My low Testosterone and trying to increase it. DHEA anyone?

Discussion in 'Nutrition and Supplements' started by mgz069, Dec 1, 2019.

  1. mgz069

    mgz069 Fapstronaut

    I am almost 31 yo, and havent masturbated to porn since February 2018.
    Despite feeling somethings getting better here and there, i don't feel like i'm running on a full tank.
    So I took a Testosterone test on my own.

    The results were around ~270ng/dL (note that the normal range in males is about 270-1070 ng/dL).
    It was very weird indeed, because i am not fat and i work out 4-5 times per week the last 5 years.

    Anyway, before rushing to TRT i took some other tests via my doctor and what came out is quite interesting.

    Vitamin D: 21ng/mL ( normal range is 30-100)
    HDL Cholesterol: 36mg/dL (normal range is 65++)
    Also count the factor that I only sleep around 5-6 hours every night for the last 10 years or so.

    In a nutshell low Vitamin D + low Cholesterol + bad sleep quality (+ PMO at some point) is like the perfect storm for Low T!!!! Find reference below.

    Anyhow, I did a lot of research and going straight to TRT is a tough choice!
    Also, having in mind that i have so many defficiencies, I should work on that first!

    The only thing that I found legit to work, is DHEA. ( ).

    I started taking Vit D + fish oil (which supposedly increase HDL) a while ago, but I still havent been able to solve the sleep issue.

    Should I try DHEA?
  2. If I were you I would investigate what causing sleep problems for you at first.

    Increasing vitamin D will help with sleep too somehow. Avoid emfs in your sleep enviroment. That mean no eletric cable less than 1,5 meters to your bed, no wifi/BT/4g in your next rooms too etc. You can google how to avoid exposure from these. Be sure also no chemical in your room that can lower test levels, like Formaldehyde etc. I would not sleep on metal spring bed.

    Block blue light 2-3 hours before bed, there are glasses for that. It helps increasing your melatonin.

    If you buy vitamin D I advice to choose vitamin d3. I use one made from sheep wax, by sunshining. I rub it over my skin,I do not take it with my meals. If you plan to take a vitamin D blood test again in future I would be curious to hear if rubbing over your skin increased your levels.

    Magnesium supplement can help also, I use this recipe . Drink one glass with meal. That site is great if you plan to buy supplements, and what to choose good manufacturer. Be sure your diet got enough calcium too if you take magnesium. I think magnesium can increase DHEA too.

    What is your exercise routine/plan you follow?
    mgz069 likes this.
  3. SuperPowers

    SuperPowers Fapstronaut

    Have an egg a day, you can even have two, use an egg cooker if you like.

    Also stress is another factor, and by the way you're in the "normal" range, you don't actually have low T.

    Years ago I had T on the high end. Have mine tested the other day and it came back 13, normal is 10-31, so I'm on the low end, the doctor said its fine, until asked the score and I said thats shit, its on the lower end. He said it depends on how much sex you have, if you have more sex it goes up, and said and if you retain your semen it goes up as well and he didn't disagree maybe because I was certain but he said it depends on different factors

    I have put on a lot of fat but I think it has to do with cortisol, when cortisol the stress hormone goes up T goes down, so its probably stress.

    My plan, deal with the stress, try be happy, get more sleep, start taking the multi vitamin I have its the bodybuilding brand from the bodybuilding stone which has 1000UI of D and another 2 x 1000UI of D and 3g fish oils plus weight training and weight loss + semen retention. The thing with me is if you look at your left hand, if the second from the middle finger is longer than the index finger its indicative of high test and is apparently 99% correct, so I think its stress with me.

    You can try ashwandha. There are also many other foods like Avocados, and know that meat and dairy lower T and increase estrogens. Something to think about. Eat more carbs, fruits and vegatables and more of a vegan diet. I cut out chick, yogurt, milk, drink soy milk and have plant based vegan meat alternatives. Will see what my test is again in 3 months.
    mgz069 likes this.
  4. mgz069

    mgz069 Fapstronaut

    Im looking to get a sleep test to be honest.
    I play mini football once per week and lift weights the rest of them.

    I agree that stress is a crucial one.

    If it starts declining at 270 when im 60 yo I'll have less T than a woman. It doesn't feel normal to be considering my lifestyle.
  5. Yes, pal, yes... The sleep. It's really important. I mean vitamins can be taken from drug stores or whatever you call them outside of Europe (European here :D), but they can have a bad affects on your livers. At least that's what is known to me. Try instead having more instense workout or just get yourself to condition where the only thing you want to do is sleep like have an intense workout.
    mgz069 likes this.
  6. I forgot to mention 2"inclined bed therapy". I guess you think you snorking/or got apnea problem. Inclining the bed can help both.

    Got these idea what may cause your sleep problems:
    1.You in that enviroment where you used to PMO, your brain become triggered, and screws your sleeping.
    2.High emf exposure, or some allergen chemical in your house/bed/pillows.
    3.You getting too little sunlight daytime, and too much bluelight in night.
    4.Diet/digestion problems: you eating stuff you do not tolerate well, or simply you got dysbiosis in your gut.
    5.Snoring/apnea, both of them can be rooted from top points.
    6. Headaches? If got them can be good idea to get a contrast free MRI.
    7.Back pain, neck pain? If lower part of spine is not good shape that can cause lowered blood flow to your balls, and any spinal problem mess up your sleep.
    8. Overtraining.
    9. Overbreathing. You taking too many breaths, because if we stressed we tend to do that, and that pattern became your basic. Taking too much breath too often will lower your CO2 level in your blood. Optimal CO2 helps to relax your nervous system, and your blood vessels, and important to get oxigen from red bloodcells to your cells.
    10. Do you meditate or doing any fancy breath technique?

    If you find the reason, please drop me a message!
  7. mgz069

    mgz069 Fapstronaut

    1. Yes my space is like a mini studio and all the PMO was in that very room
    2. Dunno im only allergic to 1 drug
    3. Yes little sunlight indeed
    4. Digestion problems yes but its due to gastritis. No intolerances/allergies whatsoever
    5. I dont know. Thats why I want to take a sleep test
    6. nop
    7. nop
    8. Maybe.. i feel drained during my workouts
    9. Dont think so
    10. Nop, they dont work for me
  8. I thought maybe you could take that testosterone test again, with some other hormones to check if you got some pennies to spend on that. Unfortunetly I do not got knowledge about which hormones should be checked too.

    1. If the enviroment keeps you triggered all you can do is to leave that place fully for few weeks. If you symptoms suddenly become much better, or maybe worse short time then simply you are triggered in that place where you used to pmo. You can also try rearrange those rooms, change how your desktop looks etc.

    2. From paints of wall, and furnitures, beds can be source of VOC =Volatile Organic Compound. These can disturb sleeping, and nervous system, hormones. Snakeplants good to keep these compounds low in room air:

    4. If you had gastritis before sleep problems too them two probably not related, but if gastritis came with sleep problems than it can be dysbiosis/foog intorelance related.

    10. Good, i do not suggest meditation too.

    You may try write diary (handwriting), if you wake up middle of night from insomnia. Reading aloud can help too.
    mgz069 likes this.