Wet Dream at day 44

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Bonhart, Oct 29, 2019.

  1. Bonhart

    Bonhart Fapstronaut

    A little bit about myself first... I'm in my late 20's, I am not a virgin, and I joined nofap because 5 months ago I had PIED with a woman I was dating (we tried about 6 times). We are not dating anymore. I don't know if I still suffer from PIED because I haven't been with anyone else after that. During this last 5 months I have made an effort to quit porn and made lifestyle changes such as eating healthy, working out, reading, polishing my bass skills and learning a new language.

    This is my second attempt at making a streak here at nofap. My first streak was 72 days, then I relapsed and made some short streaks that never went past day 3. During this 72 day streak I had no wet dream. However last night at 03:43am (current streak at day 44), I had a very erotic dream. I suspect this dream was induced by a book I recently finished reading, which got very sexual during the last few chapters. Anyways, this dream was very vivid (I won't go into details) and I ejaculated. As soon as I started ejaculating, I woke up, and felt so much shame. I actually feel like I did PMO without the M part (I don't know how else to describe it).

    The question is, should I reset my counter? Is all my progress lost? Am I going backwards? Thank you for taking your time reading this.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2019
    Espi1971 and XenasJourneys like this.
  2. No. You can't control your dreams. But you can expect less, or no wet dreams after a few months p detox.
    Espi1971, Bonhart and XenasJourneys like this.
  3. You came to a book without even touching yourself... nice job dude, you have ascended.
  4. Bonhart

    Bonhart Fapstronaut

    I see, thanks for replying friend.
  5. Bonhart

    Bonhart Fapstronaut

    Hahahahah, when you put it that way it's actually hillarious
    XenasJourneys and FellatiousD like this.
  6. Seriously though, a lot of us here can't have an orgasm without strangling our dicks.

    Story time. My very first girlfriend gave me a BJ one time after I went down on her. She had a huge orgasm after maybe a minute. I couldn't get anywhere. I was so attracted to her and I wanted to orgasm but it was simply impossible - even with a gorgeous girl sucking my dick!!! It was one of the most humiliating things in my life. Also I've never had a wet dream, probably because of porn. But wet dreams are normal, you have nothing to worry about. In fact I envy you!
    XenasJourneys likes this.
  7. XenasJourneys

    XenasJourneys Fapstronaut

  8. Bonhart

    Bonhart Fapstronaut

    I understand this feeling very well. And the worst part is that usually the girl thinks its her fault and you gotta talk her out of it. Seriously though... All these problems that porn causes, I don't wish them on anybody.
    FellatiousD likes this.
  9. Bonhart

    Bonhart Fapstronaut

    Thanks, you too!
  10. Bonhart

    Bonhart Fapstronaut

    This is actually my first time experiencing a fully fledged one, and I find it kind of weird because these days I have zero libido, no cravings for porn or sex, although that novel I was reading had a few arousing scenes... Anyways, friend, I hope you manage to stay strong during your streak, and hopefully you may experience one someday.
  11. Yeah I hope it'll be soon, but my addiction was pretty bad so it might take time.