Question about Peeking

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Cody Kindred, Oct 22, 2019.

  1. Cody Kindred

    Cody Kindred Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone!

    I'm (21/M) currently 14 DAYS free from PMO, which is probably the longest I've ever substained from it.

    While I'm very proud of myself at the moment for this achievement, a new problem has risen that I fear could hinder my progress: peeking. I've noticed that I started to peek at my fetish tabs more since Day 7 or 8. The peeking usually lasts from 3 - 5 minutes before I'm conscious about what I'm doing. After I've come to, I squeeze my stress ball for a ten minutes or until the urges pass. So my question is:

    How do I prevent myself from peeking?

    -Thank you for reading.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    Your fetish tabs? Do you not have a porn blocker?
    Cody Kindred likes this.
  3. DeProfundis

    DeProfundis Fapstronaut

  4. I've been able to reach 70 days. With peeking getting in the way and leading to my relapse. I suggest you start doing new things, get involved in something new to keep yourself distracted. I for example started acting. I've also been able to prevent/minimize peeking by writing down my reason for quitting this addiction... To pursue legitimate love. I know it's hard but it's just a matter of reminding yourself... "If I keep peeking I'll hurt my loved one" "If I keep peeking I won't have the confidence to go talk to that girl I like" and so on...
  5. Cody Kindred

    Cody Kindred Fapstronaut

    A general site blocker, yes. One for my desktop and phone.
    But I find myself turning it off sometimes out of boredom or tiredness.
  6. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    You need to find a way to make it impossible, or a pain in the ass, to turn it off. Also, you should never be on the computer when tired, this is high risk and your willpower is highly diminished if you are groggy. Put time locks on the computer if you want, and always get enough sleep.
    Cody Kindred likes this.
  7. Cody Kindred

    Cody Kindred Fapstronaut

    I've been coming to grips with the sleep schedule I have now, and it seems to be working fine. I've been sleeping well, save for the occasion sluggy morning. But regard the time locks, I'm make note of that and implement it into my routine. Thank you.
  8. Cody Kindred

    Cody Kindred Fapstronaut

    I'm currently a college student, so maybe I'll tell myself...

    "If I keep peeking, you'll relapse. If you relapse, you'll fail the semester. If you fail the semester, you won't get a job. If you don't have a job, you won't support yourself."

    Maybe that's too harsh?
    WhyNotStop likes this.
  9. Christian7

    Christian7 Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you need a new hobby to deal with all the extra time you get from not fapping ;)
    DerSchütze and Cody Kindred like this.
  10. mark_peter

    mark_peter Fapstronaut

    You should definitely look for ur passion or find a new hobby. You need something deeper than a blocker, somethings that gives you a big WHY you shouldn't do it at all.
    A blocker will always be passed if necessary. Find something, start a new habit, try to find a new passion or discover one and practice. Find something you really like to spend your time on. So that porn becomes boring and stealing u precious time from doing what you love to do.
    Cody Kindred likes this.
  11. Zveer

    Zveer Fapstronaut

    Hi fellow NoFappers. I’m 18 days into NoFap. I always come here looking for suggestions or moreover to discourage my brain from temptations of PMO. Although I’ve been strictly off P since day 1, I still have some doubt in terms of what exactly should I starve my brain of. So exactly three times out of 18 days I have M very lightly (no P or O) just to feel normal again and it occurred to me whether this is also a thing that I should stop myself from doing during the reboot. So to conclude, my question is whether I should completely shut my brain off from any intentional physical sensation and starve it for the arousal I get from M so it does not get any stimulus in terms of pleasure and in turn boosting recovery?
  12. No not at all. I'm a college student myself and have noticed that when I spend time away from porn I'm actually able to get work done on time. Never actually made the connection between my porn use habit and my performance in college so thanks for that.
    Cody Kindred likes this.
  13. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Can peeking induce a flatline? Anyone know?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. I believe peeking can cause the opposite of flatline. Since flatline usually takes place due to lack of arousal I believe peeking can prevent flatline. That ofcourse within it's self is not a positive thing due to the fact that flatline is a normal part of porn addiction recovery and should not be disturbed.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Well ejaculation from masturbation can cause flatline. happened to me.
  16. Interesting.... Masturbation without porn?
  17. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Masturbation with porn and ejaculating to it can cause a flatline. It happened to me. Also, check out @Gavalar09 's posts where he flatlined after masturbating.
  18. That sounds more like PIED. Gavalar09 Does mention he has Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction which explains this. Flatline, unlike PIED is a normal bodily reaction to not being stimulated by high speed porn. I see flatline as like a grace period where you get little to no urges. I've been there and it's quite amazing. ED on the other hand is not being able to get excited partly (while with a women) or at all due to your mind being so damaged from PMO.
    Deleted Account and Anonymous86 like this.
  19. If you keep peeking eventually that will lead to relapse as I've seen from my own experience. As the old saying goes if you keep playing with fire you're gonna eventually get burned.
    Deleted Account and Anonymous86 like this.
  20. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    It could be a mix of both, honestly. I have almost the same exact symptoms of flatline, except I didn't get there by abstinence. This Porn induced ed issue is confusing.