Lifetime First

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Fallacious D, Dec 5, 2019.

  1. First nocturnal emission of all time this morning, at age 21.

    I'll consider this a success because it basically means that my body has resumed its natural processes which I have denied it for an entire decade through excessive PMO. And the fact that it took me 78 days before this happened makes me guess that my brain must have been really messed up.

    Interestingly, I can't remember the dream that caused it, or if I even dreamed at all. Sometimes I put my hand between my legs for comfort/warmth, but I can't imagine that would do anything.

    Also interesting is that yesterday was my first day of nosurf. I barely used my computer for anything other than homework. Could this somehow be the cause of the wet dream?

    Stay strong lads
  2. Wow nice job. 78 days of of no PMO. I unfortunately relapsed yesterday. How did u get so far?
  3. After a decade of failure, shame, and embarrassment. Jerking off to obscene things like people getting eaten, women with dicks, futa hentai 3d furry garbage, burping, piss, farting, and other bullshit. I couldn't look at myself in the mirror. I was jerking off on birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving, then hugging and shaking hands with my family members while I secretly felt like a piece of shit. I knew I wasn't a piece of shit, but I felt like one. Tried No Nut November, failed day 1. Tried to set goals for myself, failed all of them. I bet you've got a story just like mine.

    Then I somehow found NoFap and realized that there's thousands of other people who want to quit just like me. And at that point I also consciously admitted that I'm addicted to porn. So I said, "fuck it," and decided on DAY ONE, that this is my first serious attempt. All the others weren't serious, but this time I was going to put 100% of my energy and willpower into it.

    You gotta get serious man. Find some way to motivate yourself. Make it matter. Think of something that porn is preventing you from having, and try to think how nice it would be if you had that thing. I'm sure you could make a long list. Start by resetting your counter.

    Also, I have one tip that helped me greatly. Keep the fantasies away, and you will have a very easy time with the urges. The urges come after you let sexual thoughts into your head. When you get those insane urges to PMO, you may have already lost. But the fantasizing, the daydreaming, those are what cause the urges. So as soon as you start thinking about women or whatever turns you on, change the channel in your mind immediately. Good luck.
  4. Takecontrol44

    Takecontrol44 Fapstronaut

    This was really inspiring to me, seriously. You just gave me nothing but motivation man keep on going don’t waste all that TIME!! you know that your going to regret it afterwards
  5. Damn straight.
  6. Thank you very much
    FellatiousD likes this.
  7. That's why I recently kept failing because I kept thinking about losing my virginity.
    FellatiousD likes this.
  8. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    Good job man! Keep on going with your journey! I really believe you can kick this addiction. Don’t try and make a specific day your goal, make this a lifestyle. Then, everyday will feel amazing just like your day 78! I believe in you and wish you the best of luck with your journey! :cool:
    FellatiousD likes this.
  9. Thanks brother. For once in my life, I feel like I'm on a good path.