My GF just kind of oppened the relationship ?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by PhantomAssassin, Sep 21, 2019.

  1. PhantomAssassin

    PhantomAssassin Fapstronaut

    Today i had a weird discussion with my girl and she felt like she restricts me in life, so she said that she would be ok if i talk with other girls (not the friendly way) and even have sex with if i feel like it, she was very genuine and if she wasnt i would've instantly felt that she was lying since she is a terrible liar and i always catch her lies. Sooo yeah, the reason behind this post is to share but more importnantly to hear your opinions on the situation, i feel like she fully understands how man's minds work and she is really doing this for good. Im not even going to take advantage right away of this privilege that she gave me.
    Also i used to chat with other girls behind her back... Should i tell her ?
    Deleted Account and Hold it in like this.
  2. MisterDirection

    MisterDirection Fapstronaut

  3. PhantomAssassin

    PhantomAssassin Fapstronaut

    For sure not a test, and yes she is guilty of the "restraining" she did for two years (and she really never stopped me from anything)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Advocate109

    Advocate109 Fapstronaut

    I would open stuff up for her too then, relationships are a two way street.
  5. PhantomAssassin

    PhantomAssassin Fapstronaut

    Sure I did, even tho im scared of it i did it cuz balance is needed
    Deleted Account and Advocate109 like this.
  6. MisterDirection

    MisterDirection Fapstronaut

    Open relationship are like winning the lottery.
    I have no experience but I would say from what I have read on here and maybe search the archie es for it, but 00.009% of the time it works. The rest it ends horribly
  7. TheProwler

    TheProwler Fapstronaut, this is the dream.

    Does she perchance have a low sex drive?
  8. Daedaleus

    Daedaleus Fapstronaut

    If you truly like/love this woman, and it sounds like you do, I wouldn't do it. It seems to me that she is willing to hurt herself if it means that she can keep the relationship alive. I would sit down with her and explain to her that this problem you're dealing with isn't because of her or any dissatisfaction of her. I think she is taking this personally and is blaming herself for this issue. Put her mind at ease and explain that she is not part of the issue, but rather part of the solution.
  9. PhantomAssassin

    PhantomAssassin Fapstronaut

    I am the one with low sex drive, and she knows that this means im getting bored of her body. If i wait for an entire week before having sex with her the sex will be amaising and it always feels like its for the first time, but then again I have to spend a week or more without it, and this is the times that i dont want to have sex with her but i really want to watch porn or find another girl and she knows all that stuff. Thats why i thing Daedaleus is totally right
    Yes she is not part of the problem directly cuz at this point I cant see how i can get "bored" of her on beyond physical level. But how can her body really be the solution of thing like this. And also im not sure if she is hurting herself this way since she said (although i felt a little lie in this one) that she would be happy if i tell her stories with others like we are best friends (and we really are).

    Im just confused at this point after hearing many opinions i seem to have changed mine
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Daedaleus

    Daedaleus Fapstronaut

    Ultimately you are in control of your destiny and any decisions to be made. By part of the solution I do not mean physically, but rather emotionally and mentally, having someone you can lean on when times get tough.

    Also, if you're doing any kind of hard mode, I'd be sure to convey that to her if you haven't already. I think she wants you to be happy, but I also think she is confused on what's the best way to support you. I think she has a misconception that, as males, we cannot truly be satisfied with monogamy because of the way we are hard wired; which is untrue. While our primitive circuitry is wired for that, that does not mean we cannot be truly and utterly satisfied with a partner physically, emotionally, and spiritually in a monogamous relationship as well.
  11. Despicable me

    Despicable me Fapstronaut

    I think that she gives you the "freedom" , because she wants it herself. My girlfriend told me once, when she went abroad for 3 months, that when im gone and you find someone, its ok, and if she finds someone its ok. I was hurt, and felt like I was dumped. I did find someone in that time. When my gf came back, I ended it. After she heard about it, it was downhill. She just didnt want to feel quilty if she would have found someone. She didnt. Our relationship was pretty much over. We just ripped our hearts out the next 10 years.
    Tell her that you dont want to have sex with anyone else but her, and that you dont want to share her allso. See what she replies after that. And if you have low sex drive, then why waste it outside your relationship?
  12. TheProwler

    TheProwler Fapstronaut

    So you guys don't think Mr. Washwaverr's GF is a (budding) cuckquean, suggesting an open relationship, polyamory or something of the like? I mean probably not...

    I’m with Daedaleus with a slight modification: what do you want? You’re in a monogamous relationship and presumably care about the girl? You’re also hanging with us, which suggests you have aims in terms of porn elimination and the benefits it’s likely to bring.

    I did read some of your journal/posts to see where you’re at – three weeks or so, right?

    There are a few contradictions to unpack – low sex drive. Presumably after ejaculation/orgasm you’re satiated, libido lowers and you’re content for the week. Then again you say you have a craving for porn and/or another girl?
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2019
  13. Wow. Just makes me wonder. Why do people make relationships just to have sex?

    Then back away and act like “no it’s not it’s not just about sex.”

    If you or she just wants to have sex outside—- Then admit that.

    If it’s about fear of being boring — admit that.

    Complicating the real reason with sex is dumb.

    I am finding that more and more women Can take WAYYY more than guys think they Can in regards to truth or feelings or both.

    Relationship might already be over. Think about two 77 year olds in a relationship. Their sex is relatively boring and non glamorous but it needn’t be the only defining Damocles in a relationship.

    Have done open relationships a few times. But they are not always two way. Depends on what the maturity of the person honestly.

    Lots of marriages are sexless. So sex and relationships aren’t exclusive unfortunately.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2019
  14. PhantomAssassin

    PhantomAssassin Fapstronaut

    I really had to go in depth with this one since there is a lot of missunderstanding first i will start of with saying that this girl is my best friend, i can cry on her shoulder, i can share my wildest toughts i can share my weird dreams, we can talk for hours straight and not get bored of the conversation and our sex is great, BUT its not about her performance its about the lack of variety, not in sex since i can say that everytime feels diffrent then the other and sometimes its like a whole new experience, however its the same body and the same person everysingle time, no matter how her body looks or what the quality of sex is I will get bored eventually and its part of me and just how I am. Long story shor i cannot be satisfied with monogamy in my sex life.
    I have low sex drive towards my girlfriend, but my sex drive is maybe overwhelming when i think about other girls, i try to escape from toughts like this and often times its easy. There is moments where I find myself just wanting to meet different body and I KNOW THAT SOUNDS SOO WRONG, i belive its objectifying and it is WRONG but I really dont want to get rid of it so i accepted it and it is a part of me.
    I actually think this is what she is suggesting, and I myself am a bit of a cuckold since i could easly imagine her with a group of males and i would like it, but i wouldn't enjoy just watching it and it will get me angry which in my case is good in my sexlife but this is really not needed information.

    I agree with you and im gonna seek the reasoning behind her descision so we can make the "case" as pure as possible. I also think that sex and relationship dont have as strong connection as everyone is trying to make it seem. I also addmited to her (as she did to me) that we both would like to explore the "sex world" a bit more so we could try diffrent partners and that was very long ago.

    So the way i look at this is that this is not like a relationship thats falling apart but the exact oposite i think we are making progress. And again im not going to take advantage of the privllige right away since there is more to talk about and clear out.

    Sorry for my bad english btw, its hard to collect my toughts in a language that i barely learnt
    Deleted Account and need4realchg like this.
  15. Yeah ... you are going to struggle then to get like minded ppl here to understand you since monogamy has far more participants than polygamy. But that being said. Honesty is still needed. I would tell you... People in open relationships expect honesty just like those in monogamous ones.

    Guys, girls , same thing.

    But if you aren’t experiencing 100 % transparency in your relationship —- explore that.

    Ask yourself why not ?

    I know I am older than you and been around uncles who get used to having lots of women all the time. Married , divorced , it doesn’t matter. Just you need to face the music that you are protecting yourself in part from her and for her. Ask why?

    Lack of trust?
    Lack of commitment?
    Fear of failure ?

    Dig my man.
  16. RollerCoaster

    RollerCoaster Fapstronaut

    is your relationship just open on your side or is she also willing to have sex with other guys? If yes, how do you feel about it?
  17. TheProwler

    TheProwler Fapstronaut

    Alright, now I get it.

    You guys are younglings. It's not p.c to admit you'd like variety of women. On here there are some that are subtly forceful with their opinions, but need4realchg's right - seems the majority opinion here favours monogamy (with a % suggesting no pre-marital sex.) Most just say their piece, give their reasons I spose.

    You're probably right to just have some good conversations to really speak on things (both of you saying your piece.)

    I don't mean to be condescending, but - you're both younglings - this might not be your last relationship. You both need to talk - just tell it - get some rules/ethics then make your moves:

    - sti/std testing (for all partners)
    - safe sex
    - plenty of (that clichéd word) communication.

    And so on.

    Also, you're both likely to experience some anxiety/jealousy/whatever when/if you both dip your hands into the cookie jar. Might as well anticipate some of the issues that'll come up. E.g assuming you're gonna be together for the long term use a cinematic/literary term 'arc's' might not coincide. One person might get it out of their system before the other.

    ** P.S @ Washwaverr I might not be unbiased (if such a thing exists,) or a disinterested commentator. Could be an element of wish fulfillment or vicarious living through you - don't accept what I say without thinking for yourself.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2019
  18. PhantomAssassin

    PhantomAssassin Fapstronaut

    Thank you!
    You are so right one of my favorite quotes is
    "Honesty is the first chapter of the book wisdom"
    In fact your words inspired me to talk with her and seek truth, I also admited some stuff to her that i did a while ago, I saw the pain in her eyes and i understood why she would be better of just giving me the permision and knowing that if enything happens I will be honest and share with her.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. PhantomAssassin

    PhantomAssassin Fapstronaut

    We dont really call it "open" it's more like free will relationship, and without restricts. I told her that she has all the rights in the world to do whatever with anybody if she just didnt told me (which is exactly the oposide of what she said to me) But i feel like if I have to know about it it will get to me eventually.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Urgh. The sinful lustful side of me hates you right about now, ;)