Worried I'll always like porn?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by skaterdrew, Sep 1, 2019.

  1. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    It's strange, yesterday I had no urges or interest in viewing porn at all. I had no interest or urges today either. But tonight I wouldn't say I necessarily had sexual urges to view porn, but the thought of viewing it has seemed quite appealing.

    I have felt particularity quite low today, and tonight I have felt really quite down and a bit anxious tbh.

    But it just worries me, as I feel like porn might always be appealing?
    Kman20 likes this.
  2. For me it's appeal fluctuates. Our desire for sex is powerful, it's ingrained in our genes to reproduce. Biology is hard to fight. Pornography is a fantasy which exploits our natural sex drive, it's unnatural. There is no romance, no courting, no interest. Porn makes us like the lower animals, creatures of base appetites.
  3. Lot Yanisin

    Lot Yanisin Fapstronaut

    All of this 100%

    I don't see how in a worldwide scale things are gonna get any better. They just can't.
    Darren hutto likes this.
  4. Secretariat

    Secretariat Fapstronaut

    It will. Of course it will. The more you make porn a part of your life, the more it will be just that. Let go of it.
  5. romeolima

    romeolima Fapstronaut

    This is where I got to today when I discovered this site.

    Six weeks into a porn abstention and was starting to think I'm never going to not be tempted. I've got through today reading some of the stories here.

    Stay strong, at the moment for me it's still appealing too, but another day forward and it's another day in the past.
    Gratefulforchange likes this.
  6. Lot Yanisin

    Lot Yanisin Fapstronaut

    On an individual level it can get better.
    I don't see it improving on a societal one.
  7. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    Trust me brother it won’t be, once you get a very long streak and no longer identify yourself as a porn addict it won’t be anymore. Real women will be the only thing appealing. It’s like knowing you have the means to now go eat food or just window shop food when you’re hungry, why would you ever do the latter ? You won’t. Don’t worry, the appeal does die off.
  8. canary

    canary Fapstronaut

    Porn has made me go out of touch emotionally. Its really had.
  9. canary

    canary Fapstronaut

    Just deleted my porn collection. Its so painful
  10. This is what’s happening with me. The activities I’ve gotten into are more desirable than porn. I’m trying to meet women now and although I’m still awkward with that, I know if I return to porn I’ll never be able to meet a great woman to be my companion. Watching porn just makes me want to hide from women.

    Just the act of meeting real women face to face and having conversations with them is so much better than porn.

    So I also think the appeal of porn will wear off. It’s certainly been waning for me.
  11. No porn since February and no Masturbation since mid may- I still get cravings- know you're not alone and learn to get through them. The more you fight them off the stronger you become at not succumbing.
  12. Lot Yanisin

    Lot Yanisin Fapstronaut

    damn great job.

    my personal best is 1 month... and even that feels embarassingly low to admit... even though i know we all experience different milestones