I am annoyed by the "Defend Alex" banner

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Nov 23, 2019.

  1. Hey guys,

    I just want to voice my displeasure with the banner for spending for the lawsuit.

    Ok I get it, you need money to fight for that lawsuit. But the ad is placed much too prominent in my opinion. It is annoying. Everytime you go to the site you need to scroll past it. And it is, in my opinion, also very sensational designed - 'end the harresment' - 'the porn industrie and its 'Allies''.

    So please, could you minimize the ad? I spent to the website already, I am not going to spent for this (seemingly dubious) lawsuit.
  2. Bro you gotta chill. We suffered a DDOS attack just 2 Days ago. Yes it is annoying but it's not forever. Like this it gains the most attention and that's what it needs.
  3. mmh ok. but how could you link those DDOS attacks to the lawsuit?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. I don't link them directly. I just tell you that the website was offline for many hours and this happend before and it's definitly not because NoFap became popular in 1 day.
  5. You can hide it using the uBlock Origin extension.
    Optimum Fortitude likes this.
  6. That’s just it, you can very simply scroll past it... he needs that dosh for the lawsuit and none of you that complain are able to comprehend or even remotely appreciate what he does to keep this site running.

    Ever since that appeared I have had no issue scrolling down, this is certainly not an issue getting in the way of doing anything here. If he makes it smaller or moves it he risk getting less donations not to mention nobody is pressured or forced to do anything, and considering it’s his forum and livelihood he can do as he pleases.
  7. inb4 they ghost us and don't tell us whether they win the lawsuit
  8. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    I get annoyed by it every now and then, but what's the big deal? So you need to scroll a little? Okay, is that really so big of an annoyment that they should potentially reduce the amount of money they get for it by making the ad less noticeable?

    Criticism about it being sensational is fair enough, but I doubt that they'll go through the trouble of designing another one even if you could convince them that it could be better. After all changing these kinds of things isn't so easy that it would make sense to do it every time someone decides to get annoyed by the ad.
    Optimum Fortitude likes this.
  9. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    I'm not against it per se, just wish it wasn't so big. A banner on the side would be fine.

    It doesn't work.
  10. You need to target the HTML element and hide it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2019
  11. Completely agree with you. I created a similar post recently too. Finally there's someone who can relate. I've been made to sound rather small minded and impatient by users who don't understand the fact that this Alex person may not has genuine intentions with regard to the nofap model. I agree - make the banner smaller or less prominent at least. The website itself has positive and helpful content, it's literally only this part of the site that's getting in the way of my own intent of being here because it generates questions over why Alex has made it so prominent. The different amounts I could donate is just ridiculous. Donate to 'end the harassment'..... vague
    lawsuit.... odd video clip of some therapist.... very suspect!

  12. You can find links to the official complaint here, here, and here. Gary Wilson, who founded yourbrainonporn, wrote extensively on the matter here and here, and the suit has also gotten national press coverage. There's nothing vague about it.
  13. Thanks for posting these. I feel like some people would be less annoyed and confused if there had been an official post containing links like these, and more information about the actual lawsuit and what actually happened. I watched the video, and it really didn't explain much of anything in my opinion.
  14. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    That's a valid point. They didn't really bother to explain the situation too clearly, so I guess it's understandable to be sceptic. I didn't bother to watch the videos since I already donated, but if they explain the situation more in depth, good.
  15. I think it's silly for people to be skeptical in the sense that they think Alex is going to just pocket the money or something, because he's proven himself time and time again to not be in this for the money at all. But I was skeptical in the sense that I don't understand who they are suing and why, and I don't want to give money to support someone suing someone else for a dumb reason that I disagree with. So it's important to know what is actually happening.
  16. https://www.yourbrainonporn.com/rel...assment-and-defamation-of-gary-wilson-others/
    GottaBFree and Deleted Account like this.
  17. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    I mean wouldn't it be illegal or something to raise funds claiming it goes to one thing and then taking it to yourself instead? At least it seems like something that should be illegal.
    But yeah, it makes sense to not want to give money to a lawsuit you know next to nothing about. I wanted to know more at first too, but then decided to just trust my gut and donate anyways. A dumb decision to be sure, but whatever. :D
  18. I really have no idea if that's illegal or not, but either way, it's not going to happen.
  19. Agreed
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Deadmemories

    Deadmemories Fapstronaut

    I agree plus im not gonna donate because if alex can't reply to a message about why i got banned why should i donate my hard earned cash to him. To all i care he can be sued.