60 Days done and dusted

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Ranvanp, Aug 12, 2019.

  1. Ranvanp

    Ranvanp Fapstronaut

    60 days in on this happy journey. 60 days without exposing my self to my trigger porn and 30 days or more with only the most minor exposure to very vanilla images.
    In all honesty I can't say I feel any better or different but I can say I am quite content about not wasting my life by looking at hours of porn daily.
    It will do.
  2. surtennis123

    surtennis123 Fapstronaut

    Even when you're lonely, even when you feel abandoned, have hope that company will come to you in your dreams and subdue your fears. Sometimes help doesn't come to us in consciousness, but in our subconscious, which is equally as important. Find your passion and don't let others keep you from pursuing it.
    Powerous likes this.
  3. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    Glad to hear a realistic success story once in a while. People here tend to claim NoFap has changed their life when it probably hasn't that much, really. They believe it because they want to believe it; what really happens or doesn't happen does not play much of a role anymore, in that case, and of course you can't trust these stories. Moreover, lying to yourself will eventually backfire.

    On the other hand, there are success stories which show 'measurable' results. Well, I have one of these as well, since NoFap made me get rid of my PIED, among many other things.

    Stay on your track! At least you now have more time to spare. May be you also like the thought of getting rid of this naughty little secret of yours? (This can be especially helpful once you get into a relationship.)
  4. countdown

    countdown Fapstronaut

    dear @Headspace , I liked your reply (and also the original post).

    But what made me enter this journey was the need to get rid of a lifelong PIED. Since one of my first intercourses I remember having some sort of failure. And it happened many times through my life. I consume porn since I was very young, first with magazines and later with videotapes than streaming porn. Anxiety always played a huge role, but I think I was always contaminated by porn somehow.

    Well, after almost 20 years of porn or so (I am 32 now), I decided to change my life and have full control of my body, of my penis, of my orgasm. And, of course, to satisfy my partner.

    The question is: how long did it take to "fix" your PIED? How did you realize you were fixed for good? Do you mind sharing a brief summary of your story?

    Thank you and stay strong!

    P.S.: I liked your nickname. I use Headspace to meditate daily since I started my streak here.
    Ranvanp likes this.
  5. Ranvanp

    Ranvanp Fapstronaut

    Yeah, there are certainly some outrageous claims out there, I remember reading one where the person stated in all seriousness that their arms grew longer after being off PMO for a month. LOL
    Personally, I look forward to being rid of PIED. It feels like I will need to re-learn how to experience mutually enjoyable sex again. Should be fun :D
    countdown likes this.
  6. Some great points here. Cheers folks.
  7. Yeah I saw that one. The rest of his points were fine though. I also think he was simply still growing!
  8. Ranvanp

    Ranvanp Fapstronaut

    Yeah, you are right. I was being a bit judgy
  9. Kimpossible9

    Kimpossible9 Fapstronaut

    Nofap is about making progress and finding a purpose in life, not curing PIED!
  10. countdown

    countdown Fapstronaut

    Sorry, buddy, but no one can tell what are the others' purposes in doing Nofap.

    For me, to have a good life, a "purpose in life", as you said, is to have a good sexual life, without any psychological or physical problems.

    A big hug and congrats on your streak!
  11. Kimpossible9

    Kimpossible9 Fapstronaut

    No need to apologize!
    countdown likes this.
  12. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    Well I would second @countdown insofar as everyone can do NoFap for whatever purpose they like (even getting laid more often), but there is the bigger picture for me as well, of course. In the end, sexuality is also about how we view or treat body and mind and their relationship. Our sexual behavior can be a reflection of that. The year I started NoFap I was also having some personality changes (for the better, of course).

    But in my success story I will always point out the results which will look most impressive to both skeptics and unsuccessful Fapstronauts. (It is not about me impressing them, but about the NoFap approach being impressive.)
    Ranvanp and countdown like this.
  13. countdown

    countdown Fapstronaut

    Dears, I agree it is a huge change Nofap brings. I just don't like to think it is a one path only to everyone. I mean, each one finds his/her own way through. There are some ways to improve life in a much broader sense and there is not one more acceptable/right than other.

    I am very happy to have joined this community and am learning a lot from all your experiences, for which I thank you all very much.

    @Headspace , if and when you have time, would you mind trying to give an answer to this fellow here? This is the text I wrote some days ago:

    Thank you in advance for sharing!
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2019
    Ranvanp likes this.
  14. Ranvanp

    Ranvanp Fapstronaut

    Like discovering Super Powers? As stated here by others, people do Nofap for their own reasons.

    My reasons are many but in simple terms; after years and years spent watching porn, sneaking around behind my partners back, indulging in some fucked up hypno crap, emotionally distancing myself from those who love me, displaying a public facade whilst having some real fucked up porn sissification nonsense happening below the surface, freezing in fear whenever my wife or daughters happened to pick up one of my electronic devices, and just generally being a sad arsed wanker; it is well past time for me to be whole again.

    I think looking forward to being rid of PIED and rekindling an honest, loving, physical relationship with my wife of many years is a reasonable goal to aim for, don't you?
    countdown likes this.
  15. countdown

    countdown Fapstronaut

    I am happy you could accomplish this, my dear! I relate a lot to your experience. I just don't have a daughter/son yet, but the rest was just the same. And made me feel like crap. The worst sensations in my life come from sexual dysfunction caused by porn. I would feel a looser and then start PMOing again and again, because then I could fulfill my wishes and orgasm. So, getting rid of PIED for good is my ultimate goal. Of course I am changing several things that are bringing benefit to me and to the ones I love, to the ones around me. But my focus is to get rid of performance anxiety and PIED forever.

    A big hug, congrats on your streak. Keep strong and let's go together!