Penis Shrinkage From Years of Porn

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by stigmadelta, Sep 2, 2019.

  1. stigmadelta

    stigmadelta Fapstronaut

    I keep trying to do this but every 7-10 days I relapse. Today I was speaking to a girl on Snapchat and she was sending me sexy pictures. That was the trigger. And now I feel like my progress is lost. I've built up several weeks where I've only PMOd once in the week, but it hasn't helped.

    My major problem is for over a year now I don't think I've had a 100% erection even when viewing porn. But today I got a decent erection from this girl and it still wasn't what it used to be...I mean I think I've lost an inch off my penis, my theory is that lack of morning wood, porn and weakened erections for years has made it so my penis shrunk, literally use it or lose it in reverse. I've read that if you don't regularly get 100% erections and morning wood then your penis this a fact?
    Before people say it is in my head, I have measured before I was a pmo fapper and after, and it fluctuates between .5 -1.5 inches smaller than my old size when erect.
    When I get a decent streak say 10/14 days, some function starts to come back but it still isn't what it used to be - so I begin checking it to see if I can get back the old size. I think today I maybe got close to a 100% but it was still noticeably smaller than before. It is constantly playing on my
    Mind like "you idiot your constant fapping has whittled away your dick lol"
    Is this an erection quality issue that will go away with time or has my pmoing given irreversible shrinking due to lack of strong erections?
  2. Africanman

    Africanman Fapstronaut

    Funny enough this is my life right now, it’s funny how most of us have similar issues. I went 40 days and and my dick was almost 7 inches (black guy) when erect.. it’s mind blowing.
    stigmadelta likes this.
  3. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Did your flaccid size shrink as well? How small is it now?
  4. stigmadelta

    stigmadelta Fapstronaut

    So did going 40 days bring it back to 100%?
  5. stigmadelta

    stigmadelta Fapstronaut

    I've always been more of a grower. But yeah I'd say flaccid it has shrunk a little, but much compared to when erect
  6. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    Well excessive mastrubation did it on me too. After 7 days no pmo, and three times a week cardio training i got over an inch back. Just because the erection was properly!
    stigmadelta likes this.
  7. stigmadelta

    stigmadelta Fapstronaut

    That's good to hear, congratulations man. Maybe I'll start to do more cardio like that, rather than weights, get the blood flowing more. Did you do HIIT like intervals or long cardio?

    I think I've been slipping a bit, not fully committed. E.g. I'll stop masturbating regularly and watching real porn but then I'll start messaging girls, obsessively surfing tinder, instagram or getting a girl to send pics, still all artificial stimuli and probably bad. I'm thinking everything but face to face may exacerbate the problem.
  8. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    Long cardio 45 minutes. 65% - 75 % of maximum hearte rate to train the heart.
    stigmadelta likes this.
  9. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    My dick shrank like a flatline size almost after PMOing for so long. Scary shit!
    stigmadelta likes this.
  10. stigmadelta

    stigmadelta Fapstronaut

    Yeah, but are you healed and did it return to full strength after your reboot ? I'm trying to find out if at the end of the reboot there is a silver lining to all this or is it honey Ive shrank my dick from overuse...
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  11. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    I think there is a healing at the end. Just to let you know, I had two semi erections while standing spontaneously, after this happened. Otherwise, my dick is flaccid and shriveled with wrinkles receding into my pelvis.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2019
  12. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    I went through a whole rollercoaster with my penis during withdrawal. The first few months it was shrunk when flacid but also very retracted and firm. So it looked more like a small knob. It also twitched every now and then.

    The bad part is that i also got Peyronie disease because of intensive masturbation and i got a lump in my penis when flaccid and when erect i lost about 2 cm. The good part is that erections stopped hurting but i still have a very tight pelvic floor.

    I expect the Peyronie damage to resolve itself and i am quite sure all the problems with penis, erection etc are due to pelvic floor dysfunctions.
  13. Looks like it's time to delete snapchat then.
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