180 days of no P (triggers inside) - still worth reading though - as I hope :D

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by MistrGalvanickehoPokoveni, Dec 14, 2019.

  1. Hi guys,

    my summarization of half year since I have watched last pornvideo:

    Thanks to NO Porn challenge, I feel like a better man. Like a man who can be a real support for a girl. Man that girl can be proud of. Man that can accept her like she is and not to judge her look or compare her with other seen naked girls on the screen.

    I don´t have a girlfriend yet, but thanks to not using porn I have this feeling of myself which is extremely precious for me. And for me it is worthier than the feeling of having a girlfriend but being a numb guy watching porn.

    When I started in 2014 I did NoFap as a way to find a girl - and I believe many of you is doing same - and If you do not find her during your streak, what then? :) You will start watch porn again?

    I did many times before exactly like that and I always watched porn after some days I didn´t find any girl.

    Later I realize I do NoFap to be a better man. And this is result. 180 days of not using porn and the feeling of being a better man. That keeps me on the track and tells me the pain of staying disciplined is worth it.

    So I´d like all of you to invite to be a better man first and to find a girl afterwards. :)
    Good luck.
  2. SmokeyRamble

    SmokeyRamble Fapstronaut

    Congrats! Are you doing no P but still MO? I am considering what path to take on this. No P seems more realistic for me than no PMO, as a forever thing.
  3. Well, in my first years of NoFap attempts I was doing no PMO. Then I found out, that no PMO is not sustainable for me (Even if I go 120 days, there is nowhere written I will find a girlfriend), so I took a road of no P. I went from pornvideos only to pictures of naked girls, then to the pictures of a girls and then no visual content at all (took me about 45 days this switch).
    Kingfisher and SmokeyRamble like this.
  4. SmokeyRamble

    SmokeyRamble Fapstronaut

    Have you still found benefits from switching to just no P?
  5. Not so strong as during no PMO, but yes I still do feel the benefits. :)
    Kingfisher and SmokeyRamble like this.
  6. Congrats, that's a really great accomplishment.

    I'm doing something similar, so I'm curious: How has the content of your imagination changed when masturbating? Has it become more grounded in real life situations / people, and less about replaying porn videos in your head?
  7. Until day 105 I had quite vivid memories of some porn scenes, which was quite scary.

    Then it changed in two ways. When I am with girl I am attracted to, she will appear in my imagination for that moment and sometimes for few days after.

    And nowadays, some moments of porn scenes still haven´t disappeared from my memory, but they appear very rarely and most of the time the do not arouse me. Specially those which were very explicit - I see them as disgusting now.