Did porn save our lives?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Katukini, Nov 30, 2019.

  1. Cocaine doesn't make you automatically physically addicted as well.
  2. Not the first time. Try with second, third.
  3. Anyway, the bottom line is... porn is there and can be abused, but it DOES NOT FORCE YOU to whip your **** out and wank the very second you've started watching it. That's up to us.

    Take responsibility. Be adult and honest (with yourselves for a start).
  4. Maybe, we can change our next generation...
  5. We can.
    Warning future generations about the possible risks of porn, and to therefore use it responsibly is a good way. Becoming luddites and hoping every single piece of erotica will be banned in the future is not. There are people lamenting even the existence of bikini models. And again, that's not the way to go. Sexual repression is not the way to go.
  6. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    I agree to some extend. MD Gabor Maté, one of the top experts on addictions argues that addictions actually temporarily save lives, because they prevent or postpone suicides. The same said neuro and behavior scientist Marc Lewis. They're not saying drugs and other addictions are good, just that they are moderately effective as trauma relievers. More then 90 % of drug misusers and at least two thirds alcoholics suffer from untreated past trauma. Especially Mate argues that drugs actually "help" people with heavily traumatic past experiences to endure emotional pain which would most probably end in suicide without it. Addiction is cry for help, that's why it pisses me off when I hear doctrines like "war on drugs". People suffering from addiction need help not judgement and prison. Doctrines like this just show us how FU society we currently live in really is. Compulsive addictive behaviors like PMO are not as fatal, but still have the same brain processes and traumas behind it.
    Katukini likes this.
  7. Thomas Bowden

    Thomas Bowden Fapstronaut

    I'm glad you want to protect children from exposure to pornography. I hope you also agree that a child who becomes addicted to something is not solely himself to blame, and that most of the blame really lies with the adults facilitating the addiction.
  8. Sure.
    But we still should be careful not to make said children afraid of sex and sexuality, and sexually repressed. That backfires and can be a cause in itself to turn to porn in an unhealthy way.
    I just think that there needs to be more open talk about pornography, and also its risks. The point of this shouldn't be to take out our forks and condemn anything sexual, just because we didn't know how to deal with it properly and slipped into addiction.
    Because, again, no porn forces you to touch yourself every single time you see something erotic.
    So, let's please not say nonsense such as "I don't have demons" in a community about ADDICTION and RECOVERY. I can't repeat it enough. Be truthful. Take responsibility. Otherwise we get into a very dangerous mindest of here of " it's the women's fault for being scantily clad, it's not my fault."
  9. geheim

    geheim Fapstronaut

    The build-up of a full-blown addiction of porn may be slower than with substance abuse, but once you reach that point and realize it, it is too late. At that stage you are in the same situation with as much control as any other addict. This doesn't take away from the fact that we are responsible for neglecting our conscience when we had the ability to listen. The latter is our own contribution to the problem.

    Porn creators are to blame for their contribution to the problem as much as they are contributors. And yes, they are the primary contributors to this problem, willing to exploit humans and damage/ruin lives for their own financial gain. I wish them farewell on the day of judgment, they will be in the same (or worse) boat as drug dealers. It's fine to have a beer at times, but there is never a medicinal/good use of porn. The world would be a purely better place with all porn incinerated, not just in respect to children, but in respect to everyone.
    Thomas Bowden likes this.
  10. Fine line, though.
    Should we also ban any other kind of erotica and nudity ?
  11. No, that's different from what you said earlier. You said that we became addicts because of "personal demons" (whatever that means to you), implying that an addiction to porn was caused by some struggle within ourselves like depression or a lack of satisfaction, see here:

    Yet one doesn't need to be in a bad place to become addicted to porn. That's my problem with your post. I'm in a poorer place now (and even then, one could argue I'm not). I was never in one prior to porn and implying that I was, as your original post does, is what I find problematic.
  12. lirider

    lirider Fapstronaut

    I think so as well. If I didn't have porn then I'd just be frustrated AND lonely. I'm not saying it's good either knowing what I know now. But if I'm being truthful it definitely filled a void. I still managed to study, get a job, learn trades, paint my house, put in a sprinkler system, socialize but after a few years and your skin looks like crap, you're tired all the time, quick to frustration, anger, I went hmmm. Then I saw a nofap thing on instagram and was maybe that's why I asked god to take me. Now I've tried nofap on and off for months and there is definitely benefits. But again, porn was good for a bit but it just took over. Much like my beer intake. But if your life in a one horse town isn't cutting it and you can see P actresses it was great. Smoke and mirrors of course but if you're mature enough to say yeah, I WANT to move on (yes I relapse) then your better off then the guy who goes on a rant like Porn is BAD, on an on then binges for month.
  13. Ever heard about the subconscious? There things we have trouble dealing with without even knowing it, and we only realize that MUCH, MUCH later.

    And rest assured, if you would really look into yourself honestly, sooner or later you would find out about personal problems for which you (unknowingly) used porn to cope with.

    It can be small, subtle things. Too much ego. Not enough. Too much of something else. Or not enough of something else.
  14. This is just generalized speculation. It's equally plausible that there was nothing to begin with in an individual that got addicted to something. Porn is still addictive by itself.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2019
  15. Although... if I'm being honest with you since you say this:
    I have always had a craving for intimacy/romance all my life. I will admit this. Porn isn't either, but it might be related.
  16. We usually fill our "voids" with whatever we get addicted with.

    You're probably going to have to work on yourself about that craving.
    amaranth likes this.
  17. geheim

    geheim Fapstronaut

    Fine line of what? You are not sure what porn is when you see it? I think there is little ambiguity in the statement "the world would be better off without porn."

    If any form erotica and nudity should be (quote) banned is a different, philosophical discussion to be had at another time.
  18. Stitch 626

    Stitch 626 Fapstronaut

    I get your point, but I think there's some more about it. Dopamine is what saved us. It could have been earned by many different ways, good and bad, but we ended up finding this corrupted one. It's like trying to lose weight by cutting one of your limbs. The result is achieved, but definitely not through the best way.
    geheim likes this.
  19. geheim

    geheim Fapstronaut

    Yeah, we took a destructive shortcut instead of solving the underlying issues.