Should I give up

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Aug 12, 2019.

  1. I've been try to abstain from porn addiction for years now, but not getting anywhere. I end up relapsing and feeling even worse than I would if I wasn't abstaining. Maybe I'm not cut out for NoFap. Advice welcomed.
    WhyNotStop likes this.
  2. my best advice, no electronics or internet for 3 months, the price of freedom for some can be quite high, just depends how bad you want it.
  3. I think you're right, just won't know what to do with my free time.
  4. Spend the time and some type of self-improvement. That can be physical or mental or spiritual or psychological - or a combination of all four. Explore who you are what you want to be.
    bluemax4 and Get behind me Satan like this.
  5. Get behind me Satan

    Get behind me Satan Fapstronaut

    Please don't give up. You can do it. It's your birth-right. You are a free-man. You do not have to be a slave.
    bluemax4 likes this.
  6. Get behind me Satan

    Get behind me Satan Fapstronaut

    Agreed. Sleep on the floor! Take cold showers! Get rid of your 4g phone! Beat your chest! Whatever it takes my friend!
    BravelyKegger and bluemax4 like this.
  7. Get behind me Satan

    Get behind me Satan Fapstronaut

    Allow yourself to experience the 'boredom' for as long as it takes to break it. I'd recommend activity if you can do it. I have a problem with boredom and nothing to do, but I know that day by day my life is reforming structure, the answers will come to you.
  8. I'm thinking of going camping for a week, just to get myself away from the madness of PMO
  9. Without failure we wouldn't learn from our mistakes. I've been addicted to porn since age 13 and found out about its harmful effects and started on my journey to quit at age 16. I am now 19 and am still struggling. The last 3 years of attempting to quit have been hell due to the fact that I've only made it past day three and my longest streak was 15 days. I'm an example of what not giving up brings you. These last 3 years have been like hell but they allowed me to understand that in order to quit this I had to replace bad habits with new positive ones. Don't accept that you've been defeated stand up and fight for your future.

    After 3 years of fighting this I am happy to say I'm on my longest streak yet, have been able to advance my relationship life, and love myself. If you quit now you're going to be left with the what if...

    This porn crap has hijacked our brains and it's going to take a little more than the want to quit. It's going to take action. Start taking cold showers, start working out, start reading, just do anything but don't relapse!
    oggybendoggy and bluemax4 like this.
  10. lots of things man, read, write, hobbies, work out, better yourself, meditate, spend time in nature, there is so much out there that we are all blinded to because technology and the addiction that come with it blind us.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. TONYP

    TONYP Fapstronaut

    I'm gonna have to agree @BravelyKegger . Separate yourself. I need to find other habits that keep you active and engaged in the moment. Your brain is too use to being in front of a screen. Go outside, go for a walk, take up running or swimming, learn a new language or instrument, take up meditation, etc.

  12. oggybendoggy

    oggybendoggy Fapstronaut

    I have an easy time staying away from porn when active, but a hard time when lounging around. With down time, my bad habit is to look at the news, then at time/life wasting apps that lull me into a stimulated yet extremely bored state of mind. That boredom is easily replaced with P.

    Kind of pathetic to admit, but a few weeks ago I read a book for the first time in about a year. It was so much more relaxing that scanning the news on my phone or computer ,and so much more enjoyable that scrolling through pictures on social media. It also removed any temptation to click on new images or stories, and instead just focuses the mind. So try reading a book to satisfy your compulsion to click on something digital.

    This is my 3rd attempt at nofap, and I'm having more success this time by simplifying my pursuit to No P. I really don't want to relapse on P and hope to never look at it again. I will give in and M from time to time, if it keeps me from looking at P. Not sure if this is wise advice or not, so others can weigh in on that.
    Get behind me Satan likes this.
  13. Thanks for all your advice guys. I've actually decided to go away camping for a week near my new job. Just want to be away from the modern world and get back to basics. I know if I don't change my environment, then this addiction will end up taking me.
    BravelyKegger likes this.