The Best breakfast you could get for high energy and productivity (good for athelts too)

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Jack1211, Nov 16, 2019.

  1. Jack1211

    Jack1211 Fapstronaut

    Just eat 5 bananas with a cup of black coffee and you will get a 500 calories breakfast in no time!

    iloveMyGf1331 and FellatiousD like this.
  2. SuperPowers

    SuperPowers Fapstronaut

    Man, chop that banana up and add it to 3/4 cup of oats and some blueberries on top.
  3. Triplex VII

    Triplex VII Fapstronaut

    Can you eat a banana while staring another man in the eyes? I can. Lol. :emoji_sunglasses:

    Hmm. I may just try this breakfast idea. Sounds like a lot of bananas at one time though. I'm not sure I can eat all that at once.
    Jack1211 likes this.
  4. Jack1211

    Jack1211 Fapstronaut

    i...i...i. don't think this is the wise type of risk i would try to take.
  5. athlean

    athlean Fapstronaut

    dont do it, too many banana's. you're body only needs so much vitamin in a day, bananas also contains a lot of sugar.

    just chop a banana and mix it wih some oatmeal and protein shake, very healthy breakfast like someone said up here ;).. coffee isn't also the greatest but if you really need some cafein to start the day, go for it..
    Asgardian36, Triplex VII and Jack1211 like this.
  6. mr.incognito

    mr.incognito Fapstronaut

    I'm a believer in the meat and nuts breakfast that was promoted by Charles Poliquin.
  7. That's awful! I would instantly get a stomach ache.
    I think your mind stays sharper with no breakfast. Wait until lunch to eat

    Glass of water, or celery juice is preferred. Focus on hydrating in the morning instead.
    Buddhabro and Jack1211 like this.
  8. Jack1211

    Jack1211 Fapstronaut


    Sometimes i actually do the opposite which is eating only in the morning and fasting through the day but i can also eat small mulitbul meals through the day.
  9. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Unless you have a digestion of steel this breakfast is likely to send you running to the bathroom :) that's way too many bananas on an empty stomach.

    I make a very simple banana pancake which is a great filling and delicious way to start the day. Just need 1 egg, 1 banana and a blender, mix it up well and then fry little dollops of it in a hot pan with a little oil. Serve with some blueberries or strawberries, or a little yogurt if you like. Sets you up for the day!

    Edit: this amounts to about 250 calories for the pancakes, close to 500 with the trimmings. Also contains protein from the egg and a little healthy fat, all good!
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  10. Vlox

    Vlox New Fapstronaut

    Caffeine is a crutch. It's better if you can go without it. Try a banana and peanut butter sandwich. For me it tastes like a dessert so it's great for lunch and very healthy. Stick to the 100% peanut stuff though.
  11. Vlox

    Vlox New Fapstronaut

    Not even close friend. You want to eat a large meal to start to the day. Drinking lots of water is just as important though so it's not either or.
  12. Everyone's different. Always good to experiment.
    If I eat a large breakfast I'm drowsy and drag my ass around all day. If I stick simply water or a vegetable juice and coffee im as sharp as a tack.
    If you're always feeling satisfied your Bain slows down... Hmmmmmm sounds like something else we focus on on this website?
  13. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    now this breakfast justifies the title of this post!