Nofap BOOTCAMP ; NO PMO/ HELL Mode [Open]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by MONSTER MONK, Mar 3, 2019.

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  1. Salute! Day 19 report is here! Got up late. Body exhausted. It was my rest day from physical, I read the whole day. On two little walks out. I am looking to getting better energy wise. I am saving a lot from myself when I can. Now my eyes will rest. Much love to all.
  2. newtry

    newtry Fapstronaut

    D20 9:00, I prayed, Acts 22. These days I must rest because I am on vacation. I will also do productive things. Today I prepared the class I will give next Tuesday, and a small sermon for tomorrow.
  3. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut

    Good day to all, I want to share a good news to those are on the new list, you can see the training camp on the page. I wrote here the recommended ranks for each courses. The featured one is the basics. I hope you get the rank at the same time, the transformation.

    Featured course 1 (slave - warrantofficer)
    Sexually compulsive behavior 17 (lieutenant - colonel)
    Emotional wellbing 16 (general - happyman)

    Col @MadJackMcMad, Maj @astrobear Capt @Vendettana, 2ndlt @Haddock, @fg4795 WO @fleurette Sgt @newtry, @gloryseeker @L'empereur Slave @theman1, @isaacgull and @MASTER MONK

    Good luck.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2019
    MONSTER MONK and Vendettana like this.
  4. Day 3, daily check-in, i forgotten to make daily check-in in the day 2, but it will not happen anymore, i was busy that day so i'll find a minute on my day to do check-ins, and my emails need to be read.

    Well, i'm going to study now, bye! :)
    Coffee Candy likes this.
  5. Pedro.Conquers

    Pedro.Conquers Fapstronaut

    Day 1 checking in.

    No excuses, no relapsing, time to step up and get what I want.

    NO PMO
    NO TV except Sunday
    NO BAD FOOD except Sunday - Exception for next Saturday (Vacation)
  6. summer_breeze

    summer_breeze Fapstronaut

    6 DAYS check.
    Happy to be back on my feet.
    Last 2 days I got some rest, and now I really feel at 100%, ready to take over the world.
    Started again to do physical activity (and I will be looking to keep on doing it), which really got me energized.
    I'm alive.
    Symbol of Peace and Leader of ME like this.
  7. MasterPablo

    MasterPablo Fapstronaut

    Daily check-in :) day 2
    Symbol of Peace likes this.
  8. Salute! Day 20 report is here! I had to be 9 am at uni, I didn't set an alarm, I knew I don't need an alarm. Got up like 6 30. Took warm shower, since whole night I was sleeping in cold. Found it useless this morning. I eat something bad this morning, since lunch I had gas in my bloated stomach I was really angry 'bout it. 9 to 5 I was in university. I did workout after that, had dinner and now I am here. Tried breathing carefully, mindfully through the day. Fasted from morning to diner due to the stomach and was happy seeing I could do my workout. Dinner was extremely healthy, I hope for the best.

    Much love to all.
  9. day 50 checking in
    Had a match
    How it went? greatest question ever we lost 4-2 I scored both goals as a defender( it's not easy stop a man of 195 cm when he jump:) )but still we lost because you know, they were better but I'll become even better then them so it will take time but eventually I'll succeed
    the other challenges went easy( 15 mins of phone today) best week ever
    I'll studied anyway so the demon feel good
  10. astrobear

    astrobear Fapstronaut

    91 - 100 Check-in!

    Check-in counter: 86 - started on Day 15
    Coffee Candy and Symbol of Peace like this.
  11. Great shift in mindset, you're real demon in a good sense!!!
    fg4795 likes this.
  12. summer_breeze

    summer_breeze Fapstronaut

    Day 0 again.
    Another proof that you must never let your guard down and pay 100% attention every single moment. PMO is lurking.
    Getting up from the dirt. Dusting off. Going forward, having learnt from my mistakes.
    MONSTER MONK and Leader of ME like this.
  13. day 51 hell mode early checking in:
    it's sunday so I am able to check now( maybe also after but I am not sure)
    anyway a rainy sunday
    alone at home in the morning
    for the old me is not difficult to imagine what I would have done
    What I did today?
    Woke at 7 30 and had my first hour routine of meditation and exercise, went directly to the gym
    and trained like hell
    came back home at 11 ca. and did my chores(prepared things for lunch, unpacked my bag and so on)
    after that I switched on my phone just to answer some message
    studied a bit
    had lunch and now I am studying again
    that's what a demon life look like :)

    After all I am able to check again and I want share something with all of you
    I downloaded an app to track the use of my phone and this how my last week look like
    don't mind today it is 5 30 pm and my weak point is in the evening but still it will be around 30 minutes also today
    I am really proud of this
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2019

    MONSTER MONK Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Ask the questions you're not asking yourself
    Leader of ME likes this.

    MONSTER MONK Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    This is a great initiative. We often ask what we're doing wrong and then fail to follow up on the questions.
    I'll try this myself and if it's something great we'll try to all do this as suggested
    im’possible likes this.
  16. What do you mean?
    MONSTER MONK likes this.
  17. he trynna sound tough protecting his lunch money.
    MONSTER MONK likes this.
  18. Salute! Day 21 report is here. Woke up early. 9-5 in uni. ABS, legs workout after that. Went to buy myself bean at the supermarket, guard there is my man so we were chilling, another male came I am familiar with. He a fapster, I can sense it, not only that, I can sense a lot of people things. A beautiful young woman ask me for a chips, because it was too high, or say charming. I just brought it down, she was looking me in the eye "Thank you'' I just smile like a lil kid to her, turned my back and went speaking to the boy, she interrupted us. He was surprised how I canceled her, he was bragging about what an opportunity I missed. I am just chilling, smiling to my ears. He thinks woman validation brings some quality to a man, xa-xa-xa-xa. MAN IS A MAN. Period.

    PS: I bet she remembered me while open her chips at home
    PS: 2 Much love to all. ( Now listening to some dark country, none of this relapsing music. Energy is amazing, but this boy probably won't get it. As my boy Eric Thomas says, I WORK HARD) Blessings. Thank God he got me and never leave me. All praises to the ''living life''. We just some nature, some part. Love yours.
    MONSTER MONK and theman1 like this.
  19. @theman1 you got what it takes, I have the curse not to be wrong with people.
    MONSTER MONK and theman1 like this.