Feeling like a lost soul during reboot..

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Oct 11, 2019.

  1. Does anyone else really feel like a lost soul or am I the only one? Relapsed again...

    Right now I'm feeling kind of like a lost soul. I'm struggling with friendships right now and socializing with people. Nothing good or bad is happening in my life and it feels just like a fucking flat line. I feel as if I'm on the side lines and I'm seeing every friend or family member moving up in the world. Which is leading me to think to my nightmares lately about being back in school.

    It's a real big struggle for me right now and not sure about what to do in my life now. Been trying to get back into making music but I never seem to complete a project or stick to it. Working 40 hours a week just seems like I'm wasting my life away. But I try to and enjoy my co workers I work with as much as possible, buts it feels like the same thing everyday..

    It really feels as if I'm in a Twilight Zone right now.
  2. Pjco

    Pjco Fapstronaut

    I struggle most with loneliness in the evenings. I sleep in separate beds and rooms to my partner and we haven’t been intimate in a long time. I try to keep myself busy not just with work. I exercise and am involved in a community theatre group. While theatre might not be your thing, I think it’s important that you find other social outlets that allow you to interact and engage with different people that aren’t traditionally your friends, family or co-workers.
  3. tbird

    tbird Fapstronaut

    Tell your boss you are open and willing to take on bigger responsibilities. Take up on any and all social invitations. Join a volunteer group, community help, etc. Unless you live in the tundra, there are options.
  4. Yeah, very familiar with this dull feeling. I used to feel that i was very disconnected from this world, and staying at one place while everyone was going forward, feeling disconnected from reality is one of feelings i used to feel a lot of times during my reboot.

    Just do not be too hard on yourself, and don't compare yourself to others, if you feel like you can't focus at your music work, do something else that may be less exhausting. Stick to your reboot, and see will this feeling lift if you're doing great with your reboot. If not, perhaps its time to change a job, or either to talk with your boss or something.
    Pjco likes this.
  5. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Dude I hate lost souls, there is always too many of them and they resist more bullets than they have any right to do. When the Pain Elemental appears everything gets worse and the damned thing keeps spawning lost souls and covering itself.

    Ah yes the feeling of apathy. That's my life, but unlike you in mine things keep getting worse everyday.
  6. Pjco

    Pjco Fapstronaut

    This. Have some self compassion. In the book “12 Rules for life” by Dr. Jordan Peterson, one of the rules is compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who others are today. That really resonated with me and helps me to keep focus on the path of self improvement. Sure, there are slip-ups on the way, but each new day is a new opportunity to refocus and improve.