Improvement to erections after gum disease treatment

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Bandido, Oct 7, 2019.

  1. Bandido

    Bandido Fapstronaut

    I've had periodontal disease for years. Last time I went to the dentist was in 2011 when I got treated with scaling and root planning where they remove tartar from above and below the gum line, this gets rid of the infection and inflammation, but if you don't keep up with maintenance cleanings which are every 3 months for periodontal disease, it will eventually return. I never kept up because of money issues.

    For the past 5 or more years, I've noticed my erections were weaker and I was resorting to using boner pills for an extra boost and the fact that I watch porn and masturbate didn't help the issue.

    I recently got a much-needed treatment after years of not wanting to spend the money and plan to keep up with maintenance for both penis and heart health. I've noticed since my treatments my erections have improved despite still watching porn and fapping every day lol this is probably because there is better blood flow and less inflammation in my body thanks to the improvement of the infection.

    This is why gum disease is linked to heart disease as bacteria enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation. I've read studies where gum disease is linked to erectile dysfunction for the same reason and how treatment can improve it. Blood flow is very important to erections.

    I've always found it difficult to quit porn and masturbation, sometimes I go for 2 weeks without it but always return. I'm a very sexual person and is very difficult to quit if you don't have a girlfriend. If I had one, I would have a very strong will to not do it and save myself for her, but when you're alone and have no one, you always cave, more so if you're sexual.
  2. Discouraged

    Discouraged Fapstronaut

    your inability to get an erection is what caused your gum disease too.

    general lack of inflammatory response will cause problems all over your body because inflammatory response is the healing process.

    once you get so addicted , anything that produces an inflammatory response you 'use up' to jerk off.

    you accumulate bodily damage through entire body, but brain and liver is the worse. once the liver goes down, that is the thing that heals everything else, your core is down and you're a sitting duck
  3. Bandido

    Bandido Fapstronaut

    lol I doubt that

    My dad has gum disease too and lost his front teeth due to not going to the dentist when young, it has a big genetic role, some people's mouth just harbours more bacteria