I miss the old days—before 2000

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by need4realchg, Sep 14, 2019.


In today’s generation we

  1. Have fixed yesterday’s problems.

  2. Have no fucking clue; Gone backwards and given up.

  1. It’s a Rant folks:

    I opened up my Big Mac last night and I felt a wave of regret and sadness wash over me.

    I remember one of my early jobs in high school I worked at McDonald’s.
    At the time I made $6.50 an hour.
    Customers would compliment me on my smile.

    I remember the smell of browning burgers, the ease with which we would grab a brown bag full of frozen fries. Dump them in the wire mesh fryer, (telling our coworkers we “dropped” a basket of fries then press the “2:00” timer and when it goes off, dump the fresh, hot, oily fries in the warmer and dazzled it with salt in the typical “2-shakes”. then scooped them in the gray plastic fry thingy and set them out for waiting customers. The golden brown hue of the chick nuggets that was perfect when Jose-the chef made it. At break time — the employees had to eat the food we served. It never got boring it seemed.

    I was 16.

    I ordered a Big Mac for the first time in over 10 years. I was appalled at what jumped out at me.

    I miss the highly toxic, Infinite styrofoam clamshell. That shit kept your burger sizzling. Styrofoam was a Christian’s best evidence against evolution. It was like the equivalent of the giraffe for scientists.

    This crappy bio-degradable brown paper thing— my burger was cold by the time I got to my house 4min later.

    The size of the Big Mac is smaller. Wtf?

    Before I wasn’t able to fit the gdamn thing in my mouth. Now, it nestled in my hands easily. My hands didn’t grow massively here.

    The fries are the same thank God.

    Remember the monopoly game at McDonald’s ? People used to be able to win stuff. I won free stuff and was an employee. Now... you never win shit.

    I have peanuts out with every sundae. Nobody died from allergies. How ?? Statistically where the hell did these aliens peanut allergy people come from??

    You remember like one kid with that kinda allergy? See!! Nobody !

    I had the misfortune of working when the beanie baby craze was the 401k vehicle apparently. Lines went out the door. There is nothing like that today... in happy meals.

    I miss the fatty, super-sized, happy-go-lucky attitude that we used to have before Clinton was ousted as a sex addict ....

    What do you miss or regret about today’s era ?
    Ash266 likes this.
  2. TIMMY0110

    TIMMY0110 Fapstronaut

    I miss the pre-internet era. life was simple, all I wanted to do was go out and play with friends. Most kids these days dont go out..they watch porn or play video games.

    In my childhood walking as a means of transport was the norm. Not anymore, people appear surprised if I told them I walk 2 miles to reach office or college. I mean..why the fuss now since it was the norm a decade ago.
  3. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    If I could, I would live the rest of my life in the 1980s.
    • Best movies and music ever
    • we weren't at war
    • we weren't force-fed partisan politics 24/7
    • the news was actually trustworthy
    • we didn't have mass shootings every three weeks
    • our national debt was 1/10th what it is today
    • the Twin Towers stood tall
    • we had a President I could actually respect
    • there was no social media
    • people didn't stare at their phones all day
    • roller skating and arcades, hello
    • life was just ... carefree
  4. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    how bout those hot days so crop tops an short shorts for the lads, fanny pack full of quarters cause your headed to the arcade on Fridays
    need4realchg likes this.
  5. Its obvious your working out has grown you to super human size.

    No. The fries better. God clearly plays fast food favorites. McDonald sounds Irish or Scottish so this proves God is Catholic.

    You millenials are always wanting handouts. Get a job and "win" stuff the old fashion way.

    Clearly Big Almond has been pushing itself like crack in the ghetto for years. I wouldnt be suprised if they were behind it.

    Im glad they dont have lines out the door in happy meals. Kids and coke dont mix.

    Now it's much better. Our president is open about sexual assault and we are fatter but wiser. We can thank fake news for that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2019
    Mr. McMarty and need4realchg like this.
  6. Lool! Man I SO needed this laugh today. Man you are a breath of freshly toxicated air.

    God does favor the scotch/Irish— exhibit a—- Guinness, which gives whisky, —which gives us Andrew Johnson, which gives us johnnie walker, which gives us Tennessee whisky, which gives us Chris Stapleton, the end.

    All things work for the good of those who love a good whisky.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. It’s a rant I fully understand. I went to high school in the early 80’s and miss that decade dearly.

    But I’ve been thinking.

    Why don’t I start living life in a way that makes the 2020’s as favorable or even more so than the 1980’s.

    We can’t go back to our favorite decade, but we certainly can do things to make this new decade a great one for ourselves despite what might be going on around us.
    need4realchg and Deleted Account like this.
  8. If I could just get my smartphone out of the bedroom at night, That would be great. I was honorably discharged from two tours of duty in the Army in 2000. My good old days were the 80s when all you needed to walk at night half across town for a bag of weed was a full pack of cigarettes.
    need4realchg and Deleted Account like this.
  9. I think people tend to look back with rose tinted spectacles. If I sent you back now, after a few weeks you'd probably start to miss the time you're in now.
    Deleted Account and need4realchg like this.
  10. This is brilliant. Yeah. I would go back to corded phones and pagers. No internet or porn addiction. Saves by the bell and when Cosby was a closeted sex predator. Homosexuality was not asked or told, Reagan’s dreams were realized not immortalized, and televangelists were wildly popularized.

    Back then gas was less than a dollar , brand new house could be purchased for less than 100,000. Trump got his first million dollars, and Obama was smoking weed.

    You could buy a nachos for 50 cents at the skating rink, and every kid watched Sesame Street. The challenger blew up and we all cried. Terrorism did not mean anything if you lived in the US, cause nobody ever died.

    Imagine you could cross the border and travel to Mexico for a fun weekend with only a drivers license. PanAm was the global airline, and there was no such thing as internet banking. “Catch me if you can “. Lots of ponzi schemes but no Bernie madoffs.

    No tsa, no tsa, no tsa. No bloated homeland agency. Man.
    Lots of Colombian drug lords , coolest car then : Ferrari testarosa.
  11. There is actually something to this statement. As much as I miss the 80’s there are things that were negative too.
  12. I guarantee you people in the 80's were saying how great the 60's were. People always prefer the past to the present, because it's no longer attainable.
    need4realchg likes this.
  13. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    Those were great days without social media cancer.
    need4realchg likes this.
  14. OMG! I remember back in the 80's being so sick and tired of hearing people talk about how great the 60's were. Guess I'm sort of like those folks now talking about the 80's. LOL!

    The 60's in the US had a great big war that was screwing up a lot of lives, that seems to get overlooked when people take about the 60's.
    In the 80's we had high inflation that was screwing people over. Mortgage interest rates were in the double digits most of the 80's. Nowadays 5% is consider too high for a mortgage interest rate. My mortgage rate is only 3%.


    But back to being nauseatingly nostalgic, I do miss things like being able to ride my bike around late at night enjoying the fresh night air with no traffic and little noise without worrying about being mugged. No way I'm riding my bike around late at night nowadays.
    need4realchg likes this.
  15. Just read this in a book...

    'The world is too big for us. Too much going on, too many crimes, too much violence and excitement. Try as you will to get behind in the race, in spite of yourself. It's an incessant strain, to keep pace ... and still, you lose ground. Science empties its discoveries on you so fast that you stagger beneath them in hopeless bewilderment. The political world is news seen so rapidly you're out of breath trying to keep pace with who's in and out. Everything is high pressure. Human nature can't endure much more!'

    This quote looks like it could of been written last week or last night, but it actually appeared in the Atlantic Journal 1833.
    Deleted Account and need4realchg like this.