Does anybody here has varicocele? Please help

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by RealMe, Aug 2, 2019.

  1. RealMe

    RealMe Fapstronaut

    I am 24 and I have varicocele in the left side(probably grade 3) for the past 7 years or more. I have no problem with it except looking like a big bag of worms which makes my scrottum hang very low in the left side than right most of the time.

    I will most probably get TR (Temporary rejection) in the medical test that i am going to attend for a job that I want most.

    I have been masturbating 4 to 5 times a week for well over a decade and porn for the past 6 years. My question is can i cure it without going for a surgery? I mean can i cure it with not fapping anymore? My question kinda seem dumb but I am serious. Please reply if you have any experience with varicocele.
  2. Are you sure varicocele is affecting your sperm count in any way? Just because you have that doesn’t always mean it affects your fertility, there are lots of men with varicocele that don’t have issues.

    Doctors recommend getting a semen analysis to see if your fertility is affected in any way, and they would want to know if you’re having pain or discomfort in that area as well. There are two types of common surgeries for that procedure, and there is also one less common non surgical option called percutaneous embolization which works just as well supposedly.

    Unfortunately there is no way to get rid of it naturally without doing one of those methods above, if left for many years there’s apparently even a risk of permanently losing fertility and having the testical atrophy in severe cases. All in all it’s worth getting a checkup for because if it is affecting your fertility and there is a problem, at least something can be done about it.
    RealMe likes this.
  3. RealMe

    RealMe Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your comment mate. I am also thinking about getting my semen analysed. I don't have any discomfort or pain for this much years. But it would be wise to do the test.

    My mom has varicose vain in her leg. She hasn't done anything about it, may be it was gene related that i got it, I am not sure. Any way I was really afraid of the surgery and i have heard embolization is not effective compared to micro surgery. First I will visit the doctor and take it from there. Thanks.
  4. Yoooooo I have the exact same thing! I vividly remember at first thinking I had testicular cancer but after going to the doctors.. he explained to me that it was varicocele. I even made a post years ago in the Christian group asking for prayers b/c I really thought it was something serious. I don’t know if I’m necessarily cured but I don’t feel any pain anymore down there. Hope everything works out for you!
    RealMe likes this.
  5. RealMe

    RealMe Fapstronaut

    Thanks mate. Did you just let it be or have you done any surgery? I didn't have any pain for the past 7 years or more but when I lift more weight in the gym I kinda feel some dull feeling of pain down there. I don't know if it's just mind or real. I am kinda confused. what about you, do you lift? what the doctor told you about it? I hope we would be okay. god bless
  6. I just let it be. Have you seen a doctor? I think that’s the best thing to do. I do lift but not that much lol
    red1512 and RealMe like this.
  7. RealMe

    RealMe Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply mate. I don't want to see a doctor yet. I won't do pmo and see what happens to it. Thanks again.
    red1512 likes this.
  8. I dont wanna break ur hopes but nofap wont cure it, at least it can stop it and maybe reduce it a little but we need something else if we wanna get rid of it.
    RealMe likes this.
  9. RealMe

    RealMe Fapstronaut

    Thanks for stopping by brother. I would be very much satisfied if nofap can be able to stop it from getting bad or even reduce it a bit. God bless.
    Yep u do likes this.
  10. Mihadom

    Mihadom Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I feel you, just got diagnosed with it today, second grade varicocele on left testis along with epididymal cyst. Operation could not be the cure, as varicocele could return back. Hope there are natural ways to cure and reverse it. Dunno about the cyst, it scares me more than varicocele. I still have to do ultrasound check. Just hoping we all get cured from this (if possible, naturally).
  11. RealMe

    RealMe Fapstronaut

    I also hope it can be cured naturally. Years of pmo, I can't complain. You have a fantastic days on the tracker, keep going.

    Did you get the result of ultrasound? What did your doctor say about it? I hope everything's gonna be alright. God bless.
    Mihadom likes this.
  12. It will not cure naturally, go for surgery.
  13. NEVER.
    Too risk, too stupid.
  14. Mihadom

    Mihadom Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Still have to do ultrasound, next month probably. I'll inform. I also think that my varicocele was a result of excessive PMO, also sitting and smoking, not exercising, there are many things that contributed. Hope we'll get better with time.
    RealMe likes this.
  15. It is a routine operation.

    A varicocele can get worse and make you infertile. Better get rid of it.
  16. Mihadom

    Mihadom Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Unforunately, the operation doesn't guarantee that varicocele won't return again.
    Yep u do likes this.
  17. Some people lived all their life with it and even had kids, i am not bothered atm so i wont take useless risks. And i dont like the operation, cutting the vein isnt a good solution in my opinion, maybe one day they will find something else, and maybe their is a cure in some chinese or indian medecine.
  18. red1512

    red1512 Fapstronaut

    If yall are reading this ..yes natural treatment can help a lot
  19. Mihadom

    Mihadom Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Did some stuff and research lately, so it might help someone. Cooling the testicle 2x day, preventing testicle overheating works too (especially if you are sitting much, they basically overheat), exercise to get the blood flowing is important, if you smoke, quit, reduce caffeine, drink only water, forget about alcohol, sleep on your back if you can, stress less. Also, one thing that is really important is your posture, you wouldn't believe how much it can impact varicocele formation and pain. There are plenty of videos on Youtube where you can adress postural imbalances and start working on improving them.

    I have grade 2 varicocele, months before I've had pains, but doing the stuff above the pain subsided, and varicocele is way less visible. I'd suggest if you can, avoid surgery at all cost. Good luck everyone.
    RealMe likes this.