Nofap BOOTCAMP ; NO PMO/ HELL Mode [Open]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by MONSTER MONK, Mar 3, 2019.

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  1. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut

    newtry and Symbol of Peace like this.
  2. I am proud of the name "hunter". This "hunter" of my name has to always be hunting something, he should never stop. This is how we should all be, the protagonists, the captains of our lives, the hunters of our prey (goal).

    And gon is a pretty mature and good child.
  3. Pedro.Conquers

    Pedro.Conquers Fapstronaut

    Thank you sir
    newtry and Symbol of Peace like this.
  4. Pedro.Conquers

    Pedro.Conquers Fapstronaut

    4/9 hellmode - Start of day 9 on the challenge.

    It’s fucking simple, if we dont follow the instructions we wont survive. If you dont follow the instructions on baking the cake it wont come out right, neither will you.

    My cheat meal will be next Monday night. I will check in before and after the meal, because I’m prone to relapse after a cheat meal.
    newtry and Symbol of Peace like this.
  5. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut

    It's time for the commanding officer @MASTER MONK to say the word or another recruit missing the opportunity.

    I'm doing fine. Marched 8K for two days and will be another one tomorrow.
  6. I'm on Hell Mode but in not taking it seriously, it starts now, I'll study and study and study, it's my only and precious task, hope you guys are fine. I'll fight procrastination and tiredness with coffee and chocolate milk (this helps me a lot).
    newtry, theman1 and Pedro.Conquers like this.
  7. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut

    If you study, share what you studied. As a soldier, don't forget other trainings too.

    Good day, read a misconduct case in the government. He and his college profited from selling properties and received justice. He received almost life prisonment and the other received 3 years. Because he was the man initiated this crime. Hardly understand how he came up with this idea of selling the government properties. They had a good paying job.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2019
    newtry and Symbol of Peace like this.
  8. I study my school disciplines and programing, school: Physical, Chemical, Math, Languages and much more. All are important but for me the most important thing is programming, i want to learn how to become a good programmer and create apps and programs that will help me and others in the everyday life.

    I need to say that I relapsed, but I'm more stronger than before.

    I'll take a bath now, after study languages at Duolingo, after I'll read and later I'll go to my uncle because it's his birthday. Day 0, slave. Also, I'm on Hell Mode,
    newtry and im’possible like this.
  9. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut

    Great, start thinking about creating apps for nofap. Should be a good practice for you. Happy birthday to your uncle.
    Symbol of Peace and newtry like this.
  10. Pedro.Conquers

    Pedro.Conquers Fapstronaut

    Hell mode 5/12 6/13 days .

    Last few days i decided to say fuck off to junk food and started waking up early. Ive realized in my life style its going to be hard to sleep on time but I’m going to wake up early no matter what. Today i left a part early and came home, when before i would have stayed till the last person left. Making positive changes and feeling super happy. Something so simple as not PMing, eating healthy, waking up early boosts my happiness by 80 percent... I’m out talking to women being happy and super confident. Well i always spoke to women but the mental fog is disappearing.. PM kills your despertarte need to have a woman around and creates a positives relationships around them. Great fucking day!! May my mother wrap her wings around me and keep me protected.
    Symbol of Peace and newtry like this.
  11. summer_breeze

    summer_breeze Fapstronaut

    Day 0 again...
    I have fallen once again, but I am coming back stronger.
    Symbol of Peace and newtry like this.
  12. newtry

    newtry Fapstronaut

    Last Monday (D65 Hell mode), after writing here and in my journal, I created a new challenge (actually, I extended a personal challenge) and baptized it (I renamed, in fact) Biblical Challenge. I created it in the section of general challenges, because there are more chances that non-Christians may enter from time to time (there are people who know nothing or very little about the Bible) but those of Nofap transferred it to the section of Christian fapstronauts. I don't want to break the community regulations, so I'll leave it where they left it. In case anyone wants to shop around, I leave the link:

    Tuesday (D66 Hm). I was studying all morning for my last afternoon Bible class (where I am the teacher). I went out to buy a dessert to share with my students, for being the last class. I looked for desserts for diabetics, since one of my students is, but sadly, in stores, they hardly sell. I found a non-sugar bownie, that was all. For the rest, I brought a strawberry cake. The theme of the class was Glorification: the resurrection, the rapture of the Christians, the Wedding of the Lamb ... there is no human understanding capable of understanding how this will be, when it occurs.

    Wednesday (D67 Hm). I worked. Things are better there. Then, at home, I took the opportunity to study, and organize for my classes next year.

    Thursday (D68 Hm). All day studying and I began to read a new book (about Jewish customs in the time of Jesus). At night, I went to the recital of a young woman from my Church, who sang two songs. It is good to support young people in these things.

    Friday (D69 Hm). I worked. My boss was too pleased with my job ... very suspicious :). In the afternoon, I went out to buy some presents. Then, I went to the nursing home to celebrate a grandmother's birthday, and gave two balls of wool to another. We had a good time. At night I was at my parents' house (oh my sick brother ... I struggle between feeling angry or feeling compassion for him).

    Today Saturday (D70 Hm). I woke up early. I was reading the book I mentioned, all day. Now I am at home, catching up with this Forum and other social networks.
    Today I celebrate 70 days in Hell mode, but it's 100 days in normal mode. Very happy with this achievement, and more vigilant than ever, since I have a long summer ahead, a time of the year of more temptation. Now that I will not be teaching my class for a couple of months, what can I do to get more of God into my life? I thought about studying music, to improve praise, but God will say.

    I feel a bit lonely. I have good companions, but sometimes I need a good friend. I have had close friends, but today these are empty relationships. But I am a very happy man, surrounded by affections. Instead of selfcasting, and thinking that if I don't have it, it's because something in me is wrong, I'm going to think with God that some of us serve him better in solitude :).
  13. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut

    Congrats chap for the achievement :) Good link sir. You just created a chapel.

    That's the spirit. I wish you do. Report your relapse when you can at report page.

    I should've said that first too much junk food is not good for rebooting. I wish the Major can get back to the track soon.

    To everyone still active, it's almost year end. I will send you guys a self evaluation. Use it to see your status.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2019
  14. newtry

    newtry Fapstronaut

    Thanks, haha ... it's a way to see it
  15. irishrover

    irishrover Fapstronaut

    Tried, failed. Never mind. Try again. Fail better.
    Disaster last night but I know what I need to do. My Xmas pressie to myself will be no PMO for 2020! Happy Christmas fellow fapstronauts!
  16. Pedro.Conquers

    Pedro.Conquers Fapstronaut

    Hell mode 6/14

    Im fucken choked last night fucken went off my diet at my sis birthday party then continued at xmas party at night followed by pizza and PM at 2am. Next time I want to PM im gonna stab my self in the leg, or go outside and kick the shitout of someone.
    Symbol of Peace likes this.
  17. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut

    Before you stab your self next time, just calm down. I'm not taking cold shower and I'm doing fine.
    Don't let that feeling overwhelm you sir. Instead, stuff yourself with dicipline and spirit, in the army way.
    Maybe it's natural for you to PM because what you been through, so gotta fix the mindset first.

    Happy Xmas to you too. If you want to be on the list, ask @MASTER MONK.
  18. Pedro.Conquers

    Pedro.Conquers Fapstronaut

    Thank you for that response i needed that.
    Symbol of Peace likes this.
  19. Pedro.Conquers

    Pedro.Conquers Fapstronaut

    7/15 hell mode

    Today was fucken great. Back on the right food, trained todsy and was spirtually connected. Did everything i need to do and i feel awesome.

    Food and gym and praying are very important for me to keep on track. Fuck yea! On to the next day.
    Symbol of Peace likes this.
  20. Hell Mode, day 1, everything fine. I'm anxious to day 2. Don't know why. I'll just live my day.
    im’possible likes this.