How to replace the dopamine rush?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Aug 7, 2019.

  1. Hey guys,
    Everything is in the tittle.

    I didn't know why i was still watching porn even if i didn't like it anymore and realize that watch it for the dopamine rush. What healthy activity can release the same amount of dopamine?
    Asgardian36 and Flyhigh like this.
  2. DeepParkWater

    DeepParkWater Fapstronaut

    There isnt anything healthy that will give you that much dopamine other than sex which if used in excess isnt healthy either from what i can think of.

    Rather try to do things that give you a dopamine hit in milder doses. Reading self improvement exercise(endorphins). At the end of the day the dopamine hit isnt as strong but healing inevitably makes you seek out healthier behaviors which is the goal.

    Dont expect to find something else that will give you a similar rush. I tried to replace PMO with sex and that had a bunch of consequences too. Itll most likely lead you back to porn since youll have sex in a way that makes you chase thr O rather than healthier sex overall
    MadJackMcMad, SuperFan and Exadict like this.
  3. Wayne Kest

    Wayne Kest Fapstronaut

    Works surprisingly well
    Deleted Account and Exadict like this.
  4. You don't need to replace the dopamine 'rush'. That level of dopamine is unnatural which is why it mess's up addicts.
    Rather, you need to have constructive things to do such as exercising, working, reading, hobbies, dating, socialising. If you're busy your not going to be thinking/obsessing about porn.
  5. Yea you're probably right guys, i'll try to stay busy as much as possible. Thanks for your answers.
    MadJackMcMad and Kiz Whalifa like this.
  6. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    An hour of aerobic exercise daily like cycling/running/swimming will give you a great dopamine fix lasting all day. It kept me from relapsing in early months.
    Exercise as a Treatment for Depression [Scientific Review]:

    Dr. Patrick discusses some of the compelling science including observational studies, randomized controlled trials, and human mechanistic studies that suggests exercise is a powerful tool for preventing or managing the symptoms of depression and mental illness. Moreover, she talks about the specific types of exercise and exercise parameters that evidence suggests might be the most helpful for depression.

    SUMMARY: 60 minutes of Vigorous (70-80% max HR) daily aerobic exercise (running, cycling) is a must. Weight training is a plus.

  7. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    this is a great thread. Thanks for asking, man! Exercise definitely help.
    PS: I don't know what the fuzz about that audio is, its unbearable and giving me a headache. I think all the suporting comments for that video are just plain sarcasm. :D
    Exadict likes this.
  8. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    I would also be careful of substitutes that mimic the dopamine rush, even though it might not be as extreme.

    For instance, do you find yourself browsing social media way more than you're comfortable with? Because the endless feed of new content provides a similar novelty that porn does. Same thing if you're compulsively swiping on dating apps.

    I delete Instagram off my phone during the day. It's not even there. At night, I re-download it long enough to check messages, see a few new posts, browse for maybe 20 minutes, and then it gets deleted again. It's been a really helpful little hack. Personally, I don't have the willpower to "just not check it" during the day. So I boot that shit off my phone, and it's out of sight, out of mind.
    Exadict and Fenix Rising like this.
  9. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    I agree and want to add a little bit: It won't even be necessary to have the same kind of rush. When you get your addiction under control, your worn-out dopamine receptors will slowly but surely come back, meaning you will be more sensetive to dopamine again. Therefore, the normal level of dopamine you get from let's say exercising, will be enough to give you a similiar feeling. By flooding our brains with a shit ton of dopamine by watching porn, we only broke our dopamine receptors. Thus, the insane amount of dopamine we're after, is only a compensation for lower receptors. In other words: After a while, the high levels of dopamine don't result in a greater rush. We simply need more to feel the same rush. By reversing the process, a natural dosis of dopamine will be enough to do the trick.
    countdown, Exadict and Fenix Rising like this.
  10. I'm planning to get a new bike so i'll try cycling as much as possible, also i walk quite often wich is good but, i don't know about you guys, i'm always hard after a long walk, i don't know why but it makes me kinda scared to cycling because i don't want to fight the urges that comes after it. Any idea why i have one and what should i do?

    Well, my phone just died so i won't be able to look at instagram anymore :D but i get your point. I think a lot about deleting or restraining my time on social media, i think i'll give it a try for a while because i relapse sometimes just because of a random post on twitter or instagram...

    That's a very good point, i never thought about that. Thank you :)