180 Day Report: Advice, Benefits & More

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by DaveyCrockett, Oct 18, 2019.

  1. DaveyCrockett

    DaveyCrockett Fapstronaut


    I have reached 180 days of NoFap, my longest streak ever! This wasn’t easy at all, I mean it. The beginning of NoFap was the most difficult part. To reach 180 days was still an uphill battle. In fact, several times during this 180-day streak, I had thoughts like “the D-Day landings and entire Pacific Campaign for the Allies in WWII would have been easier to achieve than all of this difficulty of me getting to 180 days.” I have noticed a lot of benefits, some new benefits, but mostly improvements of the benefits which I’ve currently been experiencing.


    I have some advice which worked for me on NoFap. My main advice to avoid relapse is to firstly evaluate why you are on NoFap. Don’t do NoFap in order to gain attention from chicks, as you may end up PMO’ing if your expectations let you down on NoFap, or for other reasons. I do NoFap so that I can have a better life in general, and because I have certain things which I want to obtain in life which cost a lot of money. I aim to be on NoFap/semen retention/continent forever. However, in order to achieve that, I break the goal of being on NoFap forever into smaller goals. Like I told myself that I want to get to a year of NoFap when I really mean that I want to be on NoFap forever. I then broke down one year into 180 days, and then into 90 days. My next goal is 270 days, then a year, and so on and so forth. I advise you to simplify your goals into smaller goals, but still, don’t lower the bar too much; NoFap should be a fun challenge (in the long-run)! Maybe your goals are the same as mine, too, in which case, I advise you to do NoFap Hard Mode like me to obtain your goals.

    Here’s some more important NoFap Hard Mode advice, especially if you are around my age of 21 or so: don’t substitute PMO for other bad habits. This means no social media, no drugs, no binge-watching TV/movies and no video games. I would frequently play video games instead of watching pornography, for example. However in the beginning (2018), playing video games would lead to me watching pornography at times, even binging pornography (edging). Relapsing is a horrible feeling, a horrible thing in general. So, recognize early on things which lead you to PMO. This is critical! Don’t lie to yourself, either. Don’t let your brain tell you “we can just take a peek at something pornographic that has been in our mind for a little bit, because we’re doing alright!” No, you must have control over your mind in the aspect of knowing when and how to actually say “no” and mean it! If there’s only one area of your mind which you must have a real ability to control, it’s the ability to say “no” to your triggers, urges and other bad habits.

    Yet if you’re like me and have been playing video games for a while, don’t worry, you should make your goal to minimize your time on video games and then slowly get off of video games all together. I never played games like Dota 2 or Hearthstone or any of those games that some people my age drop like 10,000 hours into, so I’d estimate that getting off of video games as addicting as those would be more difficult. Furthermore, if you get insanely strong urges to play video games, and if there’s nothing else that you can do instead (like something active such as working out at the gym or going outside on a walk) then that’s a situation where it may be a good idea for you to play a bit of video games, for a few hours maximum until the urges subside. However, don’t play any games that trigger you to PMO. And like I said earlier, don’t lie to yourself or make excuses if you get near the point of PMO’ing when urges become very strong.

    Still, this doesn’t mean that you should play video games all the time as a means to replace your PMO habits. I don’t advise playing video games at all, I have decided to quit them as of my latest birthday. Video games are not good as they release a lot of dopamine over time, which would lead me to feel less motivated after playing video games. I do believe that not releasing dopamine (esp. staying away from PMO) and doing difficult tasks leads eventually to great success in life. Tolstoy once claimed that “The really great men must, I think, have great sadness on earth.” A man needs adversity in his life in order to create progress towards a better life, in my opinion. So, to experience difficulty on NoFap and succeed, that is what will make you stronger in your soul, in my opinion.

    A fellow on NoFap who I’ve followed for a little while now says “You only fail on NoFap if you give up”. I used to believe that I could easily get to one month of NoFap back in 2018 when I first began. NoFap is going to be very hard, especially if you used to PMO for hours at a time every day. Still, to reach your NoFap goals, it’s not impossible, but at times, it may seem that way.

    Don’t substitute PMO for other bad habits. Try to get off each of your bad habits one at a time instead of quitting all of them cold turkey. For if you quit your bad habits one at a time, then you will have a greater chance at success. Don’t do stupid things like edging or peeking. Edging is worse than PMO’ing, as you are lying to yourself, torturing yourself mentally and you will definitely relapse. Don’t let your fantasies develop on NoFap, don’t entertain the thoughts. A lot of this streak, I thought that sexual fantasies weren’t bad as long as I didn’t act on them. Those thoughts are bad because if you let them linger too long, then you can end up losing energy that you gain from NoFap. Perhaps it sounds crazy, yet, if you start to succeed at meeting your NoFap goals, then you will know what I mean about losing energy if you do (regretfully) think of sexual thoughts. But understand that you cannot block out all sexual thoughts, unfortunately. Just don’t act on sexual fantasies or let them develop in the first place as best as you can!

    What has helped me tremendously on NoFap from the beginning until now is to find someone on YouTube who is on NoFap, on a higher streak than you and watch their videos on NoFap advice to succeed. I find these types of NoFap videos very helpful, especially because I put them into playlists I’ve created specifically dedicated to NoFap advice. So I watch those NoFap advice videos when I’d be going through a bad time on NoFap. These NoFap videos will help you a lot, yet they won’t be what makes you succeed: only you can make yourself succeed.

    I also advise taking cold showers. I have been taking cold showers for over a year now. I find that cold showers do help to a small extent. The colder, the better, when it comes to cold showers. I also go on walks when my mind becomes too stressed out or sometimes just for the fun of it. I find that walks help to a small extent, too. I have also been journaling several times per week at least now for over a year. I find that putting onto paper your thoughts and then evaluating your thoughts and feelings, their causes and other aspects of what you feel going on in your mind helps you to understand your mind just a bit better. I have found that journaling rapidly calms my mind a bit. I advise reading some of “The Coiled Serpent” by C.J. van Vliet, as well; van Vliet’s book may give you a better understanding of the true power that sex has, as well as its inherent power over so many today (lust).

    Placebo or not, I find that meditation helps. The only description of how I believe that meditation helps is that meditation helps to slow down your mind by repairing unhealthy previous ways of thinking when PMO was a daily thing. I do wish that I would have started to meditate earlier on, perhaps I would have become more productive and experienced greater benefits. Also, exercising several times per week is very helpful for the body and mind, for the soul to some extent, too. I take working out seriously now, and I do reap rewards of working out.


    Here are some of the benefits of NoFap that I have noticed so far. I’m sure that I would have experienced greater benefits if I had meditated more earlier on, stopped letting fantasies occur and also stopped playing video games much earlier on. Here’s the list of benefits, in no particular order:

    · Eye contact: Direct eye contact is simply natural now, it’s not something that I have to remind myself to do when talking to someone, nor is it something which bothers me to do. When I first make eye contact with someone, the other person looks away first. Otherwise, we maintain eye contact. I have in the past been absolutely terrible at making eye contact with people, yet now it’s almost as if making eye contact has been easy forever.

    · Attention from women: Chicks were (and still are) giving me more attention especially around day 170 to now than I ever would have gotten back when I watched pornography, masturbated, played video games all day and never went outside. It’s clear that girls want me. Chicks look me in the eye and I look them in the eye, with so much ease and they’re the first ones to break eye contact: always. It’s as if I can feel that girls like me, even if it’s all in my head, yet people have told me since I was a kid that I was handsome. It’s not just my appearance that attracts chicks, of course. Once I start living a more exciting life, the attraction from chicks will be even greater. The point is, NoFap has gotten me more attention than ever before. (I don’t have any intention to hook up with chicks or get a girlfriend, I’m waiting until marriage)

    · More “Charismatic”: I am what many would classify as an introvert. Although now, when it comes to conversations, I finally know what to say. So even if I am not the most exhilarating or interesting individual to talk to, I can get in a quick joke or meaningful question in conversations. I’m more talkative and not nervous or shaky when I speak to people, basically.

    · Less Anxious: I am not worried when I walk into a room full of people or have to approach someone and ask a question or talk to them. I am not so introverted anymore because of NoFap, I am more talkative and girls no longer tell me “You’re so quiet!”. School & studying still gets me a little bit worried at times, but nothing like back before I was on NoFap.

    · Increased Compliments/Questions: People notice more often that I work out. Some people have even told me that I am (look) taller! I think my posture improved a bit, however, I would say that weightlifting more frequently improved my posture. People compliment me more on my muscles and even ask me questions about my workout routine. I never expected any of this!

    · Better Appearance: I now wear clothes which are more sophisticated than sloppy t-shirts or loose-fitting jeans. I wear button-up shirts and some superfly name-brand clothes now, man. I know I look good and you’d be correct if you are thinking that I reflect that through my body language! Furthermore, when I look at pictures of myself from about a year and a half to two years ago, I notice and so do others that my face has a lot more fat on it than now, man. My face definitely looks better. I have a lot less fat on my face in general and my jawline is definitely visible. I have a masculine appearance and look like a man! I care more about myself in general. Lastly, I also have a voice which is noticeably deeper, and I know that because I’ve seen videos of me from when I wasn’t on NoFap vs. now and it is obvious that my voice has gotten deeper. My hair on my head & facial hair grow back a lot faster. Also, I have started to grow longer hair under my forearms, hair which was previously hardly there at all. I look more manly because of NoFap!!!

    · BIGGER MUSCLES: My muscles have definitely gotten bigger. In fact, my deltoids, trapezius, quads, biceps and neck muscles have gotten noticeably bigger than a year ago. Someone actually pointed to my stretch marks on my biceps and asked “what are those?”. My stretch marks on my medial/interior quads, around my hips and my biceps have noticeable, large stretch marks. I suppose that’s from working out so hard that my muscles have gotten too big for my skin to keep up with! I haven’t ever been overweight, either (I weigh about 184 lbs). I had some stretch marks like those on my quads & biceps before NoFap, yet they were small and not near as big or noticeable as now. I still have a lot of room for improvement. Furthermore, I experience so very little fatigue the day of or day after doing hard work at the gym or at work. I almost feel like this isn’t normal for me to be so resilient in regard to working out. I definitely have the V-shaped, muscular and square-shouldered appearance to show for all of my hard work! You know, the type of body that chicks dig? Next goal is to get visible 6-pack abs. Lastly, I have been working out since 2013 and I have not noticed gains like these ever! I used to work out hard all the time and hardly notice any results. One of my friends who I am trying to stay on NoFap works out frequently but blames his lack of seeing any results on an “overactive metabolism”. Yeah…right! If you want to get bigger muscles, then do NoFap hard mode like me, man!!!

    · Increased Motivation: Man oh man, working out five times per week has never been so easy. I can go with almost no resistance to the gym five days out of the week without dragging my feet. I have also become more concerned about my future (not worried, though) and have some realistic ideas and goals which I wish to obtain in the future. I’ve got a general idea of how to acquire these things. Also, I finally figured out what I want to major in. I’m almost done getting my Associate’s of Science degree in biology. I now plan on becoming an engineer, either an electrical engineer or a chemical engineer. I have also gained enough motivation to complete two 24-hour water fasts, which I highly recommend if you are on NoFap, esp. if you are in a flatline and want something to distract you. I could so easily write a 5,000 word essay all about semen retention/continence/chastity/NoFap Hard Mode, whatever you want to call it. Lastly, making my bed every morning, getting ready for work/school the next morning, doing homework, cold showers, cooking, etc. are all easier. Essentially, every single thing which you notice that you have resistance to (usually because it is difficult) becomes easier since you have severely less resistance to do the things which you don’t want to do.

    · Respect: I am more respectful to others and others are noticeably more respectful to me. I attribute this to NoFap, but my body language probably helped create this. And not to mention the fact that I keep my head up and look people in the eye. I also notice that people at work and school seem to like me more in the sense that they approach me more often and are more talkative towards me. People don’t mess with me or tease me anymore, either. Being on NoFap for this long is as if I have mutated from being a shadow on a wall to the elephant in the room! Thanks, NoFap!

    · More Morally Good: I realize now what it means to be morally good and the importance of making the right decision. The right decision being, the morally right thing to do, the good thing to do. NoFap has made me into even more of a good guy willing to do what’s right. I have always been a good guy; I’ve never been a criminal or junkie or morally questionable. NoFap has made me realize that I will feel better always if I make the morally right decision, the good decision, no matter what the alternative options might be. Basically, I want to be good and I will be morally good, no matter what.

    · Working Harder: To work hard is no big deal at all for me. I enjoy working at my current job. It’s laborer’s work, man’s work, you know? So even though it is tough, I don’t complain or only see the negatives. Back before NoFap, I remember complaining a lot more over trivial things when it came to being outside/working outside. Yeah, my job is good and I am satisfied with it, alright!

    · Infinitely Increased Energy: I am so energetic, absolutely full of energy. I am not exaggerating when I state that I feel like I am a nuclear-powered human being. I wake up 4 hours, 6 hours after I go to sleep and feel 110% fully awake once I get up. Whereas when I wasn’t on NoFap, I’d be napping during the day, drowsy and longing for my bed for most of the day. Getting out of bed is difficult at times, however I have much less resistance to get out of bed and conquer the day. But dude, I finished writing this on a Friday night (tonight) after working my hands to the bone all day and it was all so easy, I didn’t have any resistance to write this 180-day report! Beware of going back to sleep if you’re in a situation where you wake up not-so-tired in the middle of the night: I notice that when I do go back to sleep after being 100% charged, wet dreams tend to happen.

    · More Conscious/Noticing More: I notice my surroundings more, which might not mean much but I do feel more aware/present/in-the-moment, especially when I am in a crowded area. I’ve also had more thoughts which are more philosophical, I suppose you could say. Like for example, it makes perfect sense to me now why the religion of Islam is so zealous toward having women wearing hijab. I also realize now why releasing too much dopamine is bad for your mind, why sex if not for the purpose of reproduction is an abominable act and what Marcus Aurelius meant when he wrote things like “Everything now is just as it was in the time of those whom we have buried”, “Very little is needed to make a happy life” and “You have control over your mind, not outside events…”. Things which are tangible and real, even if they are merely concepts/words, make much more sense now (Read “The Coiled Serpent” by C.J. van Vliet!). I don’t have to go on my phone and look up the meaning of a quote that I just read. Also, I spend a lot less time on my phone in general. I barely touch YouTube, but when I do, it’s to watch NoFap YouTubers who I have subscribed to or listen to music. Even then, I’m mindful of how much I listen to music and avoid it.

    · Memory Increased: My memory has always been outstanding, but I can remember the tiniest details (about things that matter, more often than not) without even trying too hard to remember. But it’s not like I can just ace a test without studying. I had a lab test recently where I scored a 91 whereas the class average on that test was a 75. Other stuff, too, like remembering the tasks that I have to accomplish that day, are easier. Remembering what someone says word-for-word is clear as an unmuddied lake. Brain fog is also gone, too, as expected.

    · Laughing More: The silliest things make me laugh out loud much more often, too. Stuff that would have made me smile about a year and a half to two years ago just makes me laugh now, man. Somethings are simply funny on NoFap, but I do have a funny sense of humor. I remember the funny jokes I heard at the end of the day, all the funny stuff, you know?

    · More Of A Family Guy/Increased Bonding: I spend more time with my brother. I tell all of my family much more frequently that I love them, and I very much mean it. I am much more kind to my brother and the rest of my family, too. I would honestly take a bullet for them, I love my family so much. In the past, I didn’t really have this kind of awareness of how much I love my family, or how important family sincerely is. I am also more kind to animals. I am good & friendly to animals and they’re good & friendly to me.

    · Life Is More Smooth: I finally got a job which I enjoy and have no complaints about. The job I work at pays decent money for my age. I’m not very worried about school or work, definitely a lot less worried than ever before. I have to tell you this, though: trust the process of NoFap. Just because you aren’t seeing results all at once, or because you had a bad day, that does not mean that you should go PMO. Things might suck right now, but they’ll turn around. Yesterday (day 179) I had a bad day and wasn’t sure why, yet I had a much better day today, smiling the whole time, man. Remember this, if nothing else: you might be having a bad day but it’d be much worse if you weren’t on NoFap because you’d be weaker in every area if you PMO’d.

    Also, I consume about ~0.33 tablespoons of Ashwagandha root extract in hot water (stirred) every two to three days. I find that Ashwagandha helps a bit with concentration and I don’t have to urinate as often during the night, either. I have also tried 24-hour fasting, I highly recommend it, it’s breathtaking. The feeling I got once I reached around 23-25 hours into the fast, I felt so calm, happy and like such a player, seriously! I aim to get to a one-week fast, then a one-month fast.

    There are some more minor benefits, too that I didn’t list which are still important. The point of me listing all these benefits from reaching 180 days of NoFap Hard Mode is to encourage you to try NoFap!!!

    So How Did I Get This Far?

    I was able to get to 180 days simply because I refused to quit. Easier said than done, that is undeniable. Please understand that I did not even contemplate doing NoFap until early 2018. It took me quite a few tries and getting past the jungle of lies and evil thoughts that urged me to PMO, and learning from my mistakes to get where I am at now. Most of the time until now, I gave in. If there is any one “secret” to NoFap, then it is this: never giving up. I failed at NoFap so many times the past year (almost two years) that I lost count. I have to tell you though: there is no shortcut to getting to 180 days of NoFap. There’s no pill or nootropic supplement that will take away all of your urges and make you productive or whatever it is that you want to achieve. There is no NZT-48 in real life (Limitless movie reference). Sure, there is NoFap, which really is NZT-48 once you get to approximately one year plus of hard mode. But NZT-48 is fictional, man, there’s no pill out there that’ll make you get to 180 days or a year or 10 years of NoFap. There’s no shortcut or easy way to succeed at NoFap.

    What I am trying to tell you is this: If you want to get to 180 days of NoFap, it’s going to be very difficult. There are no shortcuts to getting to 30, 90, 180 or however many days you want to reach on NoFap Hard Mode. There are no shortcuts to getting the good, joyous and well-worth-it things in life. You have to work hard in order to get those things which are difficult to acquire. The benefits of NoFap Hard Mode are so very much worth it, no matter how hard NoFap may be. Getting to 180 days or a year or however long you want to get to is (probably) harder than going through British SAS or US Navy SEAL training, no joke. This NoFap streak has been so difficult to get to and it was the most difficult at the start. You’ll probably find that NoFap is the most difficult at the beginning, too, like the first week to one month or so.

    So when it comes to urges or fantasies or sexual thoughts, I have to say that being active for this streak helped a lot. Being away from home for a lot of the day and working out much more frequently definitely helped. When you do get urges, you have to think of something else, though, man. A while ago when urges were really bad for me, I’d shift my thinking from urges when they’d show up to something different. Specifically, I’d think about the Patton-series of tanks (yeah, I know, hahaha). To focus on something else to think about when urges occur can help, although I’m sure it won’t help everyone. It’s difficult to think about something else when those thoughts occur, I know. I have also been going on walks outside at night every few days for the past year now. To go on walks, especially long walks, helps a lot I find, as I’ve never PMO’d on a night where I went on a walk.

    You can’t have triggers, either. So recognize things which trigger you to PMO, as soon as you can. This means that it’s a fantastic idea to go delete all of your social media apps, limit your time on YouTube and don’t watch TV shows or movies that have nudity or that type of thing in it. Cold showers help a lot, too, especially if the water is as close to freezing cold as possible. I do meditate at least a few times during the week for about 5-10 minutes. I am not sure how much meditation helps, but I think meditation helps.

    A lot of people will say “oh don’t be hard on yourself if you relapse, you’re only human” etc. I vehemently disagree. Do you really want to get to experience the long-term benefits of semen retention and continence in mind & body (NoFap Hard Mode)? Then you’ve got to make a big deal out of your relapses on NoFap! Dude, if you just say “oh it’s not big deal, next NoFap streak, everything will be different”. No, it won’t be different unless you get it through to yourself that you can’t edge or PMO or any of that stuff! You must be disciplined in order to succeed!!! That means edging=PMO and O’ing means that you are on easy mode, not hard mode! Make a big deal out of your failures and have a plan that will make a difference to succeed on your next NoFap streak. Because believe me, you’ll fail at least a few times trying to get to 180 days if that is your goal. But you must get back up, no matter what, because you only really lose at NoFap if you quit and don’t ever attempt NoFap again.

    Conclusion: To say that NoFap has made my life better is an understatement. I have experienced such tremendous happiness in the past few months that it is hard to believe. I wish that I had started sooner, but I’m still young. And If you are also young, or not, then try NoFap Hard Mode! Try NoFap for one day if you’re skeptical and see if you can get to one week. NoFap will make your life better. But you’ll only believe me if you find out for yourself from doing NoFap. And I can’t hold your hand or make you do NoFap, you really have to go through a very tough, difficult and rough time which could last months before you get past frequent urges, the flatline and other challenges of NoFap. However, NoFap is definitely worth it. You get more out of what you invest in to NoFap. So try NoFap!!! You’re not going to live forever, so quit putting NoFap off! You know that NoFap is the right thing to do! You can do it!!!

    If you have truly read all of this 180 day report, then congratulations! You are definitely serious about NoFap and want to succeed at NoFap, and if you do succeed at NoFap, there’s no doubt that you’ll accomplish whatever your goals are in life AND experience all different kinds of benefits! Keep in mind that my benefits may not apply to you in every way or at the same time that I experienced them. Who knows, maybe you’ll experience benefits sooner than me. Only you can know that for yourself if you try NoFap.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask in this thread or private message me.

    Thank you!
  2. TheGr8Mattsby

    TheGr8Mattsby Fapstronaut

    Truly inspiring. Thanks for sharing.
    k3muthomi and DaveyCrockett like this.
  3. Pranav$

    Pranav$ New Fapstronaut

    This is an Epic Motivation!
    k3muthomi and DaveyCrockett like this.
  4. PMO addict1

    PMO addict1 Fapstronaut

    how do you meditate??? please tell
    DaveyCrockett likes this.
  5. coldhearted

    coldhearted Fapstronaut

    Yeah, definitely inspiring man! Congrats on 181 days. keep this on going.
    DaveyCrockett likes this.
  6. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut


    so i see a huge section of this advice article you contributed to talk about video games.
    and i kind of wonder why. i find what you said very intresting, couse i thought a lot about it too, but i think you need to say a bit more.
    i mean - if i am garelt of rivia in the witcher 3, or i am playing to slay dragons in skyrim, or lead armies in rome 2 total war, than i am getting closer into the world of porn and masturabation ? why ?
    it sound a bit strange, no ? if i am playing to find chests full of gold and to slay dragons, that's bad for me ? why ?

    after all - it sound's healthy - couse i am activating my brain, i am exploring, thinking a bit, hearing intresting people and doing intresting things, playing video games sounds... healthy. at least when you compare it to porn....

    i will show you stuff that you said that i really will be glad that you will talk about more. for example:
    a lot of stuff release dopamine - food, success at math test, so what ? we shouldn't eat or learn too ?
    overall, your argument was something like: "don't play games, games are dopamine, dopamine is bad, because you can't have success with dopamine" but guess what ? assume you are right - you will be successful, and so your mind will give you... dopamine.

    overall, i want to know: what do you think about your addiction to video games you had ?
    i mean: do you think that the nature of video games, that push you to do a little-creative things like explore, solve easy-to-medium riddles, fight, progress your charchter ect ect - is good for you ? or do you think that it's like a trap for you to keep your addictive behavior ?
    is it a honey trap, or a way out ?

    overall, it looks like that you think that when you play video games, you are on the path down to porn. and i don't understand why, i will be glad to hear your opinion on the matter.

    overall, i like you post, it's well thought of, and it tries to give people more advices than the usual post here. well done.
    thank you !
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2019
    Jasmeet and DaveyCrockett like this.
  7. Cool_Bro

    Cool_Bro Fapstronaut

    Congratulations Brother for 6 months NoFap streak. I really appreciate your writing above.:) It helped a lot. Also, I want to ask you if you have experienced wet dream during your streak ??
    Zeeshaan and DaveyCrockett like this.
  8. pimp

    pimp Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    nice Limitless reference!
    DaveyCrockett likes this.
  9. DGZ

    DGZ Fapstronaut

    You're not hearing interesting people, they are characters in a video game.

    Video games are different in one important regard compared to books: they activate your reward system more. Especially competitive games like Overwatch or League of Legends.
    DaveyCrockett likes this.
  10. PowerfulSRE

    PowerfulSRE Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Thank you for such a detailed and inspiring post. This is really helpful! 180, what can I say other than congratulations for your success. I wish you all the luck in the world and to achieve all your goals!
    Zeeshaan and DaveyCrockett like this.
  11. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut

    well this characters was build and thought of by humans.

    you are right - the reward system is activated a lot during video games, why is it bad ? i thought that was the all point - you used your reward system in a bad way and taught it that female body parts are the only important thing , now you teach it good things - that what's important too are normal things like exploration, advanture, little rewards like a new sword and stuff.

    games are fixing your brain, not damaging it, or so it seems.
    what do you think ?
    DaveyCrockett likes this.
  12. Rey Rey

    Rey Rey Fapstronaut

    This is amazing bro. Keep going .
    DaveyCrockett likes this.
  13. recon117

    recon117 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Thank you for your detailed insights you experienced at your journey! Great job! Keep on going!
    DaveyCrockett likes this.
  14. DaveyCrockett

    DaveyCrockett Fapstronaut

    I'm saying what works for me. Dude my whole life was video games for years and look where it got me, bloody nowhere. Not everyone needs to get off of video games. My point is that my life for a long time was video games and then PMO'ing. I played video games while I was on this streak and didn't feel very motivated afterward. I am not saying that everyone should get off of video games or that video games directly lead to PMO'ing. My point is that for me, I personally have to stop playing video games and start doing something with my life already, and now that I'm very busy in my life, I don't want to waste my energy playing video games because I don't feel motivated after playing video games and crave video games afterwards. What works for one person is different than what works for me. So people in my position who wish to improve themselves should consider getting off of video games to see if their lives improve (like feeling happier, for example) if they have played video games for many years like I did.

    I have experienced wet dreams a few times. I am actually concerned because I had a wet dream last night even though I never had any strong urges or sexual thoughts. I talked to a bunch of guys last night but nothing we talked about was anything about sex, you know? I felt very tired when I went to bed last night, too. I've had wet dreams in the past, too, and I don't understand why exactly they happen. But of course, things like seeing nudity or pornography can lead to wet dreams. I don't understand wet dreams, man. Lastly, when I have a wet dream, it is usually very liquidy, like water, not of the same consistency of semen, so I don't really know if it is semen/seminal fluid that is being released or how much of it. I feel a bit less energetic this morning, but not by a lot.

    All I do is sit down upright and try to focus on my breathing, nothing else. When my mind wanders, I bring my thoughts back to my breathing, and also on the surface I'm sitting on, how it feels, how my limbs feel, etc. I think that meditation is meant to focus you on your own body and self. I'm still not 100% sure how to meditate, but basically, just sit in a chair upright and focus on your breathing to start off with, that's what I did. Meditate for 5-10 minutes, it is what I do. But I'm not the best person to ask about meditation, you know.

    Thank you all so much for the compliments! I hope that, if you have the desire, that you can all find the willpower to make it to however many days of NoFap that you want! Have a great PMO-free day!
  15. Payne Plank

    Payne Plank Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your sharing, man. Your thougts is amaxzing in this forum.
    Meditation helps. Since thoughts bring us to the porn, meditation can help us us to stop from PMO in the root.
    Re411 and DaveyCrockett like this.
  16. AwakeningLion

    AwakeningLion New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing! Very complete report and truly inspiring!
    DaveyCrockett likes this.
  17. You_ll_succed_for_sure

    You_ll_succed_for_sure Fapstronaut

    Waiting for your post at 280 days. You'll succeed for sure.
    Congrats for theses 180 days, man.
    DaveyCrockett likes this.
  18. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut

    i understand. but what you said is a bit of a problem anyway. i will explain:
    what i mean is, that video games were your way to coup with the situation and heal yourself when you were in a really bad state: your brain was corrupted by the idea that the only thing important in the world are woman body parts. than you went to video games and was semi-healed: because they trained your mind that other things are important too: advanture, mystery, meaning, money, gold, slaying dragons and such :)
    of course, it's not perfect, i admit it has his flaws (time consuming is one example), but it's effective to some degree and it's something a porn addict can still be interested in - which is important.

    so your saying and i quote: "i played video games and look where it got me" is kind of... ungrateful.
    that's my point.

    of course - learning math (for example) is more brain-healing to an addict, but why the addict will work his brain so hard in order to learn math and heal his brain, just so he can reverse this positive affects afterwards ? it's more logical to the addict to semi-heal his brain through easy means like video games, and use the rest of the resources in his brain to think how the hell he should quit his situation.
    not the mention the fact that he will fail if he will try to to hard stuff in his addictive-depressed state. and get more depressed.

    and of course - you specifically don't need video games anymore, but when you were at your addictive phase and didn't know how to quit, video games was a important to you. your saying that you don't need video games is like a guy who was sick and says that medicine is not important, and "look where it led me, i took it only when i was sick, so it must be a bad thing" lol.

    and maybe i am wrong - maybe video games is bad at any phase of the addict life: the recovery and the phase before the recovery too, i don't know. that's why i wrote it hear, to hear your opinion.
  19. 4eyedfox

    4eyedfox Fapstronaut

    there is an app called headspace that is pretty good.
  20. PMO addict1

    PMO addict1 Fapstronaut

    DaveyCrockett and Zeeshaan like this.