
Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Jonas 2:10, Nov 15, 2019.

  1. Jonas 2:10

    Jonas 2:10 Fapstronaut

    Watched some P yesterday. I turned it off quickly but in aftermath I was shaking all over. This was happening for few minutes. I know it is somehow linked to the dopamine kick you get when watching that filth. This isnt the first time this happened to te but it was the first time I was physicaly sick (felt like vomiting a little) after. I gues it happendes to all of us addicts. I felt like some junkie from a Trainspotting or something. Is just disgraceful. Anyone with similar experience?
    Deforio11 likes this.
  2. Deforio11

    Deforio11 Fapstronaut

    I've had a similar experience, once after watching P for hours, went to sleep and started to feel an abnormal cold and shivering like never before, had a very strong fever after that and several other symptoms, went to the hospital I received medication and improved but the doctors could not explain what happened
  3. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    Its sounds like you both experienced psychoscomatic symptoms. It's normal to feel so strongly when you are passionate about overcoming addiction. You both made yourselves feel guilty over what you did and gave yourselves too much stress and your bodies felt physically ill from it.
    Aaasaanhai and Deforio11 like this.
  4. Deforio11

    Deforio11 Fapstronaut

    I didn't imagine it could be that, thanks for the info.
  5. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    Exactly. Glad to help. I've heard of this happening before and their being no health indicator to why so I wanted to help.
    Deforio11 likes this.
  6. You describe a typical feeling of anxiety that precedes any action deemed "bad".
    People get same feeling when about to steal, get in to a confrontation or do something else they know is risky. This creates stress and the very sensation you describe.

    You have deemed watching porn bad, being close to watching porn creates stress and anxiety.
    That is good, lets hope it keeps you away.
    Deforio11 likes this.