social embarrassment and me

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by u376, Sep 11, 2019.

  1. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    this will be self i think its going to be a long boring post.....i am doing this for understand one of the root cause of my messed up psyche.......
    its been more than 2 years since i am on this forum.....and still i am a loser.....i would say....i am more broken than before....
    since my childhood.....there is something weird about my thoughts.......but i was not much affected by other opinions......also i was pretty confident......i think i was confident till 15 years of age.....but i was basically having some sort of personality or beliefs.....i was in touch with the kind of person i am............infact i used to get inspired from other people's personality.......and i have copied them a lot..........thats why i think i can be a very good actor..........i am good in reading brains and copying others........
    then i got addicted to become a cycle of pmo depression social motivation......dream like feeling........i would say.....nightmare like......
    then i was getting judged by others........i was not used to this opinion.......but i have literally seen people laughing at me.....which did a terrible thing to me......that is confusion......yes.....i am not even saying they affected my confidence......the worst thing in this scenario is the confusion regarding my personality.........and as far as i can remember......from year 2011-2016.....i was literally having no personality of myself.....i was not even copying in short......i was not aware.....of raw interactions.....i used to wear a fake mask of confidence.....which would slowly get removed.......that worked for me......but it was not satisfying.........because it was not me......
    slowly a perception which was almost true regarding me was popular.........i was the certified weird person.....or a very "gentle" gentle will be synonymous with pussy....
    i have plenty of these opinions and judgements thrown at me.....but there were some who were of different opinion......they were basically those who knew me on a personal level........but eventually they also termed me as a loser.....
    now the thing is.......this destroyed my personality or the self beliefs.......i was just doing non productive activities........pmo one of them......
    sometimes i used to go clean for few days....which helped me to gain little confidence.....but then one relapse....affected my confidence and then the next interaction with that person turn out be a bit stressful for me.......
    this continued for a long time.....what this do to me was that i started doubting my way of seeing things.........this leads to a constant confusion between my ideology......
    now coming to 2017....i am very much honest to myself.....i have opened to others regarding my anxiety issues......but what it did was that i was not able to develop the problem is when i make the things complicated then i again"loose" the touch with my personality.......which makes me more nervous in interactions......but again this can be a false belief of mine........
    so the solution which i think of this "disease" is........that
    no one knows my true story...or the struggles behind the i should not accept their judgements....
    also no matter what .....its people's job to observe or judge others.....even i do it there will be many who will be of negative opinion
    laslty.....i will not loose the touch of my true personality.....since 2017 i am using this technique....which has sometimes helped to handle extreme anxious no matter which path i take.....i will be true to myself.....
    also i need to watch some embarrassing videos of other that i can understand that i am not alone......
    i do hope.....typing out my emotions and thoughts would help me........because i have realized this is one of the deepest issues of my constant relapse and the fear to take challenges...
    Washwaverr and goodnice 2.0 like this.
  2. TIMMY0110

    TIMMY0110 Fapstronaut


    i can relate to your story very well,.... I get the same feeling sometimes.Just like you I have been trying nofap for 2 years...relapses has made me humble and made me realize how powerful my addiction has been.

    Good Luck
    u376 likes this.
  3. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    thanks a lot for your time ....
    the feeling that i am not me hope and peace
    goodnice 2.0 likes this.
  4. I think it’s bc you care too much about what other ppl think udit.

    Try to let go. Especially since a lot of the ppl you see you won’t ever see again anyways.

    You might as well express the real you, because i’m guessing the real you has a great personality:)

    I used to be like that as well, quiet and never expressing my opinions. But after nofap and some self improvement, i started saying screw it i will be my real self. And My friends after seeing the new real me, told me how much they liked this new side of me, and how fun it was to be around me.
    Gab238 and u376 like this.
  5. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Wow... you remembered my name....
    Actually I joined a I got sometimes panic attacks.....and I will see those people for next four months......but sometimes I am able to handle it's a mix of both......
    But I am generally the quiet awkward body language guy.....
    That's why I have joined gym to improve my posture.... I am not bothered to accept my anxiety and insecurities in front of anyone......
    Earlier I used to pretend as if I am someone else or a "fake" charismatic person......but eventually truth used to come out......also I hate wearing masks......I believe how I behave at home should be the same way in public......also being honest to myself helps me to know other people properly.......but as I said everything has it's pros and cons...... sometimes people are too insensitive.....they took our weakness as a joke ......
    That's why I am naturally introverted.....
    I just don't want the uneasiness while interacting with others....
    goodnice 2.0 and Gab238 like this.
  6. i get you, why don’t you just for one day, be your real self in public, like how you would be if you were at home.

    Challenge yourself:)
    u376 likes this.
  7. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    I think I have been doing this
  8. PhantomAssassin

    PhantomAssassin Fapstronaut

    "Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom"
    -Thomas Jefferson

    Stay truthful to yourself, and be true to those who deserve !
    Deleted Account and u376 like this.