Rounded shoulders bad posture. Need help

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by deeroo, Aug 9, 2019.

  1. deeroo

    deeroo Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone. I have a problem. I have a bad posture begin with rounded shoulders.
    Can anyone give me some exercises to fix this bad posture?(kinetotherapy exercises and muscles build,maybe without weights,just with body weight)
    Professor Abraham likes this.
  2. Beekay148

    Beekay148 Fapstronaut

    I noticed this improved my posture (if you do it consistently). Perhaps you might want to try it out. You can try Wall Angel exercise in combination too

  3. deeroo

    deeroo Fapstronaut

    thank you ,man. I find wall angle exercise very useful.
    Professor Abraham likes this.
  4. properWood

    properWood Fapstronaut

    Try yoga, helps with re-aligning the body. Personally, after a 40 minute yoga session I walk very proud for days. I practice at home, not regularly, following instructions from youtube videos.
    deeroo and Professor Abraham like this.
  5. To add to the above suggestions:

    Specifically, the problem is usually weakness in two sets of muscles: the rhomboids and the serratus anterior muscles. These muscles work together to pull the shoulders back. Weakness causes shoulder rounding. There are a variety of ways to work the rhomboids. Regular shoulder shrugs at home, row exercises (use an exercise band at home), or deadlifts (in a gym). The serratus anterior is one of the least often targeted muscles but can also be exercised effectively - I have been using 'scapular pushups'. These are easy to do, and just 10-30 a day should see results within a couple of weeks, as these will be weak and strengthen quickly.

    Personally, I am skeptical of 'quick fixes'. Yes, if we spend all the time thinking about it we can mentally always pull the shoulders back, but we need to train our muscles to do it all the time without thinking.

    I also suffer bad posture, and have been reading a lot about this, being very tall and lean. I am determined to correct this also. Good luck!

    P.s. Also worth exercising the rotator cuffs, to ensure nice healthy shoulders.
    DaveyCrockett and deeroo like this.
  6. deeroo

    deeroo Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much. By the way, I think that keeping in mind the intention to keep shoulders straight it's useful, in sense of forming a new habit . Did you try the scapula push ups? It seems to be a little difficult to do.
    Professor Abraham likes this.
  7. Scapular push-ups are really easy. Get into a regular push-up position but instead of bending arms like a normal push-ups, keep arms straight and just relax the shoulders. Your body will drop slightly, stretching the serratus and bringing the shoulder blades together. Then contract the shoulders so they do the work to straighten the body again. This will engage the serratus for 1 rep. Do a Google search on scapular push-ups, there are videos out there.
    deeroo likes this.
  8. deeroo

    deeroo Fapstronaut

    Ok. But does simple push ups and arm circles help?
    Professor Abraham likes this.
  9. No, you need to target the relevant muscle groups. Rounded shoulders are caused by muscle imbalance. You need to counter with specific strengthening exercises. They are very simple exercises you can do at home.
    deeroo likes this.
  10. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    Pushups will just make it worse, focus on pulling movements, such as bent over rows/rows in general, shrugs, face pulls, deadlifts, pull ups, and specific rotator cuff exercises.
    I also have the same issue, all I did in high school was bench press, I now have a nice set of chesticles, but my posture was screwed up, rounded shoulders and hunched posture. Now I focus on pulling 3 days a week and pressing 2 days a week, and I am noticing differences. Ideally I want to get to the point where I can row 225 for reps, and that should solve the issue of imbalance.
    Professor Abraham likes this.
  11. Yes, this is the classic situation: a lot of people forget about the back and concentrate on what they see in the mirror. However, the classic V shape with good posture is mostly back and core. Further, as you say, if you don't balance exercises properly you end up misshapen and get more injuries.
    deeroo and DerSchütze like this.
  12. deeroo

    deeroo Fapstronaut

    So what do you think guys about this program:
    every day:
    -3/4 or 5 sets of 15-30 reps of scapular push-ups
    -3/4 or 5 sets of 5 reps of Wall Angel
    -exercises from this video 3 sets
    Is this program good?
    Professor Abraham likes this.
  13. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    It's something, if you stick with it I'm sure you would see results, but you'll need to be consistent, you're most likely undoing years of bad posture and it won't be corrected overnight. I would suggest also going to the gym and work on strengthening your back.
    Professor Abraham and deeroo like this.
  14. deeroo

    deeroo Fapstronaut

    A kinetoterapist said that my shoulder problem isn't big. It's very small. In some way I want to prevent it. And I am 15 yo, so I don't have "many years" of bad posture.
    Professor Abraham likes this.
  15. DeepParkWater

    DeepParkWater Fapstronaut

    Stretch a lot train eith weights as you train your posture will adjust. As i kid I had slumped shoulders after several years of lifting i have broad wide shoulders since my back muscles pull my shoulders back and my chest also pushes them back
    Professor Abraham and deeroo like this.
  16. Di.Do.555

    Di.Do.555 Fapstronaut

    I have tried the resistance band exercises and it works very well so far.
    Professor Abraham and deeroo like this.
  17. deeroo

    deeroo Fapstronaut

    Thank you
    Professor Abraham likes this.