How many of you believe in Climate change?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Environmental Specialist, Jul 30, 2019.


    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    Tsunamis, tornadoes, earth quakes and fires aren't necessarily all 'natural'.

    For example, directed energy weapons (DEW lasers) have been spotted to possibly cause fires.

    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    This is done to keep pushing that "mother nature" satanic worship and deprive people from their precious oxygen (removing CO2 which is just plant's food and wireless radiations electrocuting air molecules).
    Keep humanity under 500.000.000 as they wrote I guess.

    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    Why you think they keep porn ultra available and promote sexual debauchery with condoms and pills and school "sex education" and perverted media.... Sexual power is crucial for us to interfere their plan to kill us and to abuse trafficked people. Devil worshippers are at work. Climate Change is one of their planks.
  4. hardowner

    hardowner Fapstronaut

    Wasn't this a transformer fire?

    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    Interesting point also about this hype:
    95% of the USA is raw uninhabited land. There might be an agenda to keep people in compact cities where wireless radiations are at their worst. Isn't it better for everyone to have their piece of land and live self-sufficient ? We can do that, the means are there, but NOT the politics. Agenda 21

    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    From a biblical point of view, the days of Noah are returning, and it won't be a water flood this time, more like a Rapture covered up by a giant alien abduction followed by an apocalyptic state of emergency and the well known Antichrist before then Armaggeddon and Millennium Reign and Eternity..
  7. badbanana

    badbanana Fapstronaut

    This is great, tell us about the BIlderberg agenda and CERN!

    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    CERN headquarters have litterally the Indian god of DESTRUCTION as a statue dancing in the cycle of death. Cycle being the main reference to their molecules accelerator.. or maybe their demonic gate.

    Don't know about Bilderberg.
  9. badbanana

    badbanana Fapstronaut

    You'd be into it man, it's right up your alley.
    Ghost in the Shell likes this.
  10. 100% true. I have proof from my flight deck.

    Ghost in the Shell likes this.
  11. Agreed.
    Sounds good. Except you might find out you'll have to stop buying goods made in your own country if you're to keep that promise :)
  12. :emoji_joy:
  13. MuzzyTheArab

    MuzzyTheArab Fapstronaut

    This is the kind of stuff that makes all Theists look nuts, and I'm a theist!
  14. 1978

    1978 Fapstronaut

    If this is a matter of fact rather than belief, then so is evolution, so creationists should be considered just as misled as climate change deniers. If it should be considered an undeniable fact that man-made climate change is happening, it should also be considered an undeniable fact that God did not make us in just a few days.
  15. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Please explain why these two things are related at all.
  16. 1978

    1978 Fapstronaut

    Because they are both examples of where scientific evidence proves people's opposing beliefs are wrong. So I was merely saying that we shouldn't respect creationist beliefs any more than we should respect climate change deniers beliefs.

    The question asked "How many of you believe in climate change?" and then people say that it's not a belief it is scientific fact. But the same is true if you ask the question "Do you believe in evolution?"
  17. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Please explain how scientific evidence has disproven the creation theory. Because it certainly hasn't proven the theory of evolution.
  18. Emileo Delcarme

    Emileo Delcarme Fapstronaut

    Watched a show late last night on CNN about the great barrier reef in Australia.

    So basically climate change is affecting the water temperature. Which in turn causes coral reefs to bleach and die out. More than a 3rd of the world's coral reefs has died it bleached in the last century. This dying out of coral reefs has an effect on the ecosystems that it supports. Scientist are trying different methods to protect and increase the number of coral reefs.

    The way I see it is the way humanity is living. Greed and lust for material things is greatly effecting the natural habitat of different species. There was a study that was recently published about this currently being the 6th mass extinction we living in. And it's all because of us humans. Who knows how messed up this planet will be in the next 50 years.
  19. hardowner

    hardowner Fapstronaut

    They just lay these structures on the sea bed and the marine growth comes back again. This underwater dessert will become a reef in a very short perion of time. Ship wrecks work too...

    Coffee Candy and Emileo Delcarme like this.
  20. 1978

    1978 Fapstronaut

    Well, I am not an expert on the topic or even a scientist myself, so it would be wrong for me to claim I know the details. But is it not the scientific consensus that evolution is true and creationism is false? Let's talk about Young Earth Creationism specifically. That holds the view that the Earth is between 6,000 and 10,000 years old, whereas the scientific consensus is that the Earth is 4.543 billion years old.

    Just to clarify, are you saying that you believe in creationism and don't think evolution is true? Or are you merely stating that you are undecided because you consider the evidence to be inconclusive?