isnt attractive. women can sense if you are not comfortable in your own skin

    i dont care rly. i dont even care if i die a virgin, i will be part of the majority anyway hahaha.
  8. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    What the fuck are you even talking about?

    You sound so pathetic, dude. Your attitude isn't going to help you one bit. You sound like an overgrown child.

    The fact, that you post this shit shows that you do care. Either that, or you are simpy a troll.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. confidence has to come from the inside not from muscles, accomplishments, nofap etc.

    its nice to talk about these things since sex and virginity are a taboo nowdays. people will tell yu that you dont need women and shit and yet the same people will treat you like a weirdo knowing that you are a virgin. i know from personal experience.
  10. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    1. I don't know how many fat guys you've seen in your life, but the vast majority of them is not very confident at all.

    2. Instead of "confidence" you could say "self respect", because that's technically what we're talking about. And why should anyone have self respect just because? There is nothing noble about being useless and doing nothing all day. You can only have respect for yourself, when you earn it by doing something worthwhile, by not wasting your potential and making something out of yourself, by adopting responsibility, by accomploshing something valuable due do your own value structure.

    What is your point? You're virgin and you don't care. Okay. Yet you keep whining about the reasons you're virgin. Do you have a message or are you just trying to compensate your flaws by blaming them on everything except yourself?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. most people ar euselss and do nothing all day yet they marry and reproduce.
  12. Xexos

    Xexos Fapstronaut

    Don't bother, no matter how much you talk to those Incels they won't listen and they'll act arrogant and cunty until they decide to finally grow up and mature and stop being such assholes.
    Optimum Fortitude likes this.
  13. Things make you go, "Hmmmm".

    These posts and the frequency of the posts reminds me of someone, somewhere, and at a not so distant time in the past.
    IR254 likes this.
  14. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    You mean some "Warrior", who happened to be "Virgin" as well and write pretty much the same kind of bullshit until he got banned eventually? I had some similiar thoughts...
  15. Yep
  16. Man, I hope you realize that most people in this here community don't buy the incel/ redpill (or however you call it) propaganda (and most don't even know what the fuck that is).

    You're going to get a lot of resistence from us if you try to spread that bullshit in here. But we like to argue, so whatever.
  17. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Before too long, hopefully. Guy got lots of engagement and sound advice in other threads, just ignores it and insults everyone who is wiser intelligent and more worldly than himself, and kind enough to give him sound advice.

    He's obviously in a bad place. But he's also a troll who contributes nothing and wouldn't recognise good advice if it slapped him in the face. There is nothing for him here.
  18. So your theory says: 'Only fat, good looking and lucky guys get laid' So why are you even crying about it? If they get laid, they do. You don't. Boom, end of the story. Case closed, you're not one to get laid in this lifetime. Period.
    Optimum Fortitude likes this.

    MONSTER MONK Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    This is crap. Perhaps if you stop loathing yourself things could be different
    IR254 and Optimum Fortitude like this.
  20. I encourage putting this guy on ignore. All he does is start asinine threads attempting to spread his foolish views obviously based off of his own failures in his life. He's either a troll or just an extremely sad individual. Either way, engaging with him, you'd have better luck talking to a wall. At least the wall can't say something stupid in response.
    IR254 likes this.