Porn is fucking EVERYWHERE man

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by tangoalfaromeodelta, Oct 12, 2019.

  1. It's crazy how you don't really even notice until you try to stop. Everywhere you go, everything is hypersexualised. And unless we all decide to pack up and start a new civilization on a mountain somewhere I don't think we can escape it.

    No wonder kids are getting into porn so young (I got into it when I was six-motherfucking-years old), the seed is planted as soon as possible. Let's not forget how big of an industry porn is, dwarfing pretty much every other entertainment industry.

    And don't even get me started on eastern countries, we actually have it pretty easy over here in the west. You ever been to Japan? Did you know almost a third of Japanese men are choosing NOT to get involved in a long-term relationship because they'd rather sit in their basements doing god-knows-what to that special breed of porn they're so well known for? And, of course, softer versions of this same special breed are plastered on every street corner.

    It's fucked.
  2. Hello Friend

    Hello Friend Fapstronaut

    I wish there was a certain way to destroy p industry.
    Is there any chance to stand against this evil thing...?
  3. Maybe "destroy" isn't the right word. The porn industry is absolutely evil and exploits both the people who watch it and the actors/actresses who film it. The only people who benefit are at the top.

    But if we can do something like that to porn, it can happen to anything. I think that challenges western values on the whole in a big way.

    What we can do, however, and what I think is thankfully beginning to very slowly happen, is raise awareness about porn not being so good after all. Remember when doctors used to prescribe tobacco to cure the flu? I sure as hell don't, I wasn't born. But it happened. The tobacco industry willfully lied about the effects of it's products to get big bucks and eventually they were brought to justice.

    There's a lot of parallels in that story with what we currently face with porn, and I think we're currently sitting at the very start of a pushback. We have small, stand-out groups of people like YBR and us here at NoFap who have realised something's up - and interestingly you also have Big Porn (I like to call it "Big Titties") pushing back with their own, clearly poorly formulated "evidence".

    It doesn't take a lot of research to figure out that Nicole Prause and David Ley, the frontline fighters of the pro-porn movement, are speaking complete shit. And they know it. The issue is most people don't do research on most things, and confirmation bias means they'll read whatever suits them best and choose to believe that. I know I do it all the time. Hopefully, however, in some decades time we'll have a similar arc to what happened to Big Tobacco and porn will finally become at least somewhat taboo, akin to what is thought of smokers today.

    What I don't think WILL change any time soon is the hypersexuality of our culture. The left (and I don't mean to disparage anyone on the left here, I mean this in very general terms) will always push for more liberty and freedoms, including sexual liberty and freedoms. When this suits big business, they will too. And sex sells, so sexual liberty - for better or worse - should always continue. Gay pride parades are an interesting case study: they are much more blatantly sexual than they used to be and sometimes even include scantily clad children. So unless the porn pushback creates some mega neo-McCarthyism movement along with it, our society is going to become more and more hypersexualised. And something about that really doesn't sit right with me.
  4. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    No one is pointing a gun at anyone's head to browse porno.
  5. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Remember it's not just what's categorised as porn content that's the problem. Anything artificial that you get sexually excited at searching and looking at should be classed as porn, as it is all doing the exact same thing in the brain, and it is the exact same behaviour. For instance if you get sexually excited at searching for what is categorised as porn content, and then get sexually excited when you see it, and then get sexually excited at searching and finding more of it, this is the exact same behaviour as searching for social media images, videos of hotties, youtube videos of hotties, google images of hotties, if you get sexually excited at searching and finding any of these then it is the exact same behaviour as searching for what is categorised as porn content, and it is the exact same thing that is happening in the brain.

    Really anything artificial, particularly on a screen that turns you on should be classed as porn. So yeah porn really is everywhere.

    But you can't completely avoid seeing attractive images or videos of females. It's not about completely avoiding them, it's about changing your behaviour.

    But I do agree porn and artificial sexual stimulation is far too easily accessible. It is extremely appealing to most men. So when a young boy or adolescent comes across these things they will naturally find it highly appealing, and if they don't know the dangers then it's highly likely they will continue to search it and masturbate to it. Even guys who know it's damaging can't stop it.
    ManAtWork, Nugget9 and Hello Friend like this.
  6. StonePlacidity

    StonePlacidity Fapstronaut

    porn can destroy a nation, that is true though.
  7. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Not really dude, besides you can always look the other way.
    ManAtWork and TheForsakeen like this.
  8. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    I think more needs to be done about this porn issue society faces. How about for one giving indecent exposure tickets to anyone..(ladies mainly) that wear leggings in public that are completely too small for them and too tight that show the ass crack and vaginal region quite unquestionably clearly. Leggings are not pants and the girls that wear them in public many sizes too small for their body so they stretch out enough to show their lady bits for everyone to see, are adding to this problem. How about we have porn be deactivated from households that choose to have it deactivated through DNS servers through the carrier as an option. So much can be done about this.
    Nugget9 and Deleted Account like this.
  9. Dave G 123

    Dave G 123 Fapstronaut

    Right now the best thing any of us can do is just stop using it, and when we meet people IRL who might be open to a rational discussion about it, just say "Well I've given up because... " - and give your reasons why. That is a solid foundation to work from, and I do think that actions speak louder than words. Changing mass perceptions of any issue takes time and patience, and one like this even more so.

    This approach (IMHO) takes away the fuel that B.S. artists like Ley and Prause would like to use against Nofap, who will find it harder to mis-characterize people who are calm, matter-of-fact and showing real-world benefits in terms of how well they live.

    In the long term I think that the problem is so bad that sooner or later people (by which I mean your "average Joe") will have to wake up and deal with it whether they like it or not.
  10. coldhearted

    coldhearted Fapstronaut

    I guess the government of every country in the world can easily eradicate all the porn websites or atleast limit access to them, but they don't want to. They want us weak, easily controllable and incapable of making right decisions which is sad. The leaders of the world only care about themselves, their profit and God knows what else.

    Best we can do is avoid it. it's impossible to not see a bit of it everywhere but we can turn our heads the opposite direction. As long as we don't intentionally seek such kind of materials, we're making progress.
    Nugget9 and Overforme like this.
  11. My grandparents, always woke up at 5am and worked until it was dark on their farm, they had dinner and my grandfather fell asleep the moment he sat down to watch some TV. He was exhausted and tomorrow was another day - same day - full of backbreaking work.
    Today, people in our society enjoy hours of "do what you want time", work time is limited, structured and in vast majority of cases not backbreaking.

    People have an amazing gift - free time, sanitation and good health, something that was rare few generations a go, free time to educate themselves, to travel, to have hobbies and spend time with their families and their kids.
    But people as it turns out are not ready for the responsibility that comes with this "free time" and freedom comes with a cost. That cost is responsibility, you have to be able to manage this free time, safely.

    So what do we do with the amazing gift of having free time, quality food on demand, healthcare, safety, ability to communicate with others and travel anywhere in the world in hours?
    We complain...
    Complain how bad things are, how there is porn, drugs, crime etc.
    Government is suppressing our "brains", they have this evil plan to dumb everyone down.

    No, that is not what I see. US government has given people exactlyy what agreed they want - freedom. Freedom to choose what they want to do, what they want to explore, learn and see.
    And what do people do with all this leisure time and all this freedom?
    Minsc, TheForsakeen, Nugget9 and 3 others like this.
  12. Although porn is an issue, and their arr lots of bad things that come because of it, it shouldnt be banned. And the government should definitely not put any restrictions on it. Obviously things like underage / rape stuff should be illegal, as it already is. But people should be free to do.what they want. If people want to make porn and sell it... go ahead... wanna watch porn? Go ahead. Honestly im against prostitution, but im not sure that that should be illegal either. People have tp make their own decisions and be accountable for their own actions and their lives. There are thousands of bad things people can get caught up in but thats their decision. Honestly im VERY against alcohol and i have a lot of experience with lives and families destroyed because of it, and lives lost because of it. Alcohol and its effects are wayyyyyy worse than porn... wayyy worse. And i hate alcohol... but should it be illegal?. I dont think so. We cant safe guard everyone and make people live in padded rooms. Let people do what they please and keep government interference at a minimum
    TheForsakeen and getbetter73 like this.
  13. Dave G 123

    Dave G 123 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I'm not sure about the conspiracy theory side of things. I think it's more the case that people just really like p*rn, and if it's free, limitless and easily available, it's difficult to deal with. The technology developed so quickly that we did indeed get what we wanted, before anyone really thought it through. It's just taking some people longer to wake up and smell the coffee, and let's be honest - there are probably a lot of P users out there who are in total denial of their own problematic use, and they will likely be the most defensive and critical of Nofap, but I wouldn't go any further than that in terms of looking for an explanation.

    And yep, there is a lot to be said for modern medicine, sanitation etc. Amen for indoor plumbing and anaesthetics! Life in the West isn't perfect, but for most people it could be much worse.
    Nugget9 likes this.
  14. DeProfundis

    DeProfundis Fapstronaut

    We do live in a hypersexualized world. Whether that is deliberate social engineering by the government or just psychological marketing by corporations, we aren't completely helpless. But you must make an active decision to reject the prevailing culture and develop your own mental discipline.
    MB183715, Nugget9 and Free-man like this.
  15. People are becoming antisocial, they do not interact deeply with others, they do not let others in to their lives. They say - I do what I want, I am independent!
    Ok, sure.
    We are all so independent, and yet we all have tears in our eyes when people help us at the time of need, because gratitude we feel can not be expressed by just words.
    And those who help us have the tears in their eyes, because they too feel what can not be expressed by words.

    People that take independence too far end up alone, with their demons, they put themselves in emotional solitary confinement - worst punishment known to man.
    And then they only have two things to blame, themselves or some factor that they think made them miserable.
    And they cope, suffering all their life, they say porn ruined me - if only porn was banned.... then maybe I would be an alcoholic, or drug addict.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. ifindoubt

    ifindoubt Fapstronaut

    I agree

    In fact, it is so bad that even in simple commercials say for burgers there are bikini women

    It is literally hard for one to avoid
    Hello Friend likes this.
  17. Yes, spread the word about its negative effects and teach people about developing more healthy oulook on sex and human connection. That's the way i see it, but its easier said than done since you have huge arsenal of media, false scientific claims and entertainment industry that work in porn industry's favor.
    Dave G 123 and Hello Friend like this.
  18. no, the porn industry is just an executor. A servant for the NWO.
    And it can be destroyed when we stop watching. So let's be serious about NoFap. Dead serious.
    Even when we deal with PMO, we will always be tempted. That's like an alcoholic who got clean and complains that he can buy booze everywhere. This is how PMO addicts are after NoFap: it's everywhere and they have to deal with it.
    Good luck to all of us.
    MB183715, Nugget9 and Free-man like this.
  19. I watched the Lady Gaga "Poker Face" music video from 2009 for the first time today. I don't normally like that stuff but I was just curious. Had to close the video 30 seconds in, felt like I was being humped through the computer screen.
  20. They now even promote porn actresses on Fox News's main page (saw that yesterday). There is no limit anymore.