I'm starting to become ashamed of this community

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Nov 16, 2019.

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  1. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Well I've seen more people using incel terminology here so it is not suprissing.
  2. Lot's of animosity in the air between genders. What is the reason? Freud would speculate that it is our sexual repressed urges coming out, in this case as anger...

    I think there is a way how to solve this - we need to introduce a gender neutral forum section!
  3. Wouldn't that be the exact same as going to off topic though? I mean everyone is allowed here, so I’m not sure what creating a new one with the same setup, but just a different name would help solve.

    The problem doesn’t lie in the forum, and rather people’s refusal to grow up and function like bloody adults. The tantrums I’m seeing are unbelievable.
  4. It would work because then everybody would post there would not have a gender. Gender as a concept would not exist there at all! So there would be no gender arguments, we all could just dance and hug. :oops:
    need4realchg and recon117 like this.
  5. That would require Alex to get the site rewritten, so more money coming out his pocket and hiring people to change it. It’s not impossible, just impractical.

    I highly doubt if you changed anything these people would stay calm and find something to bitch about even in that new area. These types of people have already demonstrated plenty of times how awfully confrontational, aggressive and all round barmy they can be, so in my opinion nothing short of therapy and a willingness to change would be helpful.

    The most we can do is block them, but it’s a completely useless feature to be honest.
    Evig Faith and MLMVSS like this.
  6. I say don’t dish it out if you can’t take it, they’ve said enough gormless shite especially towards @Castielle, and are clearly showing everyone just how arrogant and daft they are. They deserve whatever it is they get said back to them, if they want respect or decency then they should of thought of that before acting like immature 5 year olds.

    Not only did she again, not do anything, but the severity and aggressiveness of their responses is what got me. I don’t know how you can be so bitter, angry, and miserable at your own life that you have to take it out on others like that.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Haha exactly. I was having second thoughts sending that as I tend to avoid confrontations here, but decided just to do it anyway simply because of how ridiculous they’re acting.
  8. Aye, I try to avoid them but it’s like something from a film and can’t look away. I can’t believe there’s supposedly adults that act like this, especially when it’s stuff not even directed at them. lol
  9. The reason why people get so awfully confrontational and aggressive is because they care a lot, if they would not care they would not get so angry. They probably been hurt by women or by some of these extreme ideologies they are against. Or at least seen somebody else get hurt, and now they are scared by anything that resembles that even a little. They do not want themselves or anybody else to get hurt by it. But because they are so emotional about it, cos they care about what they perceive as injustice, they tend to lose their rational thinking and go aggressive. We should not feel angry about these people, we should feel compassion, cos in the end of a day they are afraid and hurt, that's why they act that way. :emoji_upside_down:
    need4realchg likes this.
  10. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    LMAO!!! Thanks for the laugh today! I’m honoured.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2019
    Enulv likes this.
  11. Not made by me :D
  12. I don’t feel compassion for anyone that berates others and calls them horrible shite, you’re essentially saying give them a free pass at being complete tossers, just because they’ve had troubles in their life. How is that justified? I’ve been through rubbish over and over again but I’m not taking that out on anyone, I think what these people are lacking is common sense, respect, and importantly empathy. Otherwise they wouldn’t be saying the rubbish that they are.

    If they’re not willing to work on their anger and issues then that’s their problem and I don’t care, everyone is given the tools to become a better person but some want to remain bitter and angry.
  13. Evig Faith

    Evig Faith Fapstronaut

    Definitely. Why do we have to be the patient ones when we’ve been put through shit almost every day since we joined?
  14. Sweetheart, I guess it's because you are who you are and people like us don't really like people like you :) Angry, sometimes acting really inocent and trying to prove that truth is yours. No problem with that, but stop bitching on men, cause we don't cry about females. We love you, believe me. So please be nice and stop whining how we act nice or are assholes, and how real nice guys have to be left alone.
    Have a nice day.
    pickledRick likes this.
  15. And it was as @Castielle said, she was actually praising men in general with her other post, but these individuals had their precious egos hurt for some reason. If anything these threads have just highlighted and proved her entire point of everything she’s been saying, toxic masculinity at its finest.
  16. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Also, I think the mods are about to crack down on this thread. I’ve been replied to twice on here by people who made their hate evident on here, and both times it stated that I don’t have permission to read the replies.

    Thank you, mods.
  17. Evig Faith

    Evig Faith Fapstronaut

    Shamed of you support men, shamed if you go against them. There’s no pleasing these people unfortunately.
  18. Evig Faith

    Evig Faith Fapstronaut

    This sounds like an endorsement. :)
    Dude, I defended men several times on here. I’m not bitching on men. I’m bitching on men who act like it’s their right to treat people like shit, just like I’ll bitch on women who do the same.
  19. Well, then I made a mistake I guess. I had you in the same basket with Castelle or whatever her nickname was. Sorry for inaccurate observation.
    Have a nice day.
  20. Well I do, because I feel sorry for them. I mean if they call others like that with this anger imagine how awful they must feel inside themselves. Nobody who is happy and in peace would act like that...
    What's the alternative? Getting angry over that? I don't know about you, but I don't find the feeling of anger to be particularly enjoyable. And then what happens it takes your emotions too, and then you jump in and now everybody is arguing with everybody. If you see why they are like they are and you feel compassion rather than anger you will stay calm and rational. Then you can do things like block or report them, or write an calm and reasonable reply. Compassion doesn't mean we should not stand up for what we believe is right.
    You are stronger than many out there. Not everyone's as resilient as you. Bless you for being who you are. :)
    need4realchg and Enulv like this.
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