Belgian newspaper having a laugh with Nofap/no nut november

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Nov 4, 2019.

  1. I was quite surprised, shocked actually, to see the article below pop up in my newsfeed earlier today.

    In it Het Nieuwsblad, a national Belgian newspaper, is having a good laugh with what it refers to as this Nofap-'movement' (really can't stand this term). Reporter Arthur De Meyer suggests that Nofap is a collection of what he calls incels, trolls flirting with pseudoscience.

    For those who don't understand Dutch, most I guess, I have translated the portion of the article that is the most disturbing, and to be honest, a blatant attack on anyone who dares to question the masturbation habit.


    The reason for this abstinence? That's not quite clear, different interpretations are circulating on the internet. Some claim that it's a good way of boosting your stamina and willpower. Others claim that you become a wizard when you don't masturbate for a long time.

    The origin of this escalated meme is to be found in the NoFap-movement. The latter is a movement of men, founded in the dark corners of internetfora 4Chan and Reddit, who solemnly swear to never masturbate again. Initially it was a self help group for people with sex- and porn addictions, but today it has grown into a collection of incels (men who against their own will become celibate, mostly virulent women-haters ed.) and trolls flirting with pseudoscience. For instance, they claim that abstinence will boost your concentration and willpower. They also claim that your reasoning improves and that you become stronger. Ejaculation is 'lost energy' wasted on 'selfish pleasure.'


    Some also claim that ejaculating will cause zinc deficiencies in the body. However, there is no scientific background for this claim. It is, as is the case with a lot of memes, difficult to draw a line between internetfolklore and crazies who actually believe this. On 4Chan people even laughingly made the suggestion that you are able to levitate after just 2 weeks. Needless to say the latter is a joke, but in general most of the nofap-pages (on Reddit etc.) are filled with incel-inspired hatred against women.

    Because incels choose to go through life without sex, they think of masturbating as a pathetic alternative. Not masturbating for them is the final form of their incel-existence.

    Let this be clear: there is not a single scientific reason for No Nut November. From a medical point of view, ejaculating regularly is good for sexual health, mental peace and it's an excellent way of letting off steam. It also helps prevent prostate problems at a later age. Fortunately most people who accept the challenge pick up on the humor of it all."

    WTF? Is this even legal? Like seriously, if this isn't taking press freedom to a whole other level, I don't know what is. Are people seriously no longer free to make their own choices without being portrayed as nut cases in the national press?
    Had this reporter done some research, as a reporter should, he would have found that there is pretty strong evidence to support nofap. But I guess this is just another porn-junkie who has never heard of people or scientists such as Gary Wilson, Dr. Don Hilton or Dr. Judith Reisman, all of whom have discovered a deep seated connection between masturbation and all kinds of issues, both psychological and physiological in nature.
  2. ItsSeal

    ItsSeal Fapstronaut

    Just ignore it and move on with your life ^^
  3. No. Newspapers are meant to be objective. I studied journalism myself and this goes against everything that by definition is journalism: the publication of facts. This is subjective garbage that will eventually be read by thousands of adolescents who whill have another excuse to log onto dad's computer and get their brains heavily reliant on this filth, until they reach their twenties, grow so sick of their evil little habit that it will have sucked the serotonin out of them and as a result will have landed them in a clinical depression. But I guess it's all just our imagination, right?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Newspapers always make out that it's all about masturbation. It's mainly about PORN you hack fuckwits.

    Journalists will be out of a job soon anyway. I haven't bought a newspaper in years and I think that's true for a lot of other people.
    LongWayToGo likes this.
  5. These... Newspaper "men".. Is there something serious you have heard about them? I guess no. Just a bunch of idiots, that's it.
  6. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    So the Belgians enjoy being jackoffs along with chocolate. Fuck em.
  7. It also wouldn't surprise me if the porn industry funded that article in some way. Or perhaps the writer has a vested interest in the industry (like that David Ley guy or whatever he's called).

    Right, I've lost interest now.
  8. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    No they're not. Some countries have laws that during election seasons broadcasters are meant objective but that only applies to radio and TV, not newspapers.
    need4realchg likes this.
  9. tbird

    tbird Fapstronaut

    Either way it's free advertising and publicity for nofap. Anyone who subsequently checks out this site will learn the truth.
    Medexpress and Deleted Account like this.
  10. ItsSeal

    ItsSeal Fapstronaut

    Your right but with like every job, you have good and bad people working. Instead of getting angry about bad news, maybe its better to not waste time at it and rather focus on the good articles. This reported didnt had any good sources, therefoe you also shouldnt take it legit.
    onceaking likes this.
  11. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    It might also depend on what new organisation they work for. You could say journalist who work for such organisations have no integrity where that stay in corrupt companies but how many of us would quit our jobs because of our employers ethics?
    PeskyAlien likes this.

    SREENII Fapstronaut

    never get shocked on seeing dogs's their nature
    PeskyAlien and Deleted Account like this.
  13. Maybe you havent noticed but unfortunately that is no longer the case in modern mainstream media. Its all subjective and should be taken with a grain of salt. "Facts" are far and few between. Thats just how it is in todays climate. If you think otherwise, youre dilusional.
    So yes, as someone stated earlier, just ignore it and move on.
    Also, I have the ability to think outside of my own little bubble and analyze myself from a different perspective... that being said....
    The nofap "movement" can most definitely be considered wierd, or commical, etc. I even feel this way to a point, ..... and im here! I never wouldve thought id be associated with anything like this. If you wouldve told me a few years back that Id be here, I wouldve LOL'd. But its been healing to me to talk to others who also experience porn addiction.
    So lighten up man. Dont take things or yourself so seriously.
  14. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Anyone who explored this forum, or any anti-masturbation ones in general, find this to be the case. There is constant misogyny in those areas.

    Gotta love how this “journalist” defined what an incel is, then demolished that definition with this oxymoronic statement. If someone chooses not to have sex, they’re not an incel. Lol

    To be fair, overall the article isn’t bad, but the last paragraph is as much of a pseudoscience as they claim Nofap is.
    whoiwanttobe and Roady like this.
  15. splinter

    splinter Fapstronaut

    dude? pushing against the woke bullshit that you and other progressive leftists push isnt misogyny. stop pulling the woman card every time, its all I see you do on here
  16. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Calling out misogyny or hate when it occurs doesn’t make someone a “progressive leftist”. And I’m far from being one.
    Roady likes this.
  17. splinter

    splinter Fapstronaut

    stop pretending, because youre a raging leftist progressive, and like all progressives you have a holier than thou attitude, marching around pretending to be a christian while going against white men and defending transgenders and pushing the ideas of Satan on everyone. youre the wolf in sheeps clothing we were warned about
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    What the hell are you saying mate? Treating people like they’re human, even if they go against your beliefs, is nowhere near Satanic. Dude, how stupid do you have to be to say that? Is Jesus satanic because even if he didn’t agree with them, he hung around sinners and imperfect people rather than the religious elite? People like you (who give religion a bad rep) would definitely call Christ Satanic.

    And when did I go against white men? Choose any of my posts: when did I go against them?

    Your post is unbelievably stupid; possibly one of the stupidest ones I’ve read in the past 2 years. Although I need to stop saying that because it’s being taken as a challenge now.
    Roady and need4realchg like this.
  19. splinter

    splinter Fapstronaut

    you have your balls tugged by so many women on here especially batshit crazy feminists, learn to man up and stop repeating their points
  20. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Is this how you want to live? Always hating people or groups not because of the content of their character, but because of what they look like? Actually, don’t answer that. I don’t want to know.

    Anyway, this thread is about the article, not me being a “progressive leftist”. The journalist stated that there are misogynist areas in the moment. Guess what? There are. That doesn’t mean everyone who are on Nofap or incels are misogynist.
    Roady likes this.