(I think that) NoFap is bollocks

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Dec 27, 2019.

  1. why.png
    28th December 2019
    Upsie daisy


    Convince me otherwise.

    Edit: I'm not stupid. I haven't set my mind on not changing my mind. I am willing to admit I'm wrong but for that I need some proof.
    I am merely asking you to provide one.
    I wouldn't like to engage in activities that destroy my health. But how do I know if something I do is bad for me?
    I am not an idiot. I don't believe everything I hear or read.
    That's why I'm skeptical about NoFap as a whole.
    Because to me it seems to be filled with lies occasionally mixed with a bit of truth.
    That's simply not convincing to me.
    I refuse to change my opinion because what I know about biology and nature discqualifies many claims this website promotes (eg masturbation drains you off of testosterone, it is bad for your kidneys, your brain gets rewired and so on and so forth.)
    This isn't troll topic. I am open to discuss and change my mind if enough evidence is presented.
    Now give it to me.


    Don't take this the wrong way but this looks more like a buy-my-super-cool-product website. Give me science research any day, but not this piece of junk.
    Ted Talk full of half-truths presented to persuade, not to inform.
    The problem with half-truths is that, unlike flat-out lies, you can't simply call out the author for lying. Half-truth is a string of falsehoods mixed with some chunks of truths which makes it really difficult to say exactly why it is not true because it is complicated.
    This sort of talks, websites and what not is a common strategy when someone having nothing of real value to offer does in order to sell their useless product. First, they create a problem, and second, they offer a solution.
    (How to stop watching evil porn. Anyone want to buy it?)
    This doesn't work on people having critical thinking skills. However not everyone thinks critically. And Gary Wilson knows it.

    Also, why are the comments to this video turned off?
    And one more thing. Why is there: "NOTE FROM TED: This talk contains several assertions that are not supported by academically respected studies in medicine and psychology. While some viewers might find advice provided in this talk to be helpful, please do not look to this talk for medical advice." if the Gary Wilson himself claims otherwise?

    I don't doubt addictions to things exist.
    But what does that prove exactly?
    I read them but don't really understand what the point was? It's not like they made it clear. The vocabulary within them included 'perhaps', 'we assume', and 'further studies recommended.'
    They aren't definitive. They don't conclude jack squat.

    Unpopular opinion: what is wrong with two consenting adults having sex?
    You haven't got problems with legalizing gay marriages, yet you find it disgusting to see a man and a woman together?
    Unless you're referring to abuse and pedophilia, you are a blind follower of social taboos without giving them a second thought.
    Now sue me.

    Assumptions but no hard proof.
    If pigs had wings then I assume they could fly.
    But that's it. I can only assume that.

    I wish I had erectile dysfunction. At least I wouldn't have to bother with random erections when around people. Or with the morning wood.
    Now seriously.
    I have never been interested in any disturbing things. I did see some of them, but never liked any of them.
    The older I got, the more liking I caught to the romantic stuff. This is important because as a teenager I was into sex only and love was for suckers, but now ironically I am more into intimacy and love.
    Also, my personal opinion is that porn actresses are ugly. The most beautiful I ever saw were average at best. I don't really know why some people are so obsessed over them and claim that "porn creates unrealistic beauty standards."
    Like fucken what?
    A model wearing a bra that you can find on google images is millions times more attractive than... Ehh you got the point.
    To cut it short: no dysfunctions, no escalating, nothing.

    How wonderfully convenient.
    Health professional with extensive training suck but no worries because NoFap is going to save your life.
    What the f.
    Now NoFap and Gary Wilson don't have to invest a cent in ads because you advertise the whole thing for free by yourselves.

    No, no, and no.
    If you think it's a dump then why the hell are you watching this? Besides, one man's trash is another man's treasure.
    Illegal? What happened to the Freedom of Information then? Has it been removed from my list of freedoms? Just because somebody didn't like it? Goddamn it.
    Mentally ill drug addicts doing porn is a popular belief but as far as I know most of them have acting degrees, the sets are professional, and involve people from all walks of life.
    Just like... well, any job in the world?
    You do get alcohol addicts in the supermarket but does that mean you aren't going to buy from it anymore? Because they employ someone with a problem?
    Goddamn it.
    Also, there are amateur porn videos involving normal people not associated with porn industry whatsoever.
    So in my eyes, your whole argument fell through.

    I will also remember that the person who serves me at a supermarket is desperate for the job and does that only for money and their boss is an ass.
    I guess I will just avoid the supermarket completely. Because you know. They are desperate to work there.
    Goddamn it.

    I'm sorry but even if that's the case, what does that prove?
    Assuming I'm watching porn, that is.
    What does that say about me?

    No. It's about promoting their products and making money.
    Open your eyes.
    Gambling addicts don't get treated by online strangers.
    Alcoholics don't get treated by online strangers either.
    That's what psychiatrists are for.

    Have you not noticed this emotional title at the top of the website calling for action against the enemy and its allies?
    'Defend' to show themselves as victims, 'against' to point at the enemy, 'porn industry' after defend against to convey that they are the enemy, 'and its allies' to convey there is potentially an overwhelming number of enemies. Then you have the green button 'End the harassment' in order to call you for action and this word 'harassment' to evoke emotional response in the reader.

    Jesus fecking Christ. This is Write to Persuade done by the book. Even without knowing any of these, doesn't it look at least a little bit exaggerated to you?

    No, it is not a non-profit noble organization aiming to improve the world.
    It's a business.

    Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but every terrorist is a Muslim.
    Similar line of argument to yours.
    It has it's latin name I can't be bothered to look for now. Sorry.

    And no, I don't defend anything or anybody. I thought I made it clear already.

    Fitness, meditation and reading is your own fan fiction.
    NoFap is only about not masturbating, watching porn and sometimes about abstaining completely.
    Everything else comes from you.
    It is free to a certain degree. And yes, there is an illusion of choice that you can but don't have to pay a penny.
    But it's designed in a way to make you feel amazing if you do choose to purchase something.
    It's called manipulation.
    For instance, someone invested or even addicted to forum might feel an urge to donate NoFap because it gives them a rank and a medal under their nickname (or change of colour, whatever that is) which basically is a symbol of status among everybody else.
    Or TL:DR: a dopamine boost.
    Now the call for action at the top of the website is just a gentle push in that direction. That is, the direction of closing the sale.
    You know, that call for action to defend this poor little thing NoFap and its founder against the porn industry and its fucking galactic alliance of enemies bent on ruining the movement and stopping people from thinking critically.
    Or when you have people buying a book to make themselves look more credible because "I have read it, therefore I'm smarter", nevermind books are of different qualities and book as a book ain't a source but whatever.
    But it looks like it so Gary doesn't have to worry about paying his bills anymore anyway.
    No pun on Gary. I'm glad that out of all people not liking porn (I think he doesn't, not like he ever told me about his own porn usage) he is doing really well for himself.
    Another thing someone does in order to boost their status and dopamine is promoting NoFap and defending it because that gives them likes (and that's dopamine) and indirectly promotes the movement as a whole. In the long run, there will be thousands of people reading those superlatives about how useful NoFap is, therefore they will be more likely to give their own money for status and what not and also promote the whole thing by themselves.
    The process can now continue indefinitely.
    Content creation resulting in business done by the book.
    Well done to whoever was behind the whole idea. It worked.

    There isn't a single study linking porn with detriment to anything. Not directly anyway.
    As I said, I don't doubt humans are addictive creatures. But preaching that all over again when we all agreed it does exist is nothing short of rediscovering America 500 years later.

    View A is believed by number of people.
    Someone with view B starts to debate with the person with view A.
    They exchange arguments.
    View B has some points.
    View A also has some points.
    Eventually, person with view A proves that it's true.
    Person with view B accepts it.
    View A is strengthened. More people believe in it now.

    That's what discussions are for.
    I'm sorry you are so sure of your view that you don't want to risk exposing it even though proving it right should strengthen it in the eyes of everyone else including those not involved in the discussion.
    Let's call me a troll instead. That way you won't risk the possibility that you are wrong.


    You do realize male ejects no more than 5ml of semen?
    And the next time it is even far less than that?
    And that 5ml vs tens of kilograms of body ain't much?
    What minerals would you be possibly losing anyway?
    You will lose more with sweat during a day of inactivity.
    Well-balanced diet will cover for these several milliliters of simple sugars and zinc. No worries.
    And why have you mentioned testosterone?
    Do you have any idea how it works?
    It is not sitting down there waiting a couple of days before traveling up there to make you smarter/more confident/yada yada.
    Testosterone, like any other hormone for that matter, is in your blood.
    And blood is everywhere, in every micrometer of your body.
    Sex/masturbation does not magically reduce your level of testosterone.
    Although it is truth testes are responsible for its production, it is not truth they are storing it inside of them or somewhere in semen.
    This is not how hormones work.
    Besides. Even if you really can do something to increase your levels of testosterone, or any other hormone for that matter, your body will act on it and do everything it can to reduce the levels to the optimum.
    Likewise, even if you somehow decrease levels of testosterone in your body, it will increase its production in order to restore the optimum levels of it.
    Whichever the case, your body will do what it must to maintain the optimum level of testosterone.
    It will do that with other hormones too.
    And your blood sugar level.
    And core body temperature.
    And everything else.
    You know what they call it?
    They call it homeostasis.

    As far as Mike Tyson. I assume he did nothing else except for abstaining from ejaculation? And this thing itself turned him into a legend?
    There was no other factors?
    None at all?

    And what is this Semen Retention = Above Average Life thing?
    That doesn't make a lick of sense.
    Unless you are going to believe in this:

    Success story #1
    I was a loser all my life. I was too shy to talk to anyone. I was broke. I was short. I was skinny.
    And this is the result of 30 days of NoFap:

    Success story #2
    From a no-life with no life to CEO of a company.
    I stopped fapping and coincidence had it my old school buddy called me and proposed that we start a joint company with me as the second CEO.
    I haven't done anything to make this company a thing yet but you wait and see. I will update once the pigs fly.
    NoFap truly works wonders.
    Hang in there brothers and sisters!
    Don't let one second of pleasure ruin months and years of your life!

    Success story #3
    PMO kills your social skills completely!
    Before NoFap:
    • Lack of confidence
    • Extremely angry and moody
    • Remaining Upset and mindless all the day
    • Poor or zero eye contact
    • Graying of hair fastly
    • Bloodless face and eyes
    • Lack of beard even in late puberty
    • Extremely poor skin - Small white and red bumps all over
    • Brain fog- This one is really irritating
    • Little pain and tickling in pubic area after excessive PMO sometimes
    • Weak or incomplete erection when aroused
    • Deposition of fat around body( Due to uneven burning of fat )
    • Weak bones and very often crackling sound while movement.
    • Premature ageing symptoms
    • Wanted to be alone due to the addiction, feels very shy and uncomfortable around people( PMO kills your social skills completely )
    After completing my 6-month achievement I noticed the following:
    - More confidence for sure
    - Eye contact improved
    - Brain fog gone (Easy to grasp and remember things fastly)
    - Experiencing hard and long lasting Morning Wood (Almost everyday)
    - Voice improved
    - More stamina
    - More energy all the day
    - Didn't feel sleepy and exhausted even at night
    - Feel strong and confident around people
    - Skin Improvement
    You have to train your mind. I will say that this is definitely not the end of the reboot process. It's a life long process. You have to control your emotions, your bad habits which are becoming a hurdle for your future. Our motto should be PMO free life. Thanks to Nofap community.

    No pun intended, but these stories are hard to believe.
    Some more than others.

    I don't doubt there were a couple of true and genuine stories out there.
    But it's more of a belief thing rather than true science.
    With which I have no problem.
    What I do have a problem with is branding it as real science when in reality it is not even a shadow of it.
    Common biology information is enough to ruin many claims that can be found in here.
    Testosterone thing is one of them.

    I have little doubt people attending acupuncture sessions didn't notice any improvement.
    Indeed, they have.
    But correlation does not equal causation.
    And hundred of legitimate science trials proved it.
    They proved acupuncture is nothing short of placebo.
    It was not needles that improved mood and reduced pain.
    It was human contact.
    And therefore endorphins.
    And feeling that someone has got your back.
    And therefore more endorphins.

    As a matter of actual fact, not a single person in the history of humanity got cured with acupuncture.
    Mood boost is not an above-average life.
    Pardon me.
    But that's just that.
    It's a mood boost.
    Temporary feeling.
    Nothing more, nothing less.

    Now, what does acupuncture have to do with the price of tea in China?
    It assumes, against everything we know about biology, physiology, diseases etc, that needles can cure you.
    NoFap, against everything we know, assumes the same.
    Some claims make sense.
    Some claims are bolder than others.
    Some are just plain ridiculous.
    But what they all do have in common is lack of definitive proof.

    Without proof, we can only speculate.
    However, we do have common sense + knowledge of various subjects.
    This is how I destroyed the testosterone myth.
    And this is how any other similar myth can be destroyed.
    Don't believe me?
    Throw them at me and I'll show you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2020
    usxxulhitfjrombmkz and Theory22 like this.
  2. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    Why would we want to spend our time doing that?
  3. coldhearted

    coldhearted Fapstronaut

    KBF, Xander_, HegHeu and 7 others like this.
  4. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Cool story bro
    KBF, Xander_, HegHeu and 8 others like this.
  5. I believe no one could convince a person as determined as you are. Also there's no point doing that.

    Let's play a game, shall we: Just continue your life as previously and see how that goes. If you don't end up in trouble with porn (and/or excessive masturbation) addiction, you win and you can hold on your opinion that NoFap is bollocks.
    But if you do end up being addicted to porn (and/or excessive masturbation) addiction, you lose and we're still here to help you out and get a fresh grip on your life.

    NoFap is not for everybody, just as AA or any other peer support group is not for everybody. If you're not an porn addict you don't need this forum. But for the some of us this forum is literally a lifesaver, so some of us would appreciate greatly if you stop mocking the very thing that has saved our lives.

    - Mike
    rifrafrod, Dave G 123, KBF and 32 others like this.
  6. Fucking kek.
    FellatiousD likes this.
  7. You're funny
  8. Thank you for the constructive criticism.
  9. NoFap is not bollocks, I've never heard a more uneducated statement in my life.

    NoFap is actually cock. While you can technically derive sexual pleasure from stroking your bollocks, the level of stimulation is so low that most men find it uninteresting. I have yet to find a man who uses sensations from his bollocks for any serious amount of pleasure. The penis - the cock, if you will - however, is a common vector for sexual pleasure and one I venture you will find much more commonly used. Therefore, it is only logical to call NoFap cock.
    domsi and Deleted Account like this.
  10. I was thinking you are happy to help. That you can tell me exactly why porn/masturbation/whatever is so harmful.
    I do not want to do anything that is bad for me. However I refuse to believe something just because. I am not anybody's fool.
    All I am asking for is a proof.
    Mike Bonanno likes this.
  11. Then go read yourbrainonporn.com

    Or watch this

  12. If you're being serious man, you will find no shortage of peer-reviewed studies supporting the porn addiction model. However I fear you don't actually want to believe porn addiction is real and are just here to laugh at us. If I'm wrong though, and I'm happy to be proven wrong, take a look at this page:

  13. Read FAQ and then stop trolling. After that, you can go ahead and delete your account.

    Also mods, this thread need to be moved.
  14. Don't take this the wrong way but this looks more like a buy-my-super-cool-product website. Give me science research any day, but not this piece of junk.
    Ted Talk full of half-truths presented to persuade, not to inform.
    The problem with half-truths is that, unlike flat-out lies, you can't simply call out the author for lying. Half-truth is a string of falsehoods mixed with some chunks of truths which makes it really difficult to say exactly why it is not true because it is complicated.
    This sort of talks, websites and what not is a common strategy when someone having nothing of real value to offer does in order to sell their useless product. First, they create a problem, and second, they offer a solution.
    (How to stop watching evil porn. Anyone want to buy it?)
    This doesn't work on people having critical thinking skills. However not everyone thinks critically. And Gary Wilson knows it.

    Also, why are the comments to this video turned off?
    And one more thing. Why is there: "NOTE FROM TED: This talk contains several assertions that are not supported by academically respected studies in medicine and psychology. While some viewers might find advice provided in this talk to be helpful, please do not look to this talk for medical advice." if the Gary Wilson himself claims otherwise?
    Well it doesn't matter I guess. You will certainly invent an excuse for him.
    engelman likes this.
  15. Thank you for clarification Brother. This is definitely much better opening than your original post :emoji_thumbsup:.
    I'm sorry to busting your balls as I previously did. I thought you were just another forum troll fooling around and got agitated.
    I guess I was wrong...

    - Mike
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. I don't have time man. Do your own research. The website has plenty of links to real actual scientific research.

    Why are you interested by the question anyway if I can ask? Do you have sexual dysfunctions or are spending too much time watching poen oe have you found yourself escalating genres to more obscure, disturbing things?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. I don't doubt addictions to things exist.
    But what does that prove exactly?
    I read them but don't really understand what the point was? It's not like they made it clear. The vocabulary within them included 'perhaps', 'we assume', and 'further studies recommended.'
    They aren't definitive. They don't conclude jack squat.
    I must admit. At first sight, it looked pretty impressive to see forty-ish studies supporting that super amazing life-changing book which author himself didn't dare value higher than 6 freaking dollars.
    But the more I read it the more confused I got.
    And trust me, I am into studies and know what they are about. I know they never use plain language for ordinary people to understand and you need to really exercise your grey matter to make heads or tails of them.
    But the good studies eventually make sense and conclude things definitively. They offer insights and encourage more scientists to look at the same thing from a different angle if the problem is more complex than if it true that water boils at a hundred centigrates.
    If they aren't definitive, they call for further studies to take place without beating about the bush to make it look like they have discovered a bloody Africa.
    These studies are confusing at most. They conclude that pornography might be addictive. And that's it.
    And it took them only over forty studies.
    To conclude THAT one thing.
    Give me a break.
    engelman likes this.
  18. Not all porn is not bad, however pretty much all sites atlest from my country anyways have turned preverted eg. mother sister daughter brother porn on first page of every site. Great for people who already have mental health problems. Which is most of the people who mostly use porn excessively that become traumatised by it.

    People who have addictive personality can fall deep down the rabbit whole of porn some fucked up shit down there and nobody wants to be there.

    They tempt you slowly and slowly ease you in get you to go deeper and deeper little bit at a time and if your addicted to porn you'll fall like everyone else who did just a matter of time and how far you fall before you make the choice to quit.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. I can imagine. I used to participate on forums back in the day. I know there are trolls everywhere.
    No hard feelings.
    I didn't develop the first post more because I didn't know where to start. Even now I wouldn't know.

    Unpopular opinion: what is wrong with two consenting adults having sex?
    You haven't got problems with legalizing gay marriages, yet you find it disgusting to see a man and a woman together?
    Unless you're referring to abuse and pedophilia, you are a blind follower of social taboos without giving them a second thought.
    Now sue me.

    Assumptions but no hard proof.
    If pigs had wings then I assume they could fly.
    But that's it. I can only assume that.

    Did that. Hasn't learned much.
    I wish I had erectile dysfunction. At least I wouldn't have to bother with random erections when around people. Or with the morning wood.
    Now seriously.
    I have never been interested in any disturbing things. I did see some of them, but never liked any of them.
    The older I got, the more liking I caught to the romantic stuff. This is important because as a teenager I was into sex only and love was for suckers, but now ironically I am more into intimacy and love.
    Also, my personal opinion is that porn actresses are ugly. The most beautiful I ever saw were average at best. I don't really know why some people are so obsessed over them and claim that "porn creates unrealistic beauty standards."
    Like fucken what?
    A model wearing a bra that you can find on google images is millions times more attractive than... Ehh you got the point.
    To cut it short: no dysfunctions, no escalating, nothing.
    I just hope curiosity isn't against the rules of this forum.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 27, 2019
  20. What exactly wrong with you?