UK Government will not block porn

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Indurian, Oct 16, 2019.

  1. vocalfry

    vocalfry Fapstronaut

    Mostly agreed, however, rather imo, they expose the children to the potential of education, extend an invitation to make themselves educated, on that matter among many. Which for some systemic reason many seem to consider a failure. Some even that it is no surprise when children return home and seem to have no idea what they learned.

    Otherwise, yes, the schools generally do these days, appear to in all reasonable measures, educate children on such things as smoking.

    Hopefully these days also on how addiction and dopamine can undermine them and the ways it can affect them without their awareness. So that should they make some mistakes they can identify the slippery paths earlier and steer off them. Complete abstinence is the best cure in terms of prevention but so is developing a potential for early self reliance and self rescue, or improving earlier escapes rates with aid seeking, when its at its cheaper prices. But also so that the kids can recognise the same patterns else where and apply the same self rescuing stratagems...
  2. Ronaldo Machuca

    Ronaldo Machuca Fapstronaut

    Here we ago again. Some idiotic porn addicts cant deal with their addiction so they ruin it for those who use it moderately and don't have a porn addiction. It's the user who abuses porn. The user is the one who keeps wacking off and watching. Grow up and realize you're the problem.
  3. Indurian

    Indurian Fapstronaut

    Are you responding to a particular comment in this thread?
  4. Ronaldo Machuca

    Ronaldo Machuca Fapstronaut

    The post.
  5. Indurian

    Indurian Fapstronaut

    Do you have children? My thinking about something like this was certainly different pre children, and also when I was younger in general. It definitely changes your views on things.

    I respect your right to have a different opinion but we're all here to help each other and have constructive arguments.

    Wishing you the best in your recovery
  6. Avaloview

    Avaloview Fapstronaut

    I am definitely for legal restrictions on pornography. I see it as more dangerous to young men than many drugs and the effects of easy-to-access internet porn are only now coming to the surface through underground forums like this one.

    It will probably always be there, and there will be a black market for it, but its disgusting that porn studios and pornographers in particular are able to operate in the open. I can honestly say I'd be disgusted if any of my relatives was involved with the industry.
  7. Pretty big leap to say porn is worse than drugs. Porn is absolutely destructive for the human BRAIN, definitely. If we look only at the brain, porn is worse than heroin and almost as bad as cocaine. But what you're forgetting is that substances also carry substantial physical risk. You can overdose on heroin, but you can't overdose on porn.
  8. Avaloview

    Avaloview Fapstronaut

    Yes, of course, however I would also factor into the balance that porn use among men is far more widespread than drug use. I was more thinking of weed and party drugs than the hardcore stuff which is of course far more serious.
  9. Ronaldo Machuca

    Ronaldo Machuca Fapstronaut

    Um if you don't want your kids to see it then teach them about it. You realize a childs brain is easier to teach? You can whitelist your devices also. Meaning only certain sites or sites you approve are allowed. on IOS you can set a child profile so it blocks social media and only allows childrens stuff. Try finding solutions before you try to ruin things for people who actually don't have a problem with.
  10. Indurian

    Indurian Fapstronaut

    The proposal was that individuals opted in if they wished to have access to porn. Those that wanted to view it would still have been able to do so.

    I get what you're saying about blockers etc. It is good to use these resources and I need to implement it more in my house.

    We know the damage that porn can cause. We've pretty much all experienced it, at least those of us on this site have / are. It has also been proven that porn causes the same brain changes as many hard drugs. Do we want children to have free easy access to this stuff? If they had free easy access to hard drugs then who knows how many more would be hooked. Just my opinion / view of things.
  11. Avaloview

    Avaloview Fapstronaut

    I can't see any way in which society as a whole benefits from pornography. It's essentially a pure negative.
    Two_Brains and Deleted Account like this.
  12. Ronaldo Machuca

    Ronaldo Machuca Fapstronaut

    Porn causes 0 damage. Porn isn't the one with the addiction problem. The user is. Might as well ban everything using the logic of blaming everything but yourself for your problems.