How do men find out they have Porn problems if they're complete virgins?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Anonymous86, Oct 25, 2019.

  1. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    I'm curious to know if they don't escalate to different genres. Do they just lose libido?
    Exadict likes this.
  2. We lose libido for "regular" porn so we escalate to more and more extreme stuff. Also, when P becomes the only thing you can think about, the only you can do in your life and quitting it for a while make you very anxious, angry, sick etc... i think it's a good sign that we have a problem.
    Freeddom_Taker, Hros and Anonymous86 like this.
  3. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    I never escalated to more extreme genres, though. I also lost libido got people in real life. I do think I have an issue though.
    Milhouse Van Houten likes this.
  4. I am a virgin and I realized my addiction until I reached transsexual porn
  5. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    I realized mine until my dick flatlined and I couldn't get aroused to anything after binging on porn.
  6. The same thing happened to me, good for you that you retired on time before a climb
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  7. You may not escalate genres but if porn starts interfering with your regular life (like sneaking some in at work or neglecting your household chores), then you likely have a problem - virgin or not.
    Exadict likes this.
  8. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Did you lose feeling your libido to people in real life and from viewing photos before abstinence? Because that's what happened to me and my junk just changed in appearance.
  9. I'd say if you are involuntarily a virgin (ie you want to have sex but haven't) then you probably have a porn problem. If you didn't have porn you'd be forced to go interact with actual women to satisfy your sexual desires, but with porn you can just hide away in your room and never talk to a woman again. Plus it makes you awkward and socially incompetent, or at least it did for me.
  10. If so, and develop HOCD for that reason
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  11. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    If so?
  12. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    I personally think if you are in your early twenties or above, virgin and no interest in real world sex or relationships, then there is a good chance that you have a P problem that has 'replaced' your natural desire for women/relationships/sex.
    It could also mean that you are pursuing women, but have had your idea of what is normal relationships/women so messed up by P that you don't know how 'normal' women/dating 'works'.
    If you have never had sex with a free willed woman but you have been tempted by/used escorts than you probably have a problem.
  13. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    You don't necessarily need to escalate to more extreme genres of porn to have a problem with it. For instance have you always usually just masturbated to one porn clip, one picture ext and ejaculated quite quickly? Or have you flicked about loads of different content while masturbating and took longer to ejaculate?

    If the answer is the second one then this can cause problems, because this basically means your searching and viewing porn for a dopamine fix, as every time you search and find new content more dopamine is released. This is over stimulation, this can desensitise you, and sexually condition you. In fact the constant searching is likely even more damaging than what you're actually watching.
    Secluder likes this.
  14. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    When you realize you hate yourself and can't look yourself in the eye through the mirror, you know you have a problem.
  15. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    The second one speaks volumes to me...except I wasn't looking at fully nudity porn and more of soft-core clothed attractive people to 'jerk off' to.
  16. Abuse problems typically manifest as change of sexual behavior and sexual response, not disappearance of sexual repose.
    These changes can lead to different behavior that can manifest as reduced interest in search of sexual partner and general social anxiety and isolation.
    Pornography use negatively affects self image, even if no one knows about it. Lower self image will make you less happy and less confident.
    This is perhaps the most important reason to limit or stop exposure.

    You can see how devastated people feel when they "relapse", they stop using and their self image begins to improve, they become more social and happier.
    Then they "relapse" and that destroys allot of their confidence, they realize they are not as "good" as they thought.
    Repeating this over and over and over leads to erosion of fundamental parts of the personality.
    So in essence it is better to accept some level of use in a controlled way, than to make promises you do not keep about something you consider important.
  17. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Abuse problems? What kinds of abuse problems? I don’t think i have any abuse problems.

    I lost my libido and my genitals changed in sensation and got smaller. Before that, I was binging on porn frequently until the above happened.
    Secluder likes this.
  18. Binning on porn is abuse or misuse if that makes it easier for you to accept.
    Drinking a beer to relax is use, drinking 6 beers to "stay relaxed" for a long time is abuse.

    I have no clue about your age, but genitals do not really get smaller, they are made of flesh like other parts of your body, that flesh has special ability to expand but overall size does not really change once fully grown.
    If you feel that it did - I suggest visiting a doctor.
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  19. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    The genitals probably appear smaller and shriveled due to less blood flow in the genitals from dopamine desensitization from porn. That’s something I’ve come to accept because I’ve visited two doctors - both of which found nothing wrong with me.
  20. Penis size is heavily depended on blood supply, and blood supply depends heavily on tone of blood vessels. When it is hot blood vessels dilate to offer better cooling, when it is cold they constrict to prevent heat loss and maintain temperature sensitivity.
    For this reason penis will change size depending on how hot it is, even if not erect.
    Penis getting smaller would be kind of same as your nose getting smaller or you finger growing longer, or your eyes getting bigger.
    Our genetics define what size things are and things stay pretty consistent size once grown, if they did not - we would be in big trouble. Imagine your eye or any other part of your body growing bigger or smaller - that would be a disaster. So our body is pretty consistent.

    Penis size is generally measured in room temperature(not in freezing tundra), in flaccid(limp) state. Ruler is placed at the base of the shaft and pubic bone and penis is pulled lightly and laid flat against the ruler.
    This method avoids problems of measuring erect penis which is hard to accurately measure.
    If you worry about this, take measurements every week, I am pretty sure you will find them to be identical.
    Anonymous86 likes this.