Cant Last one Day without MO or sometimes PMO

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by GrowStrong99, Sep 12, 2019.

  1. GrowStrong99

    GrowStrong99 Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone,

    I‘am a 19 years old heterosexual guy who masturbates to often. I have PIED and cannot „O“ While having Sex with my GF. I Started to MO at the age of 11 while looking at Bikini photos of women or fantasizing about women or girls. At this time i was aroused within seconds and Would „O“ really fast. But one year later I started to masturbate to P and 2 years Later I found out about transwoman Porn and since then i got sucked in this black hole. I still had crushes for girls and the idea of Meeting a transexual was disgusting for me. One year ago I had HOCD But thankfully this stoped when I stoped watching transgendered person P. In this time I checked if I was still errected By transgendered people But i wasnt errected By them anymore. But a while ago I wanted to stop PMO completly because of my ED But than things gotworse. I didnt even Last one Day and I was so dissapointed in myself, That I started watching transwoman P again. But I know its something I dont want. I want to have a great Sex Life with my GF again. Just wanted to Share my Story, I think this will help me to Stay away from PMO again. And I Hope you guys Can give me some advise and Motivation.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2019
    Brucewayne1444 and Nanni like this.
  2. Uncomfortably Numb

    Uncomfortably Numb Fapstronaut

    Everything is happening in your head... to beat this thing you have to get in there and FIGHT it... this site and the people on it will help and support but YOU have to do it...

    Good luck
  3. GrowStrong99

    GrowStrong99 Fapstronaut

    Thank you. I will fight This. I know I Can do this. The funny Thing is: Sometimes I didnt PMO for some days and I had no urges because I didnt care about it. But at the Moment this Is my only thougt and its so hard to resist the urges. But This Time I dont give up.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Reginald001

    Reginald001 Fapstronaut

    Your struggle is real. But you CAN handle it. And each day won is proof of that.
    Try to see the (P)MO as the junk food version of sexuality. You don't eat pizza every day. The outcome is eventually to not see it as a form of release, ever. Try to make it something that's just not an option for your life. In doing so you can start seeing it for what it is.

    During the reboot, and likely afterwards, you'll find it engrossing, almost magical, its attraction (I know I do). But it's like a Siren's call that's deadly. Make it into a base choice:
    Do I choose PMO? (And realize it will overtake my life at a young age?)
    Do I choose life? Real life? With a real relationship and connections?

    At least that's what I'm trying to do. 0 days as I'd O'ed last night unfortunately, but 4 days without P now!
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2019
    Robinthehood likes this.
  5. GrowStrong99

    GrowStrong99 Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much. I will try my best and give you guys some Updates on my journey.
    Reginald001 likes this.
  6. Reginald001

    Reginald001 Fapstronaut

    Post here whenever it becomes bad.
    Brucewayne1444 and GrowStrong99 like this.
  7. GrowStrong99

    GrowStrong99 Fapstronaut

    Yes I will do this. At the Moment I have a Little urge to PMO. But now I will go to the gym and do a Workout. I Hope this will help.
  8. Reginald001

    Reginald001 Fapstronaut

  9. GrowStrong99

    GrowStrong99 Fapstronaut

    Just finished my Workout and took a cold shower. No more Power left for PMO... Now I‘m going to cook some food. Invited my GF for Dinner. Today I will make it without PMO.
  10. Reginald001

    Reginald001 Fapstronaut

    Awesome. Stay sharp and most importantly, don't worry about tomorrow. That's the next day. If you can do it today. Then you can do it tomorrow.
  11. GrowStrong99

    GrowStrong99 Fapstronaut

    Yeah I will not give up. I‘ll post some Updates Tomorrow. :)
  12. It took me waay too long to realize that a replacement activity isn't just a good idea, it's critical.
    GrowStrong99 likes this.
  13. GrowStrong99

    GrowStrong99 Fapstronaut

    Good Morning everybody, have a little urge to fap atm, going to take a cold shower. After this I’m going to work until 5pm. Then I will go for a little run and after this I will meet some friends at our favorite Pub. So there is no Time for PMO.
  14. HelplessPleaseHelp?

    HelplessPleaseHelp? Fapstronaut

    Hi, I'm sure you can hang on without using porn. It's not a must. Believe me! I have changed this habit within me.
    Brucewayne1444 likes this.
  15. It’s better to stay away from alcohol while you are working on your PMO. Alcohol operates on the same brain cycle as dopamine which is the main chemical culprit in PMO. I’ve read posts here of men who have gone out for a couple drinks and when they get home they get a chaser urge for PMO.
    Reginald001 and Deleted Account like this.
  16. GrowStrong99

    GrowStrong99 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your advice. I wasn’t going to drink alcohol because it’s also bad for growing muscles. I only drink water or sometimes Orange juice. But it’s good to hear that alcohol has this effect. I’ll avoid it. :)
    Reginald001 and Deleted Account like this.
  17. GrowStrong99

    GrowStrong99 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your advice. I wasn’t going to drink alcohol because it’s also bad for growing muscles. I only drink water or sometimes Orange juice. But it’s good to hear that alcohol has this effect. I’ll avoid it. :)
  18. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    not just one replacement activity either, because PMO is so easy, pleasureable, and convenient, you need something to take up your time, something to do when you get and urge, and exercise almost doesn't count because it doesn't take long and everybody should be doing it anyways. Not only that, but often changing your routine, and developing new hobbies helps. You must rebuild yourself.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    If this ain't the place to whine I don't know what is. And refrain from appropriating the word cunt, or the ghost of Steve Erwin will give you a vegemite enema.
    Reginald001 likes this.
  20. I'm not OP, but your post resonates for me.
    IMO - this should be the foundational conversation in any habit change. It took me too long to understand its importance - maybe because experiencing it working is a key to understanding that it will work (for me). Your point about exercise not being enough is probably wiser than I've gotten - - I'm relying on exercise. I'll need to improve my back-up activity planning. I also need to work on getting around people more.
    It's taken me 45 years to learn that I may not be naturally introverted, so much as chemically altered toward introversion by effectively neutering myself for comfort. It would have been cool to have an involved father or close male friends to point me to this fact years ago - but better late than never.