Can guys who masturbate without porn or artificial stimulation please answer this?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by skaterdrew, Oct 30, 2019.

  1. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    I don't masturbate that often, but I do admit my main goal is to completely give up porn and artificial sexual stimulation. Basically if I end up very occasionally masturbating without porn or artificial sexual stimulation I don't see this as that much of a big deal.

    Remember we all do what works for us, and we know our self what we get negative effects from and what we don't get negative effects from. We know our self when we are seeing results and not seeing results.

    It's just a lot of guys on this comes across like they see it as law that you must stop masturbating completely as well. It comes across like they think masturbation is as bad as porn. I believe porn is the problem. It doesn't even say on yourbrainonporn you need to give up masturbation.

    But the issue I am having is what is realistic fantasy and what is not?

    So to me realistic fantasy would mainly just be imagining a female that you know. Maybe imagining what she looks like, imagining you are having sex with her ext. To me that basically seems like realistic fantasy.

    But what if your imagining your having sex with a model or something like that? Is this ok?

    I'm just not 100% sure what realistic fantasy even is?
    skullbush, Reborn16 and 420 mile high like this.
  2. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    I don't get this, on the one hand you are saying "we all do what works for us" (I agree, if you can quit porn—that's your goal—without quitting masturbation, then go for it) and on the other hand you are asking us to decide what it is OK for you to fantasize about when you are masturbating. Why isn't that something you should decide?
  3. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Well put it this way, I am usually overall more turned on at imagining I am having sex with a model than imagining I am having sex with a female that I know in real life.

    So this somewhat makes me think maybe imagining I am having sex with a model is not ok?
    420 mile high likes this.
  4. tbird

    tbird Fapstronaut

    If you wait long enough you shouldn't need very much imagining anyway.
    420 mile high likes this.

    IAMFIGHTER Fapstronaut

    Being religious I would say stopping from masturbation is a must. Why to beat your **** fantasizing about any girl when you can go, get married and have sex???...I mean why????
    420 mile high and Get_It like this.
  6. athlean

    athlean Fapstronaut

    easier said than done tho
    FIGHTER478 and 420 mile high like this.
  7. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Erectile dysfunction rates were near non existent in men under 40 before high high speed internet. Then after high speed internet there was a huge rise in erectile dysfunction and sexual difficulties in young men. This pretty much says everything to me. As men were masturbating using their imagination before high speed internet.
  8. Just mo to your own memories and experiences you had with a partner but not every day just dont pmo.
  9. I know, a lot of people here disagree with me but:

    Masturbation is nothing bad and it is healthy. It is a natural way to explore your own sexuality and there is per se no harm in it.
    There is no general correlation between masturbation and getting married or having sex.
    Masturbation does not give or deny you super powers.
    There is even evidence for masturbation by unborn children.

    Even, when masturbation and fantasies are an addiction, it is not about those two things. An addiction is not about the substance it is about the thing that you compensate with it. If you are in a good relationship and happy with yourself, fantasizing about sex with super models won't harm you. Go on... In my opinion nofap is not about not fapping, but it is about what happens with you, when you fap or not masturbate. It's about finding out, what it does for you and what not. If there is something in you, that tells you, that this or that fantasy is not good for you. Find out, where this is coming from.

    I think, porn and high speed internet is another story.

    Stopping masturbation (for religious reasons) is an decision to accept and respect. But it is, what it is, a decision.
    Reborn16 and 420 mile high like this.
  10. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    I personally don't think masturbation has much benefit, other than relieving sexual tension. It can relieve stress as well.

    But yeah I think high speed internet is the problem. I think the majority of men before high speed internet would of masturbated much less frequently. But that also means they would of spent much less time masturbating, so they would have masturbated for 5 minutes and that would of been them done. Where as these days because of high speed internet men are having masturbation sessions that last hours before they ejaculate.

    As far as I am aware the so called super powers people experience is caused by their dopamine receptors returning to a more normal level. So men for years constantly edging, binging, masturbating to porn and artificial stimulation, and then this causes brain changes, down regulation of dopamine receptors. Then they stop looking at porn and masturbating for a while and end up experiencing these super powers because their brain is returning to normal.

    The super powers have nothing to do with testosterone or how much sperm a man has inside them.

    If a man is losing high levels of testosterone from ejaculating, and a man loses those super powers from ejaculating then this means men who get laid regularly must have low testosterone, and they must not experience those super powers. They must be beta males and not alpha males.

    Do people seriously believe that?

    Which man would you rather be? The man who is getting laid regularly or the man who is never getting laid who hasn't ejaculated in months?

    Which man sounds more like the alpha and which man sounds more like the beta?
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2019
    nfphro likes this.
  11. athlean

    athlean Fapstronaut

    this is complete bullshit XD
  12. You missed another one: It can be fun.

    I agree and I think if one can exchange high speed internet with fantasies in the first paragraph it is worth a try to stop fantasizing cause those dopamine receptors might be a problem.
  13. tbird

    tbird Fapstronaut

    My only issue with never ejaculating is the increased chances of prostate disease. There was a study about it a while ago. Or maybe that's just fake news?
    kropo82 likes this.
  14. You have an argument or just your opinion?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. athlean

    athlean Fapstronaut

    read: your brain on porn
  16. Read: My differentiation between masturbation and porn.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. athlean

    athlean Fapstronaut

    yea and i am calling that: bullshit.. you're saying thinggs that are not true
  18. What isn't true? And why? Provide evidence that plain normal masturbation and fantasy is harmful. I do not talk about porn, abuse and addiction. Those are related but different topics. You can call bullshit whatever you want but if you don't differentiate things it is just your opinion.
  19. tbird

    tbird Fapstronaut

    What about the guy who gets laid all the time, but it's with escorts and prostitutes. Is he more of a man?
  20. I am not sure, you asked me but no. Why would he? What does being more of a man even mean and what does an orgasm or sex have to do with being a man? There is no more man. You are either a man or not (I know there are arguments about that...).