I'm now happy, I'm now free, I'm now a non-pmoer

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Im_worrior, Nov 10, 2019.

  1. Im_worrior

    Im_worrior Fapstronaut

    Thanks to the SPAM REMOVED (spam code #001) - REPORT TO MODERATION SPAM REMOVED (spam code #001) - REPORT TO MODERATION and to person who suggested it here on the forum, coming here has changed my life.
  2. blunt.ever

    blunt.ever Fapstronaut

    I'm enjoying for you. You've taken a great decision. All the best!
  3. Im_worrior

    Im_worrior Fapstronaut

  4. Does it work? Is the book long? How long haven't you PMO'd? Thank you for your time brother
  5. it doesn’t work in the sense that it will set you free, sorry to burst your bubble. I read that before and similarly thought i would be free forever. it can help for a time and it has good points. Seeing yourself as free, ie changing the way you think of yourself in terms of your addiction is very important
    LoooL and Zeeshaan like this.
  6. So it doesnt work?
  7. Are you looking to be free from P and M? Because the SPAM REMOVED (spam code #001) - REPORT TO MODERATION encourages you to M in a "healthy" way, which I don't believe is possible for most people. I think M is still destructive. The SPAM REMOVED (spam code #001) - REPORT TO MODERATION is mostly targeting quitting P.

    But I have explored almost every avenue about how to break free from pmo for lets say at least 6 months. There is no "secret trick". The only ways really are:
    1) You really want to quit. You have the will, your heart is willing to do whatever it takes. This is will power, and very few (I can count only a handful or two I have seen that have done it this way).
    2) .. will get back to this later
  8. Im_worrior

    Im_worrior Fapstronaut

    NO no need to apologize you really didn't burst my Burble, No one has that Power unless I give them. I understand your position, and where you at right now. Just. Few question though.
    1. Did you read the book?
    2. Did you follow the instructions?
    3. Did you finish it.?

    * it all start by simple making a decision that you will never do it again. The rest is simple. Are you gonna have urges sure! Are you gonna want to PMO? Offcourse no! Because you are already aware that doesn't solve the problem it, doesn't release stress. It is simple as that. Go read the book. Believe the book, follow all the instructions. AND REMEMBER ONCE YOU HAVE MADE THE DECISION TO NEVER PMO AGAIN, THERE'S NO WAY BACK. yes it is easy like like that.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2019
  9. Im_worrior

    Im_worrior Fapstronaut

    I assume you didn't finish the book, in the first few pages the author gives an instruction that "you don't have to stop or cut down while you are reading" -but as the book continues and he underlines all the facts, the disire to PMO slowly decreases, ( obviously you gonna have to read the book and finish it, follow the instructions). One of the instru tuins is that you read the book, don't skip chapters, and finish it.

    Judging from what you said I assume you read first few pages? I might be wrong. I read the entire book finish it I'm never pmoing again and that a conscious decision. I'm glad that I'm finally free, life is so beautiful withiout PMO. Conclusion : there's nowhere in the book the PMO is encouraged to M or to cut down,( the writer deals with a that, PMO dieting, cutting down etc) all those are part of the (willpower method)

    JUST read the book, give it a try, you've nothing to lose, but a lot to gain.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2019
  10. Im_worrior

    Im_worrior Fapstronaut

    My only request is please go read the book again.
  11. Im_worrior

    Im_worrior Fapstronaut


    Attached Files:

  12. Im_worrior

    Im_worrior Fapstronaut

    Never ever let anyone tell what works and doesnt work for you. Only you can find that out. And there's no such thing as "I have tried everything" of course if you've tried everything you would have stopped pmoing long time a go. I have the book if you need it, do say, I give it to freely. I THINK THE WORST THING YOU CAN EVER DO IS LET OTHER PEOPLE CONVINCED YOU THAT YOU ARE SLAVE FOR LIFE based on their personal encounters. Quiting this drug addiction is possible.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2019
    goodnice 2.0 likes this.
  13. Im_worrior

    Im_worrior Fapstronaut

    thanks for this question, I wish I could simply just tell you that, the numbers of days, but knowing the ideas of having the counter, and that mindsets associated with keeping track of it. Eg.
    1. We keep the counter to see how long we can last( at least).
    2. A counter also gives a feeling that you are making a sacrifice and controlling the urges. ( I have been down that road)
    3. Your entire life becomes dependent on the counter. And you don't believe that you through with the problem yet coz you keep waiting for that one day that you wi fail and then reset.
    4. A counter also suggest that you are slave for life.

    What if I could tell you that you could simple just live.
    That you could simple just make the decision to never PMO again. Yes you can. I know that now, all these years I didn't know. I read the book I finish the book, I believed it and I followed the instructions. Right now there's nothing to give up on the first place, there's nothing to lose but to gain. It all start with a simple decision to never PMO again. PLEASE READ THE BOOK. Thanks again for your question and all the best.
  14. Im_worrior

    Im_worrior Fapstronaut

    The worst thing you can ever do is let people convince you what works and doesn't work FOR YOU based on their personal experiences. Go read the book. Follow the instructions. Only you can save yourself or set your self free. The next guy is gonna tell what works and doesn't work based on his personal experiences. And that's ok But as a person and an individual you have a responsibility to go find out for yourself. You owe yourself that kind of respect or else you'll be stuck in the crowd your entire life. Go read the book. I'm only on this forum to help those I can reach out to by simply sharing. I was helped to, and I have been down this road. What if I told that all it took was simply just reading and making a decision thereafter.? When you done it all up to you if you want to stop or continue I only encourage just to read
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2019
  15. @Im_worrior

    Hey dude i really like your sincerity and dedication. Trust me i read the entire book, i never skipped any page. i was just as excited as you after reading it

    When did you finish the book?
  16. You must understand something. It’s not the BOOK that will enable you to quit. It’s what you wrote here that enables you to quit: the willingness and the decision to never pmo again. THAT is what counts. If ezpz book helped you realize and reach that decision, then great!
  17. Thank you very much for all your reply's. I'm currently reading the book and keep going. Peace brother
  18. Im_worrior

    Im_worrior Fapstronaut

    I wish you all the best. You are in my prayers.
    vad likes this.
  19. Im_worrior

    Im_worrior Fapstronaut

    Whatever way you'd like to put it man it alright and it doesn't matter, all I'm saying is, I'm glad I read the book and I'm greatful for the people that suggested it to me. And I'm glad I took that very first step to read it. And I recommend it to others.
    vad and goodnice 2.0 like this.
  20. mutu

    mutu Fapstronaut

    Can you send me this book? and what is the secret that this book reveals that will let us kill this addiction?