Reached my goal of 127 Days Hard Mode

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by FailingForward, Dec 15, 2019.

  1. FailingForward

    FailingForward Fapstronaut

    I had a goal from the beginning of my senior semester to now, and I went a full semester of hard mode. My struggle is w wet dreams but I’m working on fighting them and it’s getting better.

    Life has completely changed, and I love the change. I will keep moving forward to 180 days.

    Still healing from the years of damage, but I can finally be genuinely happy and it’s amazing.
  2. Si bolang

    Si bolang Fapstronaut

    Don't you feel lonely? I mean do you not want to feel real sex? Like me when I am on 20+ hard fashion days so I really want to have sex with women, how can you get past it?
    vad likes this.
  3. ramiman

    ramiman Fapstronaut

    good job brother, keep going
    Espi1971 likes this.
  4. Well done! Impressive :)
    Espi1971 likes this.
  5. FailingForward

    FailingForward Fapstronaut

    lonely? yeah sometimes, but the benefits outweigh it. I’ve hit rock bottom and I’ve seen nothing but positives since I’ve started it. I’d rather chase my goals at an exponential rate then down play my time with PMO. Plus, Real sex for what? Right now? Man, I’m trying to make boss moves. If you fall out of chasing the only thing that you have to aspire in this life for a piece of ass that might not be worth your time, is that using your time here wisely? I’ll chase my career and my money. The women will follow, and a women who will choose me for actually being me. I can only be me by chasing what I aspire and working for what I want. With that the rest takes care of it’s self, and I’m happy with that.
    Kratos_GOW and user10111 like this.