Friend zone, nice guy, Chad and Stacy

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Milhouse Van Houten, Oct 21, 2019.

  1. It takes a worldly woman half a year in the presence of godly man to go through substantial change, not a decade. Women are like water, they take the shape of the vessel you provide them. This is why with Chad she becomes Stacy and with Christ she becomes Maria Magdalene.

    But it's all about you as a man: If you are a broken male from the fallen world, you get exactly the female shape you deserve. This is why this anime fiction of some perfect girl appearing to "save the boy" is an inversion of reality.

    The first thing to get rid of is standards set by porn. A natural beauty without makeup isn't going to look like an "hot" actress.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2019
    boichy likes this.
  2. Son of Midgaard

    Son of Midgaard Fapstronaut

    You seem to me a very bitter, projecting and sensitive person, I very much doubt this will lead to getting anything my little blue-haired beta friend :)
    boichy likes this.
  3. Milhouse Van Houten

    Milhouse Van Houten Fapstronaut

    Good luck with all the Stacies out there homie.
  4. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    I dunno man, I see the lowlife Heathen hipster losers with some pretty smokin babes too.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Son of Midgaard

    Son of Midgaard Fapstronaut

    That was one interesting categorization too ;)
    Get_It likes this.
  6. Fullcontact

    Fullcontact Fapstronaut

    I don't fully agree. I think there is such a thing as the friendzone in that some girls like guys as friends but aren't really attracted to them. Very real but its not like she's a bad person for doing that, its pretty shitty to act entitled to sex with a girl just because you've been her friend. I'm still a virgin because I am terrible with women but two girls I was friends with in high school both ended up liking me so of course its very possible to get laid by befriending a girl first.
  7. koolpal

    koolpal Fapstronaut

    LOL! This thread is quite a hoot! Enjoy reading it. :emoji_smile:
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. I've read that Mormons and other religious men are frequent clients at the Nevada brothels. But mainly a lot of Mormons.
    Get_It likes this.
  9. There's different kinds of friends.
    1. You are friends with a female with the possibility of a romantic relationship.
    2. You are friends with a female without the possibility of a romantic relationship.
    "Friendzone" refers to #2. Saying "we're just friends" is a common rejection tactic for women. It comes after an (unsuccessful) attempt at romance has been made. In your situation, the friendship comes before a (successful) attempt at romance has been made. Also, some women are too shy to reject a guy outright, so they find it easier to say that they just want to be friends.

    And there's a lot of female psychology that you're ignoring which basically says being too "nice" - basically passive or unassertive - is a turnoff for women. It's pretty much confirmed that a majority of women prefer men who take what they want without asking and who are confident/direct/assertive. The flaw with being a "nice guy" isn't that you are too polite or not rude enough, but that you lack those traits which a woman seeks.

    These are all common sense

    Lol why?
  10. LOL
  11. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    I believe it. Freakiest woman I ever dated was a Mormon woman one Summer. It was a hell of a fling! I was very sad when it ended. Even moreso than a longer relationship that I had. Let's just say she was incredibly talented.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. greenishmoon

    greenishmoon Fapstronaut

    OP, What do you mean by "incel" ?
  13. Fullcontact

    Fullcontact Fapstronaut

    Involuntary celibate

    Means a guy who can't get laid.
  14. Minsc

    Minsc Fapstronaut

    I can only only think of one reason where a guy would be an involuntary celibate, his balls and/or dick were unwillingly removed before adolescence. Otherwise a guy could pay a prostitute for sex or even rape a lady. I seriously don't recommend these two options, especially the latter. The issue is not being an involuntary celibate, it's focusing too much on getting and not getting laid. My cents.
  15. Fullcontact

    Fullcontact Fapstronaut

    It refers to guys who are terrible with women in general. Sure they could get a prostitute or rape a lady but of course most guys aren't willing to go that far just for sex. I also think what bothers incels more than lack of sex is lack of intimacy. Not only that but raping someone or hiring a prostitute is looked down upon to say the least and incels want the validation of a girl who wants to fuck them.