Do fat women make for healthier birthing mothers?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Get_It, Nov 4, 2019.

  1. Listen some guys can talk\look at stuff without being triggered into a full blown relapse. Don't be salty because you can't, lol
  2. Yea thats me. Ive found that talking about some of those things that i was once addicted to has aided me in being able to move on. Ive had some in depth conversations with some of the members here that had similar interests as me and that has helped me and those people a great deal. Now we can discuss those things without it leading in a negetive direction.
  3. Words are indeed powerful. God made everything by just speaking, it's always about intent behind what you say that is important
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    I am not sure if this is a thread is intended for indulgement in pornified fetishes or if the question was meant to be genuine.

    But no, being overweight contributes greatly to the rise of infertility that is seen in both men and women. Fat, especially polyunsaturated fatty acids, is indeed a must for healthy fetal development, but relatively thin women have the highest fertility rate and enough of the type of fat that's needed to get, and keep, a pregnancy.

    Bottom line: The fatter you are, the harder it is to conceive. Being underweight is obviously not ideal either. There is a reason most people gravitate towards "normal" partners; if we want to pass our genes on, those are simply our best bet.
  5. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    It's not porn, its a mild p-sub.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    That doesn't match with the historical Fertility Queen figure of historic past.
  7. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    I don't know what fertility queen you are referring to. Statistically, obese individuals have a harder time conceiving than others. That obviously doesn't mean that there haven't been fat parents in the history of mankind. A high insulin level during pregnancy also means that the child will be bigger. Today, heavy women give birth to children that are of a size that wouldn't allow the mother to survive if it wasn't for modern medical intervention.
  8. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    I guess I wasn't referring to obese gals, because thats obviously unhealthy, but like gals sized 10-12.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Alright this thread has gotten out of hand. If you're talking about prehistoric "Venus" stone carvings such as the
    , it's because prehistoric humans placed great importance on the role of women in childbirth. Our species was still fighting for survival at that time and a steady birthrate was not taken for granted. So men idolized and exaggerated the features of pregnant women (ie. enlarged breasts, wide hips, big stomachs). Pregnant women were also given more food to ensure their survival because bearing children was tantamount to the survival of the tribe - hence the "fat" stereotype.

    The amount of body fat in both the prehistoric statues and the porn you referenced is, as @Lilla_My explained, unhealthy.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2019
    Lilla_My likes this.
  10. Thems is da best
    Get_It likes this.
  11. apimpnamedslickback

    apimpnamedslickback Fapstronaut

    Depends on what you mean by fat,if were talking obese, fuck no thats asking for problems. If your talking a girl who is curvy,maybe a little chubby id say yea.
    Get_It likes this.
  12. apimpnamedslickback

    apimpnamedslickback Fapstronaut

    if thats a trigger for anyone i think they may just have to leave
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    Hmm, maybe pregnancy and childbirth will be easier for her, but for the benefit of your future children, you’d probably want to select a woman with some good genes to pass down to your kid. If she’s overweight & unhealthy because of genetics, then your child will probably deal with the same problems later in life.
    Get_It likes this.
  14. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Being overweight because of genetics is mostly bullshit. Sure there are genes that increase the likelihood of obesity and there are different bodytypes, some of which could appear to be overweight even when they are perfectly healthy, but mostly that's just a whole lot of excuses and unwillingness to change one's life habits. I have posted this meme once before on this forum, but I think it's relevant:

    Although obesity can be inherited through lifestyle choices. Kids usually inherit their eating habits and understanding of how much physical activity is enough from their parents.
  15. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    For some people they are obese because lifestyle and for others it is genetics and is out of their control. Whether you think it’s bullshit or not doesn’t change the facts.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut


    There are genes that increase the risk of obesity, but there are no genes that have been proven to make it impossible to lose weight. In fact it seems like a really absurd idea. It's never out of your control and that's a fact as far as science is concerned. Fat genes are a real thing that influences you, but they are ultimately just an excuse. You can lose weight no matter who you are. It's not just my opinion, it's the opinion of the science community.
  17. Define a healthier birthing mother? A person may be physically good and psychologically, mentally not a good parent. So, idk what do you wanna find out by such an incomplete question.
  18. Evig Faith

    Evig Faith Fapstronaut

    So, here’s the thing.

    Some nutrients can only be stored in fat, and because a pregnant woman feeds for two, she would need some of that fat for the overall health of both her and the baby. Biologically speaking of course, as supplements help nowadays. So, yes, some fat is healthy, but not being obese. It’s a behavior thing in play here.
    Get_It likes this.
  19. Maybe 0.1% of morbidly obese people can't control their weight, but I can direct you to professionals who have clients doing very good despite obvious metabolic disorders. At the end of the day, it comes to how much resources and commitment a person has towards attainment of optimal health. The road may be steeper and longer for some, but they will not be caught using it as an excuse for sure.
  20. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Sure, it could be that an extremely small minority of people just simply can't control their weight, however there's no scientific evidence of that to my knowledge. Could be that we just haven't discovered it yet.
    But just as you said, in most cases even people who are genetically at an disadvantage can overcome it with a healthy lifestyle.