Loneliness, Depression, Anxiety, etc....

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Oct 23, 2019.

  1. It's gotten to the point I don't even feel lonely, depressed, and anxious BECAUSE of the addiction, but now it's the only reason I even go back to PMO. I feel lost and confused. I don't know who I am. I look in the mirror and see a complete stranger. I'm such a mess... I feel so disgusting when I relapse because it's like I'm using other people's bodies just for me to feel excited in the moment... I've had suicidal thoughts, but I don't want to die. I'm too afraid of death. What if I get damned or something? I don't know what's after this life, and I've messed my life up too much that if there is something out there, I deserve the absolute worst. I just wish I didn't exist... What have I ever done for anybody else?
  2. heidelberg

    heidelberg Fapstronaut

    Sorry to hear this, but you are not alone. Relapses happen. Now get back up. There are others here who will help you get up. .... I have had similar thoughts. I am not afraid of death, at least I dont think I am. I AM afraid of being a coward, of leaving my son without a father.
  3. You don't deserve to feel this terrible. I'm really sorry you do.

    If the person in the mirror feels like a stranger, try to get to know them better. Find out what makes them happy, and do it for them. It won't be easy to rekindle that relationship, but that person you're staring at deserves better. They're worth the struggle. Pour as much love into that person that you're able to right now, and your brilliant, beautiful future self will thank you for it.

    It's okay if you struggle with that - everyone does, whether they admit it or not. It won't be easy, but it'll be so worth it.
  4. Thank you.
  5. Wow thank you. It's just been such a struggle...
  6. You_ll_succed_for_sure

    You_ll_succed_for_sure Fapstronaut

    Jesus loves you dude, don't kill yourself, it would be a waste, a great waste.

    You may think that the noPMO is not behind the anxiety, but yes it is, because in the early days of no PMO there is the loneliness, the anxiety, and other. And you must keep fighting from a certain number of days, after that is gone.

    You can do it, day par day untill 30, then we will see your success story of "30 days today" starting from this thread.

    It's easy. Just take some rational decision, be patient and persevere.
    recovery_isaac likes this.
  7. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Don't worry or sweat it mate!
    Only 2-3 short years ago, I was in your clothes and despite those feelings of hardship, despair, anxiety and hopeless (that had been building up during 15-6 years) I felt during its peak on that rugged November day three years ago, I still knew somewhere that other alternatives were available and possible and that no one but myself was responsible for my my misfortunes, strains, struggles and pains.
    It was a hard nut to crack at first (because of that huge self-pride and ego) but as soon as that ransacking process started, it also gave me hope and visions that I was after all responsible for my destiny and could set up the course towards the path I truly desired. It wasn't easy and the first year and a half went slow but I at least made some progress. It wasn't until I stopped PMO:ing in February last year as my life really started to take off at rocket speed.
    Since then, I have achieved and self-improved more in that time than I did during the last decade combined. It was like putting that snowball into rolling motion down a ski-slope that I so needed.

    If I could walk this path so quick and steer the ship around, so can you. You just got to believe in yourself and the universal mind (or God or whatever you might call it) which will bring to you all desirable things in life if you just believe it, visualize it and have a burning desire to get it. Thoughts of anxiety, despair, frustration and fear is the fast-lane to self-sabotage which will bring those things into your own life while thoughts of joy, prosperity, abundance and radiant health will bring about the same into your own life.
    Therefore, 95+% of people remain miserable because they think negatively and destructively and bring those very circumstances and events into their own lives.

    I strongly suggest you read "The power of your subconscious mind" by Joseph Murphy and "The secret of the Ages" by "Robert Collier" and you will learn a lot about the power of metaphysics and how different perspectives and outlooks on life and its challenges will bring about great changes into your own life if applied.
  8. Thank you so much.
  9. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    No worries!
    You can even find these two books in audio-format on Youtube for free so now you can start listening to them as well, although I recommend that you read them too since seeing the printed words make it attaching to your subconscious mind in a better way. I do also strongly recommend to watch several of those Youtube-channels (not any of the feminist-ones btw) that talk about manliness, manly deeds, virtues and mindsets you can develop and acquire in order to feel good in your natural and God-given role as a man.
    Also, do you have a circle of good male-friends nearby? (consisting of men who want something with their lives and who strive to become better versions of themselves and who want the same for you?). If they are destructive, negative and envious people with a loser-mentality who don't do anything with their lives, I suggest you leave those guys behind and try to find and build up a better social circle.
    It might be hard at first but it will benefit you in the long-run. After all, it is not your duty to stay connected to them if they bring nada of value into your life and if they bitch, complain and moan about it (trying to pull you back), so be it. It is your life, your health, future and well-being that's at stake so having to deal with that temporary discomfort it brings to leave them is a low price to pay in comparison.

    Then, you can always try to make new ones through your hobbies or interests because if you don't have a good social circle around you, those people will become a burden on your life (and soul) and only drag you further down the path of despair. People who are passionate about something are usually great people to be around and you can learn a lot about them when listening to their stories, experiences and learned life-lessons. Although you might look for friends around your own age, it is also good to keep in touch with older people as well since they have a lot of life-experience and can give you some great advice about what to do and not to do.
    But be careful and only listen to them and spend time with them if they radiate positive energy and spirit. Because if they are negative people who only complain and moan, they can drag you down very fast as well.
    recovery_isaac likes this.
  10. Well, I had friends lol. But now they all go to college, so like... I can't ever see them... I do have two guy friends though still in town. One at church and one at school. Maybe I could get them together or something
  11. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    My suggestion is that you gather all of you together not only for social activities (such as grabbing a coffee and discussing books, life or whatever) but also for mentally and physically strengthening activities such as strenuous exercise, boxing, cold-baths in the nearby lake/ocean, carpentry or similar. Something that will make you acquire mental and physical skills in the long run.
    Because, the most successful men out there don't only possess physical, mental or spiritual alone but master all three of these in their everyday lives and thus the reason for their outstanding performance.
  12. fedmom

    fedmom Fapstronaut

    There's a thread in my profile for help with anxiety. Another method is cold baths which activate lymphatic drainage to reduce cortisol levels.