More guys might suffer with this issue than you think?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by skaterdrew, Sep 23, 2019.

  1. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    I was at a house party on Saturday night. Somehow ended up getting in to a conversation about porn. I brought up that I thought it can cause issues with sexual function, like causing ed and stuff, and 3 young guys who were there all said they agreed they think it probably could. One of the guys who was there said he was suffering from ed, and another 2 said they have had sexual difficulties before and it wasn't performance anxiety. One of the guys said one time he had full blown ed when he was trying to have sex, and another time he kept losing his erection when he was having sex. He said he didn't have performance anxiety.

    So I do think this issue is much bigger than you realise. The issue must be huge. Think about all the guys in the world that have a smart phone and computer and who quite clearly will PMO.

    But the difference between me and those guys at that party is they still try to get women in real life. They still constantly go out on dates and stuff. But basically I don't because I think I have PIED.

    Another thing with those guys is this issue probably hardly ever crosses their mind. Where as with me I am obsessed about it.

    One of the young guys that I was talking to constantly meets women in real life from using dating sites. But I said to him but if I am on a dating site I am constantly masturbating to those pictures of those women, and he said so does he. But I wonder what one is worse, me not using a dating site and never meeting any women in real life, or him using a dating site, masturbating to the images of the women on it and meeting loads of women in real life. The internet can be an amazing tool for helping you to meet women in real life. But I feel like I put so many barriers on my self because I am afraid to relapse.

    But I do feel like my self and a lot of guys on this might be making one of the biggest mistakes of all. We're not trying to get real women because we are worried we have PIED. Where as those guys are constantly trying to get real women regardless of what is wrong with them.

    Another thing is I think the PIED might actually be much easier to fix than we realise. Probably if you were with a woman for long enough the PIED would sort it's self out. Being with a woman, touching a woman, kissing a woman, and doing other sexual stuff with a woman is the brain training we want. But a lot of us aren't even attempting to do these things with women.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2019
    Kiz Whalifa and TheProwler like this.
  2. TheProwler

    TheProwler Fapstronaut


    Pornography is pervasive and that's just the spear tip. Salacious, revealing or whatever material is prevalent. I.e. social media and us 'non- professionals' with amateur porn, uploads to social media sites, music videos, TV, etc.

    If we want to use demarcations and categories I place pornography in its own category, with (often fuzzy) divisions for hardcore, softcore, etc.

    But yeah explicit material is widely available. I had to tell a friend not to send me any of his 'funny' gifs/videos/pictures as some would contain material I just don't need to see (some of it just grotesque or humiliating.)

    I'm sure I've read that there is no 'control group' of non-porn users to be used in the western world at least as it's near ubiquitous.

    PIED doesn’t appear to be a factor for me, but yeah – you right – porn (as one of many interlocking factors) is…was part of the reason I seldom pursued women.

    Not having interaction with women (however you define that) and having pornography as your sole erotic outlet is F'ed up.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2019
    Kiz Whalifa likes this.
  3. romeolima

    romeolima Fapstronaut

    I think your right, men are particularly bad about talking about and dealing with medical issues, especially those they consider to be embarrassing.

    Since coming on this site I have become more aware of the issues surrounding PMO. I thought I had issues but I clearly see that some people have fallen further down the rabbit hole than me. What's more is that I now see people that I know in real life who I would put money on were in that position too.

    What worries me further is that with the prevalence of porn now through various guises is that my boys are coming to a point where it might start becoming an issue for them. However at their age the best I could hope for was topless newspapers and the odd magazine acquired from an older friend.

    Now hardcore video is only a click away for them.

    I was already in a sexual relationship before modern streaming sites became available. Whilst internet porn was available before I was sexually active it was much harder to come by and was still by and large still images. On that point I consider myself lucky.
    Kiz Whalifa likes this.
  4. Dave G 123

    Dave G 123 Fapstronaut

    Pretty sure it was Gary Wilson that said this, but couldn't say where exactly. And it probably affects all societies across the planet by now, unless you include remote tribes in the rainforest etc.

    Of course, there is a control group - guys that have given up porn, preferably for 3+ years, so they have had the best possible shot at a full recovery. You heard that here first!
  5. TheProwler

    TheProwler Fapstronaut


    I have a nephew and I feel anxious about this. Especially because of my own problem and how much it affected the course of my life.

    Luckily my sister has restrictions which I believe are at the provider level, that'll do for right now.

    I'm thinking how I'll frame it, remembering just how strong the sexual urge was at puberty. Thankfully I've got a few years to figure it out.
  6. romeolima

    romeolima Fapstronaut

    I'm not too worried about at home, provider controls etc are fairly easy to manage. It's just the prevalence, I know how porn magazines were passed around in my teens and I can see how easily much harder content, videos and media, will be passed around in this hi tech world.