How to approach a girl I like? Any advice??

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Aamggonnadoit, Oct 3, 2019.

  1. Aamggonnadoit

    Aamggonnadoit Fapstronaut

    So I like a girl from my college, I see her almost everyday because we have lessons in same amphitheater, I had the chance to talk to her, she sat right next to me but i didn’t take the risk.
    I feel she won’t Reject me, but I don’ Have the balls to go talk to her because she’s the friend of my ex. Should I add her on instagram? Text her?
  2. Daedaleus

    Daedaleus Fapstronaut

    You already have her number? Go ahead and add on instagram there's no reason to worry about that. Also, if she sat next to you when there were plenty of other, or more convenient, seats then that's a good sign. We humans typically don't sit right by people we don't at least mind being around. How good of a friend is she to your ex and did the break-up leave things relatively amicable or did things end badly?

    As for actually talking to her, keep it simple, ask if she wants to study for the class together over a cup of coffee sometime, or ask her to catch you up on what the class went over if you miss class one day. You already have something in common with her, y'all are in the same class. Use that as the ice breaker and then let the conversation branch out, such as asking her about how her day has been or what other classes she's taking.
  3. Aamggonnadoit

    Aamggonnadoit Fapstronaut

    Dude, thank you so much for taking time and answering with great advice, that’s what I needed! You’re great.

    About breaking up it wasn’t bad, it ended with big respect. The girl I like used to be my ex’s best friend, 2 years ago, now they’re just friends,i don’t see them together, and they don’t hang out etc.. what do u think?
    FX-05 likes this.
  4. Daedaleus

    Daedaleus Fapstronaut

    If the break-up has been a reasonable amount of time, i.e. a month or longer, I say don't worry about the whole ex situation. Personally I feel like it should be the responsibility of the friend to talk to the ex if y'all start dating. I had a pretty good friend of mine talk to me about how he and my ex were into each other and asked if that was going to ruin our friendship, I told him I was happy for him and to do whatever that makes him happy (me and her also ended things on good terms); they're married now and I was a groomsmen lol!

    Edit: Note how he didn't ask me if it was okay if they dated, only if it would make things bad between us. Don't ever let someone else stand in the way of your happiness.
  5. Aamggonnadoit

    Aamggonnadoit Fapstronaut

    You’re right bro, you’re a good person because you happy for your friend.

    I followed her 1 hour ago, we’ll see, what if she won’t follow me back? (I have 8K followers, and she has 120)
  6. Daedaleus

    Daedaleus Fapstronaut

    Well to be fair, she wanted a serious relationship and I was/am terrified of emotional intimacy ( I'm working on this) so we ended things when we/she realized I wasn't going to change my stance on the issue.

    Did she accept your follow request or is that what you are waiting for? If your profile is public I wouldn't worry too much, she might just wait a bit before following you, or just like one of your new posts and then follow you.

    If you're talking about her accepting your follow request, be patient, she might not get on that much or just want to build a little excitement and make you wait. Patience is an important tool in life.
  7. Just do it. What's the worst that can happen? She will just say no. It's not like she's gonna whip out a glock and clap you.
    the alpha project likes this.
  8. the alpha project

    the alpha project Fapstronaut

    Epic lol.... best response ever. Please post on every thread where guys are asking for advice on approaching girls...
    FellatiousD and IbrahimViking like this.
  9. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    That’s the thing. We fear a negative response and screwing up a chance. We like the fantasy of keeping the dream alive, so we delay.
  10. Aamggonnadoit

    Aamggonnadoit Fapstronaut

    Dude thank you so much, you must start writing your own books, I appreciate your answer, I’m waiting for the right moment to go to her! It really sucks cause she’s always with a group of 5 people! I will do my best and go to her very soon, I feel more confident with this nofap ( tomorrow is my 30day) keep in touch I will tell u what I did And thanks again
  11. I despise social media so I only ask girls out in person. Grow some balls and start a conversation. Don't miss another opportunity!

    Plus she's a WOMAN. Getting asked out by guys is part of their job description! There is no blame on you for trying.
    the alpha project likes this.