Tasty Jerky

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Nov 23, 2019.

  1. Anyone here as much as a jerky fanatic as my SO?

    Ever since I bought a dehydrator for his birthday I’ve been obsessed with finding and trying out new meat, there’s quite a bit to choose from now that there’s good discounts from the huge amount of overstock at my shops for the holidays.

    I always take the precaution of cooking the meat fully until it reaches an internal temperature of 180 in the oven, then I put it in the heated dehydrator. So far between that and the nitrates they already put in commercial meat, I haven’t had any issues with botulism (not that it’s very common).

    The first three things I made was ground beef, smoked ham, and turkey bacon. Ham turned out the best but I wasn’t sold on the ground beef’s texture, I honestly didn’t find it very pleasant to chew and it just looks like cooked beef. Just make sure if it’s your first time making jerky you understand that there needs to be as little fat as possible, otherwise it will not only take possibly way over 20 hours to dry, but there will be a manky pool of grease fooling onto your counter. lol

    I’m curious if anybody else has made food delicious through dehydrating!

    TheStranger, recon117, MLMVSS and 4 others like this.
  2. A friend of mine makes jerky out of the meats her husband brings home and occasionally gives some away. It tastes great.

    Seeing this makes me want to give it a go.

    Have you tried bison yet? It’s readily available here, not sure about the UK.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Oh wow! Yes please! I love Jerky! :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. I haven’t actually, stuff round here (especially meat) is bloody expensive, so when I find stuff I’m able to afford I try it out. Have to admit I haven’t seen bison here, but there’s all sorts of good steak I want to try!

    It’s pretty straightforward and honestly fun, I just personally find it easier when meat has celery extract in it so I don’t have to figure out the whole nitrate ratio (as well as buying the cure). I take all safety precautions you’re supposed to even though others say the rules are overkill, I’d rather enjoy jerky without having an awful disease. Do it right and there’s pretty much 0% that can happen to you.

    If you do want to try it, I highly recommend buying a well reviewed model specifically around the heating method/element. Many of them claim to reach 160° but they are sometimes really around 154° or less. You need one that will consistently stay at 160° while drying or you could run into bacterial problems and it’ll just take even longer (though I still bake it through in the oven at 180° to destroy botulism spores). I personally use this sexy thing, it’s a thing of beauty. ;)


    I stack them in the freezer and they last forever, while still retaining the flavour. They make an all round brilliant snack, so long as you don’t use ground beef the way I did.:emoji_laughing:
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2019
    TheStranger and (deleted member) like this.
  5. So far ham jerky is my favourite, it’s got a good chew and texture. :cool:
    TheStranger and Hold it in like this.
  6. I would love Jalapeno beef jerky. My goodness ❤️
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Well, I did done do it. I ordered one.

    Will let y’all know how it goes.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Post some pics when you make some! ;)

    And remember, keep it safe and make sure your meat is cooked internally before dehydrating. Most folks don't use a cure, but I do and it honestly gives it that distinct jerky look and taste.
    TheStranger and (deleted member) like this.
  9. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    I make jerky every three weeks or so and store it in the freezer. I take a few strands to work everyday for lunch. I like to use top round. 1:1 soy/Worcestershire sauce. some liquid smoke, pepper, garlic, and onion powder. Sometimes I use franks red hot as well to give it a little kick. I've got it down to a science at this point. Love beef jerky! Only problem is that I end up eating half of it when it's still warm after finishing in the dehydrator!
  10. Blimey, that sounds scrummy! I honestly just bought my jerky seasoning at the shop here, but I certainly want to make my own marinade, as yours sounds brilliant. :emoji_raised_hands:
  11. Okay! I have the tri-tip and the dehydrator. I’ll give this a go tonight after SAA meeting.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Is there a way to post pictures here straight from my phone?

    Anyhow, I did my first batch today. Had to throw it all in the freezer after slicing it up last week. Worked lots of overtime again.

    I bought pre-marinated tri-tip. Got some thawed properly and tossed it in.

    It tastes good after the dehydration.

    But I want to flavor it more next time. Also cut strips thinner and also keep it in a bit longer.

    Will have a go at different items.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Aye, you see the button that says “Upload a File” next to post reply? Click that and then Photo Library, and then you can browse to your phone’s pictures.
    TheStranger likes this.
  14. The answer was in big letters in front of my face! LOL! Not the first time I’ve done that.


    Attached Files:

    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. These were a bit rushed but still good.

    Will take more time in preparation next time.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. Wow, those are thick cut! Almost remind me of teriyaki chicken wings. :emoji_smirk:
    TheStranger and (deleted member) like this.
  17. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    Looks tasty! Only suggestion I would make is maybe choose a leaner cut of beef because the fat can get a little rancid after awhile, although it certainly adds more flavor. Probably a good jerky to eat fresh.
  18. If folks are worried about the rancid aspect, you can always freeze it and let it thaw. Honestly tastes the same and you don’t have to worry about buying more expensive cuts of meat!
    TheStranger likes this.
  19. With regards to your second image, is that dried or cooked in the middle? I can’t see too well but it looks like it ended up cooking instead of dehydrating. Looks delicious though either way.
    TheStranger and (deleted member) like this.
  20. Yeah, I actually cooked this meat instead of dehydrating. With a bit of added seasoning it was delicious. Came out better than when I've cooked it on the pan. I'm always over cooking meats.

    Going to try again soon with thinner strips and longer time.
    Deleted Account likes this.