Protein Shake question

Discussion in 'Nutrition and Supplements' started by Deleted Account, Jul 9, 2019.

  1. Davinblake

    Davinblake Fapstronaut

    Actually no? Your body surely prefers glicogen over aminos to create atp, but after your well passed 9h of fast, all the carbs you had are already fat/used. So your body will just go for the second easiest nutrient if it needs spikes of energy, it being proteins. Sure working out while on empty(-ier) stomach is good for a lot of reasons, but you must regulate intensity.

    Btw, high quality and brand sheer proteins are literally the ones you have in your milk/eggs/almonds or soy[etc.] just dehidrated and seered in a confection. And why do you have to debunk science. Literally thousands and thousands of people have wasted their lives studying on real humans with real results for science and you all still don't believe we're nothing but electricity based plants who can connect thoughts better than monkeys
  2. There is no risk if you fast less than 24 hours, and it is based on SCIENCE (that i trust with a brain, stop being sarcastic)
    Stop being afraid of stupid unjustified fears and try to think by youself.
    If you theory was true tons of people would be dead in poor countries, becaue they have to work without eating for sometimes, but howcould thy survive if their body use their muscles? 0 logic

    Then food isnt only protein lipids and glucids, this is an oversimplified view of it. A protein from ur little powder it totally different compared to naturals ones. Their are tons of little mechanism that we ignore with food, but the industrials need money so they sell their little poison and oh, surprise, ten years later everybody who ate their white sugar is fat. And something similars is gonna happen with proteins. But you just want instant muscles and it works so you dont care. Do what you want but dont cry some years later if you get importants muscles problems.
    I dont debunk science but i learn it with a BRAIN, and there are tona of things that we ignore, science isnt the absolute truth thats why i use my REASON, reason that helped me tp understand that we come from God creation and not from monkeys (except you maybe? Joking :)), belief that is confirmed by science.
  3. Davinblake

    Davinblake Fapstronaut

    Could've evited the monkey joke you clown. Btw i'm just saying that for sheer muscle building it isn't optimal because you don't have those sugars to keep you up with hard work. Also if you train too hard you might encounter nausea and (this actually never happened to me) fatigue. And no, i've never taken protein powders and no, the problem of granulated sugar isn't about how "fat" that makes you, it's about the shit it carries through processing.
  4. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Get away from the pseudo-science that gets passed off as expert knowledge in forums. Pick up "Bigger, Leaner, Stronger" by Michael Matthews--basically the fitness bible. No fads, no tricks--just tried and true, heavily researched, sports-nutrition and training wisdom that has stood the test of time. I swear by that book, and at the risk of sounding arrogant, I think it shows.

  5. Davinblake

    Davinblake Fapstronaut

    Man, you're huge! Btw I usually just study the subject from sages or essays of scientists and researchers.
  6. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    Amino acids are amino acids, if you need protein whey and casein are good sources. It's just milk protein without all the fat and sugar (which aren't bad things by the way, your body needs fuel).
    Looking good, what do you do for those forearms?
  7. You guys are too native.
    First of all the food is much more complicated that what you imagine, but u wont understand before u get health problems (i dont wish it but sadly it might happens if u eat this deads proteins).
    And now u get amazed with an image.
    Lets suppose that this wasnt photoshoped in 2019 :)
    So what, he is young and everyone can get muscles really fast with this proteins, the problem is about keeping it with time, these muscles are built too fast because the proteins are too easy to be used fpr the body, and sadly people had health problems like degenerative muscles after a while, but ofc their story wont be shown at the first plan, all the people that had problems are ignored and deleted, the industrials need to sell their poison.
    Btw just a little reminder, science was promoting smoking at the beginning :)

    Maybe i am all wrong and this guy is really strong and he eats healthy meals and no fake proteins powders and he worked hard for it, then i respect him; a good soul in a good body, we need both.
  8. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    Can you provide sources for some of these claims of degenerative muscle disorders from consuming whey or casein protein powders?
  9. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    True, but the difference between whey and casein is that whey is more rapidly absorbed, and casein tends to be absorbed more slowly. When you're trying to make protein available to your muscles right after destroying them in a hard lifting session, I'm a much bigger supporter of whey. But generally speaking, they're both good options.

    Nothing to target them directly, unless you count decades of PMO.

    I just push myself to lift heavy. If you're doing heavy lat pulldowns, bicep curls, deadlifts, etc., then your forearms will naturally grow as you get stronger to accommodate the weight.

    It was photoshopped because this is a forum about porn and masturbation, and I like to maintain some level of anonymity. I only shared the image because I think the proof is in the pudding. I'm not just some guy who sits around reading about fitness. I actually understand this stuff pretty well and have incorporated it into my life with a fair amount of success.

    Dude, I'm 42. I haven't noticed any big muscle degeneration yet. In fact, I'm stronger right now than I've ever been in my entire life.
  10. I meant photoshopped the muscles... not the face ofc no one wd be proud to show his identity here.

    42 is young in my opinion, but most of the time we realise it later when we get even older. When did u begin to take whey? Its a bit like smoking, u dont get a cancer the first day u smoked, but some years later the damages appears, like fapping too, instant gratification; big muscles; but pied etc later ; weak muscles and other deseases linked to it...

    I read stories of people that after they stopped consuming whey lost muscles really fast, ofc fake muscles built really fast wont stay forever, thats a first problem.
    The consequences arent only in the muscles, there are on the stomach too for example, the best comparison is with a smoker. Thy dont only get lungs cancer, they also lose their teeths etc and tons of other problems in the whole body.
    There are some good points here

    But nowadays we think that we are little gods that can do everything they want and have all the knowledge about everything. Our knowledge compared to God is like a sand grain in the desert.

    But industrial dont care about it, they do studies on short times and they sell their product. The food you eat is 90% responsible of ur global health, if u wanna play with it for instant musces do it, but later on dont be surprised if u get tons of health problems,like a smoker crying when he gets a cancer. Some are simply selling death (cigarettes for example) and it is tolerated, so... dont be surprised.
    I dont force anyone, u are free to chose, use ur reason and logic, think about the risks and the benefits and take your decision.
    God bless you
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2019
  11. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Exactly what evidence do you have that I photoshopped my muscles? (FYI: I didn't).

    First off, whey protein will not "build your muscles really fast." You need to work your ass off in the gym for an extended period of time (at least several months, and typically a couple of years) in order to build real muscle. Whey protein helps, but trust me--it took nearly a decade of hard work in order to look the way I look.

    And of *course* people lose muscle when they stop consuming protein supplements. Protein is basically muscle food. If someone loses muscle mass when they stop taking whey, that doesn't show that whey was some kind of cheat--it's because they've significantly reduced their protein intake.

    No one should get the majority of their protein intake from manufactured supplements. But the fact remains, if you want to build muscle, you need to be consuming 1g of protein / lb. of bodyweight. For me, that's 189g of protein. That's very hard to consume just from food alone, so supplementing with a 35g protein shake makes a big difference for me, and I've experienced zero of the problems you've described, and I've been taking whey protein off and on for well over 20 years.

    Michael Matthews wrote a book called "Bigger, Leaner, Stronger", and for all intents and purposes, I consider it the fitness bible. Nothing else comes close to the well-researched knowledge in that book. No fads, no bro-science, just tried-and-true methods for getting stronger. Here's an article he put out about whey protein:
  12. nancylyne

    nancylyne New Fapstronaut

    You can take protein shake any time, if you aren’t experiencing any digestive discomfort. Mostly people intake the protein shake after training on an empty stomach. Then within an hour or so, eat a food meal.

    Go for a protein shake that is easily digestible and repairs the muscle quickly. For me, I buy products from Raw Nutritional because It has Digezymes advance the latest Digestive Enzymes Technology that makes the absorption quicker.

    I love Raw Nutritional because it provides good quality vegan protein powder at such an affordable price.
  13. yes you can but i would prefer food over shakes , mainly because the dairy ist doing your body very good