(I think that) NoFap is bollocks

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Dec 27, 2019.

  1. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    We probably all have better things to do.

    Just as an attempt as a final nail in the coffin, think of Charlie Zelenoff. To me this kind of thread is the intellectual equivalent of his scheme. A brief quote for those not familiar:

    Of course, as far as intellectual discourse is concerned there is supposedly some degree of interest in the truth, rather than just who is stronger or "right." Even as far as fighting athletes go some may in fact have a genuine desire to learn from each other, thus the concept of mixed martial art. Even straight up physical fighting can be impersonal, something all parties can learn from when you'd expect it to be personal, but we find so called "discussions" turn personal or is in fact pretty much personal in its intent from the beginning rather than the truth or working towards greater/more accurate understanding. As such, it is a waste of time from the perspective of learning anything at all. The OP may have virtually no interest in learning anything, and getting caught up with the personal dynamic is likewise unproductive.
  2. How can you be the judge of that?
    You didn't even know me, if you did, you would know that I hold the opinion that nofap or allfap doesn't make any big difference in your life in the long run, it won't fix your job issues, it won't pay your debt, it won't get you the gym bunnies either. What nofap does is teach you to control your dick and not the other way around.
    Once again you pass judgement over hundreds of other users without knowing anything about them. You have a superiority complex or what? Why do you think you are better than the rest?
    lol, still trying to write your own script about how I respond and how I think!
    Optimum Fortitude likes this.

    GROXES Fapstronaut

    didnt read any of this
  4. Doesn't bother me, goes to prove the H word, rather. So long... :)
  5. PappinAce

    PappinAce Fapstronaut

    Exactly. The TC seems to have been caught up in society's overly intellectual attitude. He's one of those people who will demand empirical proof that it's raining, while standing in the middle of a thunderstorm.

    You want to know why nothing good comes from hedonism? Take a look around at the state of humanity, at the state of the planet, and understand that it is pleasure-seeking, ego-driven behavior that brought us to this disaster. "Prove to me that hedonism is actually harmful!" he demands, as he walks around on a planet desolated by hedonism.

    Man, if you believe what you say you believe, why not just go and do it? Instead of coming on here and asking us to convert you, why not experiment with your own theory? You have your own life; play around with it a little bit! Why live life according to other people's ideas? Indulge in your sense pleasures, if it's so harmless, and come back here in a year or ten and give us a report on your psychological state.

  6. Okay, listen. I'm not a little kid making fun of you, but just because of some reason you don't like it, you shouldn't just call it bullocks. To me it worked. My sperm produces things I need for my body. And just removing porn from my life made it better. I don't spend time on looking at girls with makeup and fake boobs.

    Also, some information for you:

    "Testosterone (also referred to as “T”) is a hormone produced in men by the testes (testicles). It is involved in muscle and bone development, hair growth, and development of sex organs such as the penis and prostate. It contributes to a man’s sense of overall well-being and sexual function. Testosterone is also required for sperm production."

    Mike Tyson said no to sex/wasting semen (call it however you want it) for 5 years and he was full of energy.
    Mr. Muhammad Ali was also on semen retention. Those two dudes are just some of legends that have done it. Not that just it makes you strong. Of course, no, but it helps a lot.

    It seems you love avarage life, so live it :) Have a good cooming!
    requiem4thyme likes this.


    Why do you intend to break their happy space.


  8. Nonsense.

    You do realize male ejects no more than 5ml of semen?
    And the next time it is even far less than that?
    And that 5ml vs tens of kilograms of body ain't much?
    What minerals would you be possibly losing anyway?
    You will lose more with sweat during a day of inactivity.
    Well-balanced diet will cover for these several milliliters of simple sugars and zinc. No worries.
    And why have you mentioned testosterone?
    Do you have any idea how it works?
    It is not sitting down there waiting a couple of days before traveling up there to make you smarter/more confident/yada yada.
    Testosterone, like any other hormone for that matter, is in your blood.
    And blood is everywhere, in every micrometer of your body.
    Sex/masturbation does not magically reduce your level of testosterone.
    Although it is truth testes are responsible for its production, it is not truth they are storing it inside of them or somewhere in semen.
    This is not how hormones work.
    Besides. Even if you really can do something to increase your levels of testosterone, or any other hormone for that matter, your body will act on it and do everything it can to reduce the levels to the optimum.
    Likewise, even if you somehow decrease levels of testosterone in your body, it will increase its production in order to restore the optimum levels of it.
    Whichever the case, your body will do what it must to maintain the optimum level of testosterone.
    It will do that with other hormones too.
    And your blood sugar level.
    And core body temperature.
    And everything else.
    You know what they call it?
    They call it homeostasis.

    As far as Mike Tyson. I assume he did nothing else except for abstaining from ejaculation? And this thing itself turned him into a legend?
    There was no other factors?
    None at all?

    And what is this Semen Retention = Above Average Life thing?
    That doesn't make a lick of sense.
    Unless you are going to believe in this:

    Success story #1
    I was a loser all my life. I was too shy to talk to anyone. I was broke. I was short. I was skinny.
    And this is the result of 30 days of NoFap:

    Success story #2
    From a no-life with no life to CEO of a company.
    I stopped fapping and coincidence had it my old school buddy called me and proposed that we start a joint company with me as the second CEO.
    I haven't done anything to make this company a thing yet but you wait and see. I will update once the pigs fly.
    NoFap truly works wonders.
    Hang in there brothers and sisters!
    Don't let one second of pleasure ruin months and years of your life!

    Success story #3
    PMO kills your social skills completely!
    Before NoFap:
    • Lack of confidence
    • Extremely angry and moody
    • Remaining Upset and mindless all the day
    • Poor or zero eye contact
    • Graying of hair fastly
    • Bloodless face and eyes
    • Lack of beard even in late puberty
    • Extremely poor skin - Small white and red bumps all over
    • Brain fog- This one is really irritating
    • Little pain and tickling in pubic area after excessive PMO sometimes
    • Weak or incomplete erection when aroused
    • Deposition of fat around body( Due to uneven burning of fat )
    • Weak bones and very often crackling sound while movement.
    • Premature ageing symptoms
    • Wanted to be alone due to the addiction, feels very shy and uncomfortable around people( PMO kills your social skills completely )
    After completing my 6-month achievement I noticed the following:
    - More confidence for sure
    - Eye contact improved
    - Brain fog gone (Easy to grasp and remember things fastly)
    - Experiencing hard and long lasting Morning Wood (Almost everyday)
    - Voice improved
    - More stamina
    - More energy all the day
    - Didn't feel sleepy and exhausted even at night
    - Feel strong and confident around people
    - Skin Improvement
    You have to train your mind. I will say that this is definitely not the end of the reboot process. It's a life long process. You have to control your emotions, your bad habits which are becoming a hurdle for your future. Our motto should be PMO free life. Thanks to Nofap community.

    No pun intended, but these stories are hard to believe.
    Some more than others.

    I don't doubt there were a couple of true and genuine stories out there.
    But it's more of a belief thing rather than true science.
    With which I have no problem.
    What I do have a problem with is branding it as real science when in reality it is not even a shadow of it.
    Common biology information is enough to ruin many claims that can be found in here.
    Testosterone thing is one of them.

    I have little doubt people attending acupuncture sessions didn't notice any improvement.
    Indeed, they have.
    But correlation does not equal causation.
    And hundred of legitimate science trials proved it.
    They proved acupuncture is nothing short of placebo.
    It was not needles that improved mood and reduced pain.
    It was human contact.
    And therefore endorphins.
    And feeling that someone has got your back.
    And therefore more endorphins.

    As a matter of actual fact, not a single person in the history of humanity got cured with acupuncture.
    Mood boost is not an above-average life.
    Pardon me.
    But that's just that.
    It's a mood boost.
    Temporary feeling.
    Nothing more, nothing less.

    Now, what does acupuncture have to do with the price of tea in China?
    It assumes, against everything we know about biology, physiology, diseases etc, that needles can cure you.
    NoFap, against everything we know, assumes the same.
    Some claims make sense.
    Some claims are bolder than others.
    Some are just plain ridiculous.
    But what they all do have in common is lack of definitive proof.

    Without proof, we can only speculate.
    However, we do have common sense + knowledge of various subjects.
    This is how I destroyed the testosterone myth.
    And this is how any other similar myth can be destroyed.
    Don't believe me?
    Throw them at me and I'll show you.
  9. TheSickBoy

    TheSickBoy Fapstronaut

    "Likewise, even if you somehow decrease levels of testosterone in your body, it will increase its production in order to restore the optimum levels of it.
    Whichever the case, your body will do what it must to maintain the optimum level of testosterone."

    This, exactly, is the problem my friend. Our bodies will do anything to maintain the optimum measure of sperm and testosterone in the body. (I'll be talking about sperm only because sperm and testosterone are closely related). But production of sperm isnt as easy as mitosis or meiosis. Sperms contain a hell lot of nutrients and vitamins, like, vitamin C, B12, ascorbic acid, calcium, citric acid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium, fat, protein, etc. Secondly, when you ejaculate, you lose only 5ml of sperm. But this argument is horrendously stupid because 1ml contains 200 million sperms.
    In order to restore 1000 million sperms, your body requires a lot of energy plus a lot of nutrients. And if you have studied Kreb's cycle, etc. you'd know that when your body is need of a huge amount of nutrients, it will stop certain metabolic reactions and take away proteins and minerals from it to anabolize the required nutrients. So you end up with lots of lost energy and some metabolic pathways temporarily stopped in your body. However, masturbation in a controlled basis isnt much of a problem because the metabolic reactions are only temporarily stopped. It is a problem for those who made masturbation a habit.

    Plus, since you are calling our experiences as myths, why don't you try it yourself? Are you so addicted that you cant go 90 days without porn and masturbation but you can rant about it and try to disprove other nofappers? Seems like a pathetic loser to me.
  10. Okay, coomer. Not saying that all these stories are true, but my motivation on nofap is real simple. Not spend a second on porn, cause it's just pure waste of my dear time. When I was a coomer, I felt worse than now and that's a fact. I'm not saying my mood is always great or something, no. I'm just having overall better feelings. I don't feel like I'm spending time on useless stuff... Cause I'm not :D
    Also, I don't quite care about all these "perfect skin" or "I'm CEO" things. Bullshit or not, I just do not care. I care about the time I have now. I'm not worried about somebody seeing me fapping, I don't have to worry about giving someone my phone so he could see porn in browsing history. Things like these make me happy.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2020
    Psalm27:1my light likes this.
  11. why is this thread still going
    Ghost in the Shell likes this.
  12. Also, you've been asking us for scientific proof for that nofap is really benefitial, it's good etc etc. Well, personally I don't have it. But do you have proofs that watching porn, fapping is a good thing? Some real science, not coomer community that try to defend themselves.
  13. BertrandR

    BertrandR Fapstronaut

    sorry for the bad English, I don't think I explained myself in the best way. my English is poor

    Hi, I'm new to NoFap, so I'm not so informed as most of the guys who answered before me. what you are saying is true, I have read no scientific paper about it, I haven't even looked for them. This because I think that porn, as intended here, is quite a new problem, it also lead to problems that not everyone haw the courage to talk about.

    what I'm trying to say is that, many facts, at least initially, are not known to many, and therefore it takes some time before they reach a collective conscience that it is necessary to start doing research on it. just think of Burnout syndrome, it is just starting to be known, I had it, and no one recognized it, i don't know if there are lots of paper about it, but I'm sure we will need more, and I'm sure, in years, it will be more common (burnout syndrome), but just because of a new awareness.

    Porn addiction don't lead to death, or to serious fiscal problem (in some cases), that's why our awareness of porn addiction is spreading slowly, but as most process, it is ok like that, trust me, it will be more research and more paper on it.

    I think it can be compared to evolutionism too, of course it can't be proved, in fact, it is a theory, but it is indeed the most likely to be true, at least to ones that has studied some biology, of course we proved lots of things about it, but we are not 100% sure. So, it is ok to not believe in evolutionism just because It can't be proved? And in creationism?
    (Darwin's book, on the origin of species, was thought and published even before the discovery of DNA, which is the basis of evolution). and he, of course, was thought as a fool to most.

    this noFap.com, I think, is a community of people that, together, are trying to discover, and creating theories on how this addiction works just sharing their experience, and how it can be solved, referring, some times, to scientific paper just published. it is also a place where people can find some answers regarding their problem. porn addiction is psychological, and the best way to understand how this kind of problems works, apart from physiological analysis, is with numbers, with statistics, and in this, NoFap.com, can help a lot, in a moment like that, where porn addiction is not recognized so much.
  14. Priceless

    Priceless Fapstronaut

    I'm not here to entertain. What time of dumb post is this.
  15. Male body produces thousands of sperm at any given second.
    Abstinence doesn't stop that process.
    Sperm cells eventually die and are replaced by new ones.
    Whether you abstain or not.

    I love how you tried to blind me with science.
    It would work if I didn't know how little of these minerals sperm actually contains.
    Let's say you lose semen and want to replace minerals. What do you do?
    You have 1 apple (fructose) and 1 oyster (zinc).
    Other minerals are hardly present in semen. You aren't losing them when ejaculating.
    Unless 0.01 ml is a lot. Then I'm sorry, you're right. I'm wrong.
    And what does it matter that there are 200 million sperm?
    They are tiny.
    Like really, really tiny.
    And no. 1ml of semen is not 200 million sperms.
    In an ideal world - perhaps yes.
    But that depends.

    Your body is hardly in need of a huge amount of nutrients in today's society.
    Average human consumes more protein than they need every day.
    Proteins aren't stored.
    Any excess is broken down into simpler molecules and used as energy.
    Therefore, there is no problem with your body having no energy for basic metabolic processes.
    It might have been the case before farming became as effective as nowadays.
    Or when a city had been besieged and defenders were starving.
    But that is not the case in the real world.
    As far as minerals; companies producing various foods are often required to put in some more minerals into their foods. For instance, some butters have plenty of vit D, salt tends to have iodine etc.
    Not to mention GMO food which is full of vitamins and minerals.
    Have you seen watermelons from 500 years ago?
    Just check any of them.
    And compare with our modern fruits and vegetables.
    Never did humanity need have no worries about lack of nutrients as today.

    It's like asking me why don't I try acupuncture myself before referring to the biology.
    Or why don't I stand still for an hour a day for 90 days to see if anything in my life will change.
    Or why don't I listen to Wedding March every day at half twelve in the afternoon for 120 days and see if my confidence improves or not.
    Or why don't I *insert any random experiment with no benefits in sight*.

    You claim there to be benefits.
    But what benefits exactly?
    And why should I trust you?
    Do you really think you are the first person in the history who promised some random benefits to people if they just do X for Y amount of time?
    My mummy raised no dummy.
    NoFap exists for years.
    If these benefits were real, you would be able to measure and prove them.
    And you cannot do that.

    Whatever makes you happy and does not get into my way is fine with me.
    But you are crossing the line the moment you shame me for not sharing your opinion about something.

    I think you are right.
    This forum is exactly about that alright.
    About sharing experiences, coming up with theories on how to solve addiction etc.
    It is also about supporting people in beating their problems.
    Not to put them down or anything.
    It is a safe space for anyone with a problem where everyone is welcome.
    There are definitely a lot of people who are more than happy to support and he...
  16. I'm sorry for calling you a coomer, but I'm just a bit annoyed by people like you. Well, I guess I'm just too immature :D Have a good day.
  17. Hang on a tick here.
    What makes you think that just because something is not bad it has to be necessarily good?
    Have you never thought there might be a third way?
    I mean, that between good and bad there could be a neutrality?
    Have I even pointed to the possibility any of them are good?
    Then what the f are you on about?
    Have you never heard that world isn't black and white?
    Did nobody ever tell you that?

    And since I'm already here, I'd like to ask you about
    this bit.
    What is the average life exactly?
    How do I know I live one?
    What is the above average? With examples if you please?
    Because as of now you just seem to be full of crap and the whole idea is likely not worth the candle anyway.

    I don't think my life is average.
    Unless marathon running is the average thing.
    And writing books is the average thing.
    And... you got the point.

    It's nice to get some input from you, but it would be appreciated even more if it weren't full of nothing.
    Like average life?
    Come again?
    What exactly do you mean by that?
    And why would it bad? Exactly?
    Because you know. I have no comparison.
    And without the comparison it is all feel-good talk to me. No something with real message or meaning.
  18. TheSickBoy

    TheSickBoy Fapstronaut

    I don't need to blind with you science, you already proved that you're blind when you said you used common sense to debunk the myths related to nofap. If you are a science student with proper knowledge AND common sense, you'd know that common sense is one of the worst scale to measure something. With common sense, everyone would say the Sun moves round the Earth. Or the earth is flat. Or nofap is bollocks.

    What you were talking about is an ideal diet which contains all the required proteins and vitamins and minerals in one go and we all know ideal conditions do not exist. There goes all your common sense down the drain.

    "My mummy raised no dummy."
    Seems like she did raise someone shes not proud of.

    "It's like asking me why don't I try acupuncture myself before referring to the biology."
    Well, nobody is stopping you from trying it. Curiosity is the reason we are progressing.

    "Or why don't I stand still for an hour a day for 90 days to see if anything in my life will change."
    That's stupid but you can try that. First hand experiences are always better.

    "Or why don't I listen to Wedding March every day at half twelve in the afternoon for 120 days and see if my confidence improves or not."
    Once again, it sounds stupid. But I'd try it if a hundred thousand people unanimously agreed that doing X gives Y benefits.

    Or why don't I *insert any random experiment with no benefits in sight*.
    That's because instant gratification is the path of the failures. Successful people have the future in the mind and not the benefits in sight.

    Plus, trying out 90 day semen retention isn't going to incur any loss. What might happen is: you will see no benefits and you can conclude that nofap is bollocks. Or, you will see certain benefits and reconsider your statement.

    BUT- personally, I would advice you not to try nofap. No, I'm not trying to play mind games on you by telling you not to do something so that it looks more appealing to you but genuinely, don't. Asking questions is always welcomed but finding excuses to disprove something when thousands of people have reported the benefits is plain nonsensical and nonsensical people with narrow know-it-all mindset doesnt deserve the benefits of life unless they want to change.
  19. What benefits again?