I'm slipping back into P...

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Chiaro, Apr 8, 2015.

  1. Chiaro

    Chiaro Fapstronaut

    Hey guys.

    So I've finally decided to post how I feel about this challenge. This really won't be a long post, I'll keep everything brief.

    So when I started, everything was going great. I was happy that I could control my urges and I could sit in front of my pc the whole day without looking at a single "streak threatening" file.

    I'm now on day 57. Over the last few days, I've been convincing myself that if I just get a glimpse - just a home page of my favourite site - I'll be set. I've been convincing myself that I "deserve" this break. Tonight I've realised that these thoughts will be the fall of me and if I do happen to relapse, I wouldn't know what to do.

    I need your support, guys. I can't go back to that life, again. I just can't.
  2. The Eleven

    The Eleven Fapstronaut

    You already know the answer, Chiaro. Just a glimpse won't be enough. What you really deserve is to find a way to resist this temptation and stay on the path, not to give in to temptation and all of the shame and disappointment that will follow.

    So, what is your plan to stop from blowing this up?
    Kurapika and BallsOfSteel like this.
  3. steez

    steez Fapstronaut

    hold on , this phase will pass and you will become even stronger person after withstanding it
    just make sure you have something to do, don't use your computer too much now, it is risky
    Chiaro likes this.
  4. brickhead16

    brickhead16 Fapstronaut

    This! Every tempatation during nofap is basically just a big or small urge, that WILL pass. You just gotta have this mindset, and think of what's to come tommorow!
  5. Don't give in. Do something else. Take a walk. Go to a movie. A "peek" is the start down a slippery slope. You don't want to even crack the door the least little bit. You'll feel much better in the long run, but if you slip, you'll feel miserable for a lot longer.
  6. Chiaro

    Chiaro Fapstronaut

    I appreciate the replies guys. Really means a lot. I'm still holding on - not giving in. Much support on this page :)
    SerpentEagleHeart likes this.
  7. ChangeofDavid

    ChangeofDavid Fapstronaut

    Yes Chiaro, keep holding on! I logged onto an old computer that had nasty links. I cleared the browser history and logged on NoFap. Let's keep it up.
    Chiaro likes this.
  8. Chiaro

    Chiaro Fapstronaut

    Well the reason why I posted this was that I hoped someone would help me come up with an action plan. So far, I've been avoiding confrontation with anything relating to sexual activity. That alone can only get me so far.

    I believe self-control is the best way to beat this so I'd say that my plan would be teaching myself how to control my thoughts in different situations and not allow myself to relapse.
  9. ChangeofDavid

    ChangeofDavid Fapstronaut

    Self control is best summed up in Will Power by Roy F. Baumeister. You only have so much will power and you use the same fuel for every decision you make. To give up an addiction is hard and when doing so it is best to not give up anything else. If you are having trouble controlling urges eat or sleep to regain will power. I found this out mid NoFap and eat a little when I feel low. Lack of will power is why most people fail. Eat or sleep to regain self-control.
  10. Cute Hipster

    Cute Hipster Banned - Posting Porn

    same thing happening with me ...

    i am on day 55 .. Everything was Going Great but on 53 day I was Feeling I have to Relapse now .. You know 53 days without PMO Makes us So much Horny so even when we see a Girl In Clothes then Strong Erection and Strong Urges Comes in Mind ..

    Now a days i am Fighting with myself not to feel Horny and Never Go to PMO.. Also You Have to Fight These Urges and Never Go Back to PMO in Your Life If You Relapse then Your Whole struggle of 57 Days will Destroy..
  11. The Eleven

    The Eleven Fapstronaut

    With respect, that's not a plan it's a statement of intention. How do you plan to teach yourself how to control your thoughts? Wanting it isn't enough. You have to work at it.
  12. Chiaro

    Chiaro Fapstronaut

    I saw your other post in "Rebooting" on how you were struggling with Late night wood. That's me every time I have to study late.

    I get tempted very quickly now. I really can't give up, though. It's day 60 and the thought of resetting my counter back to 0 is just... It's a NO!
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2015
  13. Chiaro

    Chiaro Fapstronaut

    Well I heard the best ways to help you control your urges are through Yoga and Meditation. Working out also helps

    1: Search for "How to meditate" vids on YouTube.
    2: Search for "Beginner Yoga tutorials".
    3: Fit the two in my schedule.
    3: Do both at least once a day and keep track of minutes spent.
    4: Increase intensity with my gym workout
    5: Next week, introduce jogging in my workouts
    6: After week 2, increase intensity/level of Yoga

    With the schedule I have, that's as detailed as I can go.
    SerpentEagleHeart likes this.
  14. SerpentEagleHeart

    SerpentEagleHeart Fapstronaut

    Ah man amazing to find this thread at the top of the board because I just came home and a news site I was looking at had a 'news story' that was obviously just P masquerading as news. Instead of going past it I looked at it and for about 2 mins, and couldn't stop myself from looking (though I didn't M or O).

    Funny, though, about what @roifwoha said: I felt exactly the same, very 'out of place'. After the sudden rush of getting an erection it actually became less and less attractive to me and I was able (after a couple of minutes or so) to move on quite quickly. My erection actually faded looking at it because it became quite depressing. I knew that it was just another part of that industry and wasn't a 'real' person. Which is progress, I guess!

    However, yes, fears about slippery slopes are looming in my mind. This is my first slip up in two weeks and I aim to make it my last.
    Chiaro, Caveat Emptor and roifwoha like this.
  15. Cute Hipster

    Cute Hipster Banned - Posting Porn

    i dnt knw wat to do but i dont want to reset my counter at any price... can we chat it will help us both to share views about our journey? because we are on same track
  16. Chiaro

    Chiaro Fapstronaut

    Sure, man. Seems like a good idea. We'll keep in touch through our inboxes.
    Cute Hipster likes this.
  17. Mrbabaoje

    Mrbabaoje Fapstronaut

    Don't do it man. I did it and I feel awful and just weird. I didn't masturbate but I feel like I let myself down by looking. That shame will only make you feel worst. Stay strong.
    Caveat Emptor likes this.