Addicted to Youtube

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Vendettana, Sep 27, 2019.

  1. So, I'm heading towards 80 days of no PMO. I'm really happy with my progress.
    However, I have the impression that my brain kind of decided to focus on a different addiction.
    I always have been watching many youtube videos. But now, as porn sites are no option any more, it got worse. I spend (loose) too much time on youtube, watching the same videos over and over again. It's mostly scenes from movies that I like, some podcasts and music.

    I would like to get rid of that, it costs too much time. The problem is that I also need youtube for educational purposes because I am learning python and coding.
    So I often connect to my youtube account with the goal of watching a coding video, but I get stuck at the "recommended" section (I hate it).
    Or I turn youtube on while I take breakfast or dinner. Then get stuck and watch for hours.

    Did you experience that? Any hints on how to take control?
  2. I do. I'm a YouTube addict, watch all kinds of stuff from the paranormal to sports replays. I'm not really in a position to give you any advice on quitting YT, however I wish you the best.
  3. Damnation

    Damnation Fapstronaut

    Addiction is in our genetics, you aren't watching porn, so just be proud you've accomplished something. Loneliness will always bring us back to our addictions. Watching youtube, as long as it's not a porn sub, just isn't something I'd worry about.
    wicket and (deleted member) like this.
  4. I recommend setting a screen time limit on your phone (i know iphone has it, idk about android). Also, create an account that is primarily for python and coding. Only subscribe to the channels that you rely on for those topics. It will keep you in the coding loop, and eventually your time limit will go off and then you're done for the day.

    Treat is as another addiction. Your brain will always make excuses for more time, and its up to you to resist. I definitely struggle with this too, so let me know if you find anything that helps!
    Vendettana likes this.
  5. wuxor

    wuxor Fapstronaut

    On your laptop, you can use uBlock Origin addon on your web browser to block parts of Youtube, like the recommended videos or the homepage. It works well because you can still use the website to see video if someone shares you a link or if you search for something specific. So not trying to completely block the website, just the parts that are making it easy to stay longer on it.
  6. As matter of fact, I have found something nice after posting that thread. It's a firefox extensions (there is one for chrome) called "DF Youtube" (DF for distruction free).
    You can use youtube but it removes the "recommended section", you can remove the right side bar with other "suggestions", you can even remove the comments section so you don't get torn into discussing with people you don't know just because they say something you disagree with.
    Have it installed since yesterday, I will see if this makes it better .
    Limiting screen time seems a good thing to me. I'll try that, but it would mean that I have to reschedule my whole day and be way more disciplined .
    wicket likes this.
  7. Looks like I have found an extension that does just the same: DF Youtube
    I have installed it and I will see how this helps. Thanks a lot.
    wicket likes this.
  8. HegHeu

    HegHeu Fapstronaut

    Well addiction is not normal having the power to say is common. Ideal situation you will be addiction less. Well YouTube thing is an addiction for me too but I think first I will win in nofap after 2-3 months I will focus on getting rid of YouTube. I will say watch TV it's a lot better than YouTube. After yrs of YouTube I noticed that I skip content so much. YouTube is full of novelty better avoid it and watch movies/web series or TV. I think YouTube addiction is worse than social media addiction as novelty here is much more.
  9. MountainGiant

    MountainGiant Fapstronaut

    Try YouTube UnHooked.
    Other helpful extensions are LeechBlock or StayFocusd. Those are for regular web browsing, though.
    wicket likes this.
  10. wicket

    wicket Fapstronaut

    It's another form of the boob tube probably. Like I watch YouTube now and no tv for instance. I feel I have more control over what I watch on YouTube at least and much of it is educational vs what I watched before YouTube I still junk out on it though at least they don't allow porn it is full of subs though as mainstream culture gets more hypersexualized I don't worry about triggers really my addiction seems to operate without any but still in my right mind I try to avoid the sexualized media on there

    You seem to have far greater control than I do so wouldn't worry so much about it only thing is to find other activities to fill the time with it is easy to get sucked down rabbit holes on there even not talking about triggers time can fly surfing around videos it can be the opposite of constructive for sure
  11. OttarrTheVendelCrow

    OttarrTheVendelCrow Fapstronaut

    Yes I have experienced this recently. I would say that you should avoid it all costs. Go everywhere but youtube for your coding before going to youtube. Try Github and things like that.
  12. Joseph Campbell

    Joseph Campbell Fapstronaut

    I've deleted the youtube app from my phone and decided to just cold turkey stop using it. I do spotify pods and stream shows because they are longer, more focused stuff and I feel like I can use them much more intentionally and responsibly, but yeah I feel ya, once you start the youtube binging it's a fackin magnetic rabbit hole, super similar to porn.

    And what the fuck is left to glean from Youtube at this point anyway?? I mean by now we've all seen it all... Might as well switch to good books, convos and cinema as a passive way to unwind.
  13. Joseph Campbell

    Joseph Campbell Fapstronaut

    Although, the fact that you have to use it for your education makes it much more tricky... I hope that extension someone recommended helps.
  14. CaptainStrat

    CaptainStrat Fapstronaut

    Man, I watch way too much YouTube.
    A couple of years ago I bought a new Vizio tv and one of the apps on the set is YouTube. Too much interesting content. I need to limit the input.
    Yeah, man, I get it.
  15. My strategy is to disallow Youtube on my handheld device (completely) but allow it on my Desktop. I'm more specific when I'm doing YT on PC. I know what I need to watch, I watch, then I get out. Done.
  16. This is the problem with treating an addiction as if the addiction itself is the problem. Whether it's an addiction to alcohol, porn, YouTube, whatever, you can't solve it by just going clean.

    As you have found out!

    An addiction happens for a reason. If you only stop the addiction, you haven't solved the problem. The addiction isn't the problem; it's the symptom.

    That's why I always tell an addict to get therapy. Yes, you must stop your addiction (well done for stopping porn!), but it is vital that you deal with the reason for your addiction.

    You don't say where you live, so I have no idea what therapy is available to you. You can speak to your doctor, who might be able to supply you with a counsellor, or maybe CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), although those are just starting points. If you are on a tight budget, it's harder, but (ironically) you can find helpful therapy on YouTube! One suggestion is EFT (emotional freedom technique), which is easy to learn to use on yourself.

    If you're going to spend hours on YouTube, at least use those hours on self-improvement. Python and coding are self-improvement, of course, but so is therapy. Spending hours on therapy will gradually grow less and less as your therapy starts to work.

    Just take care to avoid snake oil and conspiracy nonsense, because they can make you feel good (like an addiction) without actually giving you therapy.

    Best of luck
  17. Cirilla

    Cirilla Guest

    I use the app #Blockit on my iPhone. If you deinstall the YT app, it allows to block things you don't want to see on the website. I have exclusively the search bar and subscriptions showing, and I exclusively watch videos from the only 20 channels I follow. I urge you guys to look into it!

    On desktop, I use Unhook Youtube for the same effect.
    WildEntheology likes this.
  18. 88991s

    88991s Fapstronaut

    Here is what I do:

    Take a quick preview of the video (I do it occasionally) , download the video I want to watch . There are many websites that help you download YouTube videos just type YouTube downloader. That way you can watch it multiple times without wasting data.

    Hope this helps.
  19. That won't help the OP!
    88991s likes this.
  20. 88991s

    88991s Fapstronaut

    What does OP stand for ?
    I guess it won’t help. But Worth a try.