physical effects of sexual exhaustion

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by alexg1709, Oct 2, 2019.

  1. Yep that shit killed my hormones and caused brain chemical imbalances.
  2. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    flaxseed oil lowers testosterone.
    google it
  3. Timmyrogger

    Timmyrogger Fapstronaut

    Hello everybody i have 27 day last streak and and again on day 19. I am trying from 5 months relapsed many times but now i can handle it and I have noticed that my eye floaters are gone,my sleep is quite deep and sound plus my hairfall is like under control and my digestion has also got better. I use centrum for men one tablet daily .. i am waiting for my pied to cure.i am 30 and i think monk mode for 6months will serve my anybody is cured from this misery ? Currently i am on a flatline from 1 year .i will never ever pmo again ..
    Freeddom_Taker and ArduousPath like this.
  4. Keep at it, I've been on flatline for years and every time I've watched P it has intensified and it has resulted in a dead penis. I've only had weak on/off erections for a very long time. Please keep in mind that your recovery might take even longer than 6 months to cure. There are reports of people still healing nearing the two year mark. It all depends on various factors, but of course the duration of the addiction, how many times you've done it on daily basis and how long the sessions have been plays a huge role in all of this. I think especially time taken on each session is a big factor, you know the drill, searching for the perfect scene for hours on end, but "finishing the deed" itself has been a relatively short process. At least that's how it has been for me.

    As you can see I have only a few days under my belt, it's sad when you think about it, but it only tells how strong of a drug PMO is. I quit alcohol several years ago and haven't had a sip since, that was easy stuff man, but this addiction is on a totally another level.
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  5. Timmyrogger

    Timmyrogger Fapstronaut

    @ArduousPath thank you bro for your response
    I am determined to no pmo as long as it takes beacause its the only viable solution for me ...
    I have sessions of 3, 4, 5 hours long which is a very long time
  6. Addo

    Addo Fapstronaut

    Reading through this section makes me sad. I am only wondering what if I had stopped this act 10 years ago, im only calculating the number of hours of my life wasted on PMO. I am also thinking of so many young guys also into this act. I am thinking of married men also addicted to this act. My boss asked me to do something on his phone, In his gallery was P*** vids. I got sad, cos i know he has a very beautiful wife. This addiction is real. I do not know how to help him. i know most men hide this stuffs from others, when i was into it, I did not want anyone to see me. It was always in secret.
    I am really sad. I do not know how to reach men out there who also needs help.
    ewerson18 and Dave G 123 like this.
  7. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    yes our lives would be very very different but at least we are free NOW
  8. alexg1709

    alexg1709 Fapstronaut

    It's done wonders for my joint pain in the mixture with fish oil.

    My whole gym takes flaxseed oil for joint issues.

    Not sure about testosterone issues but it seems to be a number one supplement for athletes.
  9. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    then they are wrong.
    I know tons of supplements recommended for athletes that are more harmful than anything...

    flaxseed oil contains phytostrogens (estrogenic influence of its lignan content)
    oil is good for you, but there are other things in it.
    just do your research

    here a good study proving lowering androgen/T levels [they say it is beneficial to lower T when you have prostate cancer and they are using flax seed for this purpose]

    for joint pain try turmeric extract and nettle root extract [not leaves!] far better anti inflammatory action
  10. alexg1709

    alexg1709 Fapstronaut

    I have seen the research you are talking about. It's very flawed because subjects had CANCER

    At a dosage of 30 ml per day which is around two tablespoons it won't do anything to your test levels.

    I find that this is the only oil that gives me the lubricated feeling.
  11. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    I agree that this article I cited might sound confusing but lets get to the bottom of it: they were looking for substances that lower your T because when you have prostate cancer, then docs say it is beneficial to lower your T.

    Thats why all test subjects had cancer. It has nothing to do with how the flaxseed works - and it was found beneficial in prostate cancer patients because it lowers your T levels. That was also the overall conclusion of this study. It doesnt say that if you dont have cancer, your T levels will remain the same or go upwards.

    The problem with western science is that unless you have big funding or promise of money return they wont just test stuff out of the fun of doing it in most cases.

    I am not bragging here, I am massively into neurochemistry, supplements, nutrition, herbalism. I tested several dozen of different substances on myself. I think I have quite good understanding on it as of now thats surpassing knowledge of every GP I visited. This is because I spent 1-2 hours at least every day broadening my knowledge on these topics since last 10 years. (I'm 38). I had a short romance with flaxseed oil and I use it from time to time when I have sore throat as its great for your intestines digestion and lubricating your mucosa, but I assure you that I did not felt very characteristic symptoms of higher T.

    I can give you few proof-tested substances that will increase your T levels. I would advise to use them in cycles, nettle root can be taken for 2-3 months no problems, albeit with time your body will drive tolerance as with everything. Boron and DHEA - I'd say several days per week then a month break to prevent your body adapt to them as they are quite strong.

    first one is a nettle root (not leaves! they work differently) extract - safe aromatase inhibitor that will inhibit enzyme that coverts your free T into estrogens.
    boron - again, directly increases your T levels. This is much stronger than nettle root but watch out - it puts a good strain on your nervous system, so if you are sensitive
    to stimulants or alcohol, use this sparingly
    DHEA - this provides building blocks for your body, including T. Again, strong stuff so use sparingly.

    Higher T levels usually mean more aggression and anger and that is NOT beneficial on the long run. Nettle root is the best because it doesnt add up to whats already there, it just limits your body taking away from it - hence the most natural way for me. It also limits inflammation in your prostate and bladder - very important for Fapstronauts.

    The best thing that helpes me with overall wellbeing is avoidance of stress, sleeping well, cold showers and physical activity [cardio 1 hour on a bike 5 days per week, weightlifting 1 hour once per week, yoga for stretching 1 hour every week] I do this since 10 years no breaks. I dont look like Schwarzenegger because I dont do this for my ego but to stay healthy but I DO LOOK GOOD. And I feel good, too.

    Avoidance of alcohol caffeine nicotine drugs and sweets also help to naturally raise your T levels. [insulin spikes lower T]
    Also, L-Tyrosine as a supplement aminoacid on empty stomach increase dopamine, and this increases your T.

    But the remaining problem is of course porn addiction which I battle to this day. This is the only remaining demon to be finally subjugated into submission!

    sorry for the long post I might have went out of topic here, my point is that its not only T levels that matter. You can take steroids and have higher T but live unhealthy and be just an asshole and your energy and aura will be repulsing. It has to be holistic to have an effect. These things are just temporary boosters! :) Good luck brother. Give a try to nettle root you might find that it matches nicely with your flaxseed for joint inflammation. I cycle a lot and it helps me.
  12. Back in day I was obsessed with steroid hormones and lifting. I began with multiple herbal and mineral supplements, including boron, ashwagandha and forskolin and many more (and all the other crap they promote on Christopher Walkers snakeoil sale website, that have effect on inhibiting aromatase and 5-alpha-reductase enzymes.

    However none of these herbs worked at all. I did expensive blood tests and there were minimal changes in estradiol, free testosterone, bioavailable testosterone, total serum tesrosterone and SHBG. Nettle root decreases 5-alpha-reductase and that causes a decrease in the strongest and important androgen dihydrotesrosterone (DHT) and other neurosteroids that bind to GABAergic receptors as positive allosteric modulators (basically endogenenous benzodiazepines) that make you feel calm and manly.

    Inhibiting 5-alpha-reductase either by nettle root, saw palmetto or finasteride can wreak havoc on your DHT/neurosteroid system, and cause all kind of nasty side effects. It decreases GABA activity and can cause depression, anxiety, irritation, sleeping problems etc. The same symptoms that can manifest with porn addiction.

    If you suffer from an enlarged prostate, prostate cancer or extreme hairloss, you could consider using them. But not without risk of dysregulating the androgenic and neurosteroid system. Both testosterone and DHT should be in balance, there should be a balanced anabolic and androgenic ratio.

    DHT is an important hormone that can make you feel confident, increases libido and make you charismatic with girls. Besides your body reacts to the effects of aromatase inhibitors for a while after longterm use and starts create more of them to find homeostasis. Like you said the best way to increase testosterone and lower estradiol/aromatase is to lower bodyfat, stay away from herbs and foods that have phytoestrogens, go to the gym and workout on big muscle groups, sleep well and avoid stress.

    If you have severely low testosterone you should consider TRT with an aromatase inhibitor and HCG injections monthly monitored by an endocrinologist.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
  13. alexg1709

    alexg1709 Fapstronaut

    That's a very interesting read.

    However i was recommending flaxseed oil for joint lubrication purposes only.

    I've been in sports (mma mainly) and lifting for over 20 years. I am 39 now.

    Currently I'm on a sarm cycle which boost hgh and endurance and promotes recovery.

    For joints I take one table spoon of cod fish liver oil in the morning with two table spoons of flaxseed oils after a meal with fats and two flaxseed oil tablespoons with the evening meal.

    I have done blood work and my test is on the higher end.

    I'm way over 90 days now me no PM but my physical symptoms were not getting much better.

    The hgh booster is doing wonders for me and this joint protocol is spot on for me at least.
  14. What SARM are you using? SARMS only modulate androgen receptors and have no effect on HGH release. Are you taking MK-677 for HGH increase? For joint support you should try BPC-157. It is an amazing healing peptide for joints and tendons and it even protects agains amphetamine induced neurotoxicity and benzo tolerance.(+many other benefits)
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
  15. alexg1709

    alexg1709 Fapstronaut

    Mk 677 and cardarine .

    I know they are not really sarms but they are classified under that...

    That bpc is supposed to be injected directly into injured areas which will never happen so I might try tb 500 which apparently also works very well.
  16. I don't really like SARMS, most of the vendors sell Chinese crap from unregulated labotories and many times it's just some sweetener or something totally different than the package says. Besides some so called SARMS that suppose to cause no supression (which is marketing bullshit) or only cause minor supression of endogenous testosterone end up totally shutting down the testes.

    They strongly bind to the androgen receptors in the hypothalamus creating a negative feedback loop to stop the gonadotropin releasing hormone to the pituitary, this stops follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone production, causing long term erectyle dysfunction and decrease sperm count and sperm health.

    They either overdosed the pills or used a much stronger SARM than said on the package. I read stories about men still having problems with very low gonadotropin releasing hormone, LH and FSH levels and thereby still supressed or shutdown testosterone production. Some are unable to impregnant their SO for a long time and have long term erectile dysfuction. Even with the use of HCG and a proper PCT protocol.

    It's still best to use exogenous anabolic steroids for hormonal health in elderly, recreative or professional users. A lot more research has been done. As used for muscle gains. 250 mg to 300 mg is of testosteron enanthate (or whatever ester you use). Is more than enough for a starting steroid user.

    This dosage is enough to saturate the androgen receptors for a virgin steroids user. Never use higher dosages in the first steroid cycle. 500 mg testosteron enanthate for a beginning user is too much, if you progress further and gain more muscles you get more androgen receptors and you can increase the dosage or try to combine other anabolic or androgenic compounds to obtain maximal gains and muscle definition. Once you progress further you can implement HGH for increased hyperplasia and insulin for further hypertrophy of these new muscle cells.

    And as for the HGH boosting releasers. I only had success with GHRP-6 and CJC 1295 with DAC. These peptides were from a legit vendor and the bloodtest confirmed this. But if you want to be sure to increase hyperplasia you should stick to real pharma HGH and IGF-1. But that shit is very expensive. And there are studies of the risk of increase risk of cancer with cardarine (there are contradictions in the these studies but still, I would cycle them and don't use maximal doses of cardarine)

    I know this topic was not originally about anabolic compounds. But when I read about anabolic compounds, I cant hold myself in and start ranting about it.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
  17. alexg1709

    alexg1709 Fapstronaut

    I'm not looking to get big or anything like that mk 677 and cardarine are more for healing my body than anything else.

    I must admit it works!

    I am going to give tb 500 a try
  18. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut

    Okay, so let's clear the confusion. First of all I would never use complex mixes without good understanding how my own body works and especially what works for me and what is not. During my long testing I always introduced one substance at a time to be able to really tell the effects.

    Bear in mind that Ashwagandha is a complex ayurvedic adaptogen that doesnt work in a single way - it might work differently with diff people. I would need to look at your health, diet, and many other factors before deciding if Ashwa was worth a try [for example when I tried it years ago, I was still drinking alcohol and smoking and it only made me severe migraines].

    I could recommend as pretty solid site for resources on various substances.
    I haven't tried forskolin but I wouldnt give it a chance as it was never on my list of stuff ''to try'' in relation to T boosting.

    Nettle root:

    from the study you cited:
    "Serum testosterone levels were more significant in the nettle root extract and testosterone plus nettle groups than other groups. The change of testosterone serum levels confirmed the nettle root extract effects. These results confirmed Chrubasik et al.26 They showed that the nettle root extract blocked 5α–reductase enzyme activity and prevented the conversion of testosterone to dihydro-testosterone (DHT). Therefore, the serum testosterone level was increased by nettle"

    and apart from that, its mostly aromatase inhibitor so finally your T level goes up from both actions - blocking conversion of free T into estrogens and free T into DHT. Remember that having high levels of DHT is very harmful - it not only can be bad for your prostate, but causes balding and several other inflammatory conditions. Heres the caveat in this: porn addiction means youre masturbating extensively for a long time. Every time you masturbate, your body goes into a specific arousal state that converts part of the T into DHT. [think of DHT as a 5 x more potent Testosterone, albeit that might sound great nature doesnt like imbalances and if you have something thats too high or too low- its bad for you and against homeostasis, this is a golden rule] after years of PMO abuse your DHT levels usually are too high and your body is in a chronic inflammatory state. Nettle root helps to fix that IF YOU ARE ALREADY living a healthy life. It wont do much if youre still overindulging in sugar causing inflammation or drinking alcohol [and so on..]

    GABA doesnt make you feel manly ;] it calms your nervous system down, the major action of this neurotransmitter is to inhibit other ones... best way to find out is to drink a chamomile tea that contains apigenin which increases GABA and is also a weak aromatase inhibitor ;)

    I am sorry and surpriced you felt differently but again, it might have been more complex as you admitted taking other stuff too. I was taking nettle root on many occasions for months and it has only helped me in myself regaining balance in my body.

    Please don't compare saw palmetto and finasteride to nettle root. In the study you cited they say that NR has similar effect to finasteride, but its extremely weak when compared to it. I would personally never take saw palmetto [thats far stronger and doesnt help with T] or finasteride [that has been proven to cause permanent impotence]. Western doctors often want people to take chemical drugs that do more harm than good. Comparing nettle root to finasteride is like comparing a plastic gun toy to a paintball gun. Both are guns, but only similar... if that makes sense. Finasteride is way WAAAY stronger alpha 5 reductase inhibitor and has plenty of other nasty side effects. Nettle root is only a gentle aromatase inhibitor and I wouldnt even bother with its weak alpha 5 reductase inhibition either. To top this up, it isnt addictive, you could stop taking it and within 48 hours its not in your system anymore. Finasteride? hell.. people were getting impotent after taking this stuff. So please dont compare it, because it creates confusion.

    Hey, you dont want nettle root - you can do smoothies with a lot of parsley, another great aromatase inhibitor. My point was to remain natural and healthy with this stuff.
    Also Im surprised about boron - it definitely works, its proven even by mainstream science - you might have been very unbalanced from a start or might have mixed it with something counteracting its effects tho.

    >It decreases GABA activity and can cause depression, anxiety, irritation, sleeping problems etc. The same symptoms that can manifest with porn addiction.

    Nettle root? No sir, you got something wrong. I assure you you wont get these results from nettle root.
    From saw palmetto taken in high doses and finasteride- you could. :)

    ps. you wrote you were obsessed with steroid hormones. I never took them and I'd advise caution because they can really mess up your whole system including T levels, depression and so on.

    I think we agree on the fact that its best to be as natural as possible [thats why I recommended very radical cycling] - but I would not take TRT before reaching age probably 45-50 as my own body can still produce natural T and I dont want to sabotage that.

    Hope I did not sounded too cocky here, its late and I need to get sleep - its good to exchange opinions.
  19. BigBallOfFire

    BigBallOfFire Fapstronaut


    if youre an active MMA or been in the past then I am pretty sure flaxseed wont do much harm as your T levels will be balanced by martial arts pretty naturally
    again its a path, we are all slightly different. For example I've found that cranberry extract did fixed what nettle root could not [recurring non bacterial PMO-caused urethra pain/inflammation in the bladder - so called 'hydraulics'] - which is pretty amazing
  20. Maybe I did a bit exaggerate the effects of nettle root. I did not do enough research on other than the 5-alpha-reductase inhibiting effects. Yes it increases T, but still decreases DHT levels. These herbs and minerals did nothing for me, but that might be because of my past steroid use.

    But by reading more, this stuff is kind of weak and there's not much to worry about using it.

    DHT has always been seen as the evil hormone, but it has many important functions. Ofcource too much can mess you up. As i said in my earlier post, if you're having hair loss problems, enlarged prostate or prostate cancer. You should lower DHT levels after a bloodtest confirmed high DHT. Then you should use these 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor, if it saves your life. Bare in mind, DHT is only a problem for these men because of their genetics. They either have high baseline 5-alpha-reductase levels or increased expression of androgen receptors in their prostate or on their scalp. Otherwise you should not really worry.

    I studied the GABAergic system and it's agonists/antagonists and endogenous ligands for years and those neurosteroids ( 3α-Androstanediol) a metabolite of DHT, makes GABA work more efficient, and opens the GABA-A receptor chroride ion channels and causes hyperpolarizing of the neuron and causing a refractory period. And thereby inhibit stress hormones/peptides and excitatory neurotransmission. This makes you feel calm and confident and plays a big part in feeling a calm and confident man. You can't be feeling "alpha" with low GABAergic activity. So yes it does somehow make one feel manly (or whatever you like to call it)

    Ofcourse this GABA potentiation is not the only mechanism of making one feel manly. It plays a small part in it. Any activation by a steroid hormone on the androgen receptor will increase aggresiveness, libido and other manly traits, activating the androgen receptor cascades many internal processes (like increasing dopamine (and many more endogenous ligands), and we all know dopamine makes you feel confident)

    "3α-Androstanediol (often abbreviated as 3α-diol), also known as 5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol, is an endogenous inhibitory androstane neurosteroid and weak androgen, and a major metabolite of dihydrotestosterone (DHT).[1][2][3] As a neurosteroid, it acts as a potent positive allosteric modulator of the GABAA receptor,[4] and has been found to have rewarding,[5][6] anxiolytic,[7] pro-sexual,[8] and anticonvulsant effects.[9][10] As androgens such as testosterone and DHT are known to have many of the same effects as 3α-diol and are converted into it in vivo, it is thought that this compound may in part be responsible for said effects.[5][6][7][10]"

    Like you also said, some guys that used finansteride for baldness or enlarged prostrate totally wrecked their DHT and neurosteroid (GABA) system. They feel like total beta's. Anxious, no confidence, social anxiety, sleepless nights, no libido, depression, cant look women in the eye and more symptoms. Some killed themselves. Some took proviron (which is a DHT derivative) and it took away most of their symptoms. The proviron made them feel manly and calm again.

    I know steroids ruin your hormonal health. I was into steroids, but stopped that stuff because it was ruining my health longterm. Some steroids (boldenone and winstrol) actually strip GABA from the receptors and make you feel anxious) Any excess exogenous hormone can cause all kind of imbalances making you feel like shit. And even after a succesful PCT, there can still be persisting HPTA dysfunction and estrogen dominance. I am not a proponent of using steroids anymore. Unless it's for used for TRT for older men or steroid abusers that permanently shut down their HPTA.

    I was wrong about nettle root, and I know I keep rambling about DHT, but that's because it's not some kind of evil hormone some people claim it do be. Homeostasis is key.

    As for PMO addiction chronically raising DHT levels; I have not yet read any real scientific studies that support that. Yes T and DHT levels raise during sexual activity, but fall back to normal after orgasm. I did a full blood panel test during my severe PMO addiction days, and all hormones were perfectly in range. But maybe you are right and more research is needed on the connection of PMO binges and DHT. Some so called scientists deny the existence of porn addiction, so maybe later some studies will come out to support this. And if nettle root helped you, I'm happy it's working for you.

    Edit: it's still an hypothesis that finastereride blocks certain neurosteroids, because finasteride works an another isoenzyme of the 5-a-Reductase (number 1 isoenzyme) Dutasteride would be more stonger because it both works on 5-a-Reductase 1 and 2 isoenzymes. That does decrease important calming neurosteroids..
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2020