i’m going to SAVE MY 11 year old cousin!!!!

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by goodnice 2.0, Sep 11, 2019.

  1. Fork2323

    Fork2323 Fapstronaut

    Just give him the link to this website so he can read all on his own all the people who have been wrecked by it.
    goodnice 2.0 and Jane elise like this.
  2. Jane elise

    Jane elise Fapstronaut

    It's is best advice too
    Little kid5 likes this.
  3. I cant stand this post tbh
  4. If you had a problem w alcohol would you tell everybody not to drink alcohol? Smh
  5. an emphatic YES so others can learn from my mistakes

    I wouldn’t tell everybody but i’d tell those i care about.

    Plus drinking alcohol i think is not healthy or good choice, i don’t get why ppl do it
  6. I agree that too much info could lead to curiosity.

    However, the first part i don’t think this is good advice. My parents told me and kept it brief and said something similar to that. That’s not gonna stop anything.

    I’m actually mad that you would even advise me to say something like this. Are you kidding me?? You want me to say: “hey there’s bad stuff out there on internet”

    That’s so meaningless that it’s same as not saying anything at all
  7. lirider

    lirider Fapstronaut

    Sorry to have offended you but brief is all relative. Some people ramble on for ten minutes and still don't get their point across. 11 is young too. What are going to do show him a clip? Treat him like an adult if he's so smart and point him to YBOP.
    goodnice 2.0 likes this.
  8. Alright well... that's cool man. Just don't do it to me
  9. I think wethebest is dead wrong. Me and I'm betting many people here would be very happy if someone told us how debilitating porn can be before we started using it compulsively.

    You should definitely talk to the kid. I'm about to give the talk to my 13 yo brother.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. @ me next time or its discredited
  11. I’m on the fence between saying something and not saying something. I get the desire to protect a loved one from the dangers you’ve experienced and know of first hand. Then on the other side of coin, I’m also a product of the DARE movement in the USA which was used to teach kids about the dangers of drugs and drug use. Did that stop me? Nope. In fact it made me even more interested in trying them.

    Maybe instead of the scared straight approach, you become like a big brother to him and spend time with him doing healthy activities? All young men need a good mentor and someone they can look up to and respect. Sometimes even if that doesn’t save them from falling into bad habits it can help them not stay in them. I know my grandfather was my role model for that kind of example of a happy and good man. That example and memory has inspired me to change my life around even after all of the bad choices I’ve made.
    goodnice 2.0 likes this.
  12. HegHeu

    HegHeu Fapstronaut

    Limit his access to internet tell his your parents to tell their parents about bad things on internet if they don't take u seriously . Our world is pornified given access to internet one will surely dive into porn so restrict his internet.
  13. This is the thing that concerns me about this kind of thing. I'm a woman, so my experience is different, but I honestly dont think I ever would have watched porn if it wasn't for my husband being addicted to it and hearing how addictive it was. It made me curious (among lots of other deep issues as well that I'd rather not get into at the moment).

    So I think it is good to warn him probably, but maybe not get into too many details. I would probably just stick to the problems that arise, but not talk about the material much. Most people know what porn is, so it should be enough to say that if his friends encourage him to look at porn, he should be careful because... (and then list the issues that arise from it).
  14. I don't think you should give advice unless you are asked. If he is actively engaging in this behavior, then perhaps you can lead by example. Be a positive role model, rather than a crusader. No one likes being told what to do, but if you live your life in such a way that he finds inspiring, then maybe that will steer him away from PMO. The choices he makes are determined by circumstances. If he feels shame for being gay, don't reinforce it. Instead, let him know it's not a big deal. If he asks you questions about sex, don't be negative or overbearing. He's going to make the choices he is going to make regardless, so it would be better to encourage him to make more informed choices.

    Like I said, be a role model rather than a crusader. You can cause more harm by being overbearing than living by example. Also, don't pry into his personal life. If he wants to tell you personal things, listen and don't judge.
  15. Amphibian

    Amphibian Fapstronaut

    Any updates on this?
  16. Reginald001

    Reginald001 Fapstronaut

    I had a long talk with my nephew when he was 12, about pot and the dangers of it. I told him every detail, every way in which it hurts and destroys your life if you use it when you are young. At 16 he was smoking 4 grams a day. At 19 he was in gangs, doing criminal activity.

    The point is, if you are not a psychologist, you have no right in interfering with other people's mental state, especially that of children. I learned this the hard way.

    See it like this. The brain, the psyche, addiction.. it's a very difficult problem. We don't know how brains and psyche work, exactly. Only those that studied it know. If a helicopter would break down, in the middle of your street.. would you grab your spanner and try to repair it? Of course not. It's a much too difficult and intricate machine to understand, unless you studied for it.

    The same for children. If you're not a licensed psychologist.. don't do things like these. There's a chance you will succeed and that would be awesome, don't get me wrong, but if you fail.. you can actually introduce an extreme addiction into this young man's life. The road to hell.. it's paved on good intentions.

    I don't mean to be aggressive or judgemental. I just wanted to share my view on this. Whatever happens I wish you the best of luck in the choice you make!
  17. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Just don't give him personal phone
    And keep him involved in sports and education